CENSUS RADIO BROADCAST SERVICE Edition #152--For Air Beginning Week of March 20, 1995 The Christmas Holidays Good for Retailers, Runs 1:14 DONALDSON: Among the many traditions of the Christmas season is the sound that is music to the ears of the nation's retailers--the chimes and jingles of the cash register. Last December, the merchants got a pleasant earful of their favorite tune. The Census Bureau's Ron Piencykoski reports on the shopping spirit of Christmas past. PIENCYKOSKI: The total retail sales were up about 5 percent. And this compares to the Christmas season of 1993, when sales were only up about 4 percent. However, it wasn't quite as good as the Christmas season of 1992, when sales were actually up 7 percent. DONALDSON: The retail figures, which exclude automotive goods, reveal areas of strength and weakness. PIENCYKOSKI: The sales of the furniture group--which includes computers and big-screen TV's--they were the strongest of all of the categories, and they were up about 12 percent. Apparel sales were only up about 3 percent. DONALDSON: Piencykoski adds that department stores enjoyed a Christmas boom, with sales up a seasonally adjusted 7 percent over 1993's holiday volume. This is Lyn Donaldson reporting.