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The T. S. Eliot Page

A helpful site on T. S. Eliot offering texts of his works as well as criticisms, parodies, and allusions to his work. The Eliot Cluster contains useful background works on Eliot; there are links to a mailing list and discussion groups as well as other sites and biographies. The bulk of the site consists of a listing of his major works. Some listings, such as "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," "The Wasteland," and "The Hollow Men," include allusions and sources, criticism, parodies, and mentions in other works besides the text. Other works listed have only the text available: "Preludes," "The Journey of the Magi," "Ash Wednesday," "Four Quartets," and "Macavity: The Mystery Cat."

Not available.

Bruce Bong

English, Literature

English and Literature
