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Sites which contain the word texts

Abraham Lincoln
African Reparations Movement (ARM)
AIC Statistics Tutorial
American Literature Survey Site
Athena: Authors & Texts
Atomium Brussels
Banned Books Online
Baragona's Chaucer Page
Ben Okri Page
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Bibliothèque de l'ABU
Books in Chains
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
The Brown University Women Writers Project
The Burrito Page
The Camelot Project
Canadian Literary Archive Services
Le Cantal (Hebergement NET 15)
The Castle: Joseph K.'s Franz Kafka Homepage
A Celebration of Women Writers
Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Montréal
Classic Chemistry Page
Collected French Verse from the Oxford Book of French Verse of 1908
La Collection de Musée du Québec
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Conques de l'an mil à l'an 2000
Dibaajimowinan idash Aadizookaanag (Traditional and True Native American Stories)
The Dickens Page
Earth and Sky Online
English Language Resources
The English Server
Fleurs Plantes Jardins
Florilège Anthologie hypertextuelle de la Poésie Française
Fourth World Documentation Project
French Collection at the University of Virginia, The
Georges de la Tour
Gothic Literature 1764-1820
Hanover College History Department: Texts and Documents
Henry James Scholar's Guide to Web Sites
Histoire de la Normandie
Institut Curie La Science au Service de l'Homme Section Recherche
The Internet Classics Archive
Internet Resources in Literature
James Dawe's Jane Austen Page
Jane Austen Info Page
L'univers des Belles-Lettres Africaines les Femmes Ecrivains et les Littératures Africaines
The Labyrinth
Lewis Carroll Home Page
The Life and Works of Herman Melville
The Literary Gothic
Literature Hotlist
Medieval Drama Links
The Middle English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
MIDI Madagasikara
The Milton-L Home Page
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Native American Authors
Native American Indian Resources
Native Lit-L: A Mailing List for Native Literature
News, Magazines, and Broadcast Media Resources
The Objectivism Resource Guide
People's Republic of China
The Perseus Project
La Planète Mars
Présidence de la République Françise
Primate Gallery
Public Domain Modern English Search
The Pushkin Page
Rabelais et son temps
Researching American Literature on the Internet
Samuel Johnson
Seamus Heaney
The Sixties Project and Viet Nam Generation, Inc.
Snagged Links: On Modern World Drama
Spa Francorchamps (Belgium)
St. Barthélemy Antilles Françaises
The T. S. Eliot Page
Texts and Contexts
Théodore de Banville Oeuvres poétiques complètes
Toutes les Fables de Jean de la Fontaine
University of Lancaster (UK), Department of French Studies LANFRANC: Banque de textes français
Useful Resources for Teaching and Learning Spanish
Victorian Women Writers Project
Voici l'Ontario
Western Canon, The
The Wiretap Electronic Text Archive
Work in Progress: A James Joyce Website
The Writers' Workshop: Online Resources for Writers
Writing Black