CENSUS RADIO BROADCAST SERVICE Edition #152--For Air Beginning Week of March 20, 1995 "Just a Minute," Runs :60 CAGLE: "Just a Minute," a look at American agriculture with Joe Miller. Joe, chicken is increasingly a staple of the American diet. What states give us most of the supply we have of chicken? MILLER: If we look at the results of the most recent Census of Agriculture, the answer has to be given as a block--the solid South. The South is definitely the nation's leading area for the production of chicken. All five of the top states are in the South. If we look at broiler production, what some people used to call fryers, the leading states from first through fifth are Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Mississippi. These five states account for 60 percent of the five-and-a-half billion broiler chickens raised nationally in 1992. This accounts for 20 chickens annually for each person in the United States. CAGLE: "Just a Minute" is produced by the U.S. Census Bureau.