CENSUS RADIO BROADCAST SERVICE Edition #153--For Air Beginning Week of March 27, 1995 "Just a Minute," Runs :60 CAGLE: "Just a Minute," a look at American agriculture with Joe Miller. Joe, we know California leads the nation in sales of agricultural products, but by how much? MILLER: California is by far and away the first place producer of agricultural products in our country--they sell more than 10 percent of all agricultural products produced nationally. Texas is second, and it leads in the number of farms; Iowa is third in dollar value of farm sales, but is first in the production of corn; Kansas is fourth, but is first in the production of fat cattle; and Nebraska is fifth in farm sales, but is first in the production of irrigated corn. All this information comes from the Census Bureau's 1992 ranking of states and counties, which ranks commodities in 90 important agricultural categories. CAGLE: "Just a Minute" is produced by the U.S. Census Bureau.