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Nathaniel Hawthorne

Everything you could possibly want to know about the author of The Scarlet Letter and probably a good deal more</1>can be found at this site or by its links to related Web sites. Created by a Hawthorne fanatic, this site includes an extensive timeline of dates and events, a biographical summary, E-texts for most of his novels, sketches, and magazine pieces even a description of a dinner with Henry Thoreau. Also found here are bibliographies of Hawthorne's writings and criticism, favorite quotes by the master, memoirs of him by contemporaries, and much more. Do you know the relation between Hawthorne and Mount Everest, Neil Simon, Lionel Trilling, Rube Goldberg, MGM, Cal Coolidge, Meyer Lansky, and Henrietta Leavitt (the Cepheid variables astronomer)? See if more people celebrate on Hawthorne's birthday than celebrate on John Lennon's.

Not available.

Eric Eldred, eldred@tiac.net


English and Literature
