MacTech News

MacTech News

Feb 06
[MD1] Amelio's Shareholder Mtg Speech
Dear Developers - Here is the text of Gil Amelio's Apple Shareholders' Meeting address. If you are interested in the direction and goals that Apple is setting, I recommend that you read it. Here are a couple of things that we'll call out to you: 1. There are new and impressive people in charge of marketing. 2. Rumor has it that the new PowerBook -- code named Hooper -- is really going to kick some butt. 3. Last quarter, the Mac OS (as opposed to Apple's hardware business alone) actually GREW 9% -- not shrank as the generic press would lead you to believe. Motorola, who sold 40,000 Mac OS units at Comdex, believes that these sales are new units, not something they are taking from Apple. I apologize for the length of this message -- but I thought it worthy. Neil Ticktin MacTech Magazine ========= Good morning. Members of the Board, Apple Executives, Fellow Shareholders, Fellow Employees. Welcome and thank you for coming. Our annual...
Feb 05
[MD1] NeoAccess used in NetObjects
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NeoLogic Technology Deployed in NetObjects Fusion NeoAccess Enables Highly Efficient Storage and Access of Objects in NetObjects Web Site Development Tool Berkeley, CA -- February 5, 1997 -- NeoLogic Systems Inc. announced today that its object database engine, NeoAccess, has been integrated as the database technology behind NetObjects' advanced web site construction product, NetObjects Fusion. Released in September, 1996, NetObjects Fusion allows developers to build professional quality, feature-rich web sites using a graphical user interface which virtually eliminates traditional HTML programming. "NeoAccess' small memory footprint and its ability to search rapidly through vast amounts of data, along with its well developed programming interface, was instrumental in the rapid development of NetObjects Fusion," said Martin Frid-Nielsen, vice president of engineering for NetObjects Inc. NetObjects Fusion has been designed to simplify the process of building web...
Feb 05
[MD1] Reference Manual for Chipmunk BASIC
From: (csaw) I have put together an html reference manual for Chipmunk Basic, which is a freeware interpreted Basic provided by Ronald Nicholson. He describes it as "an old-fashioned Basic interpreter", but he keeps adding features that are not very old-fashioned, like IAC, graphics extensions, object-oriented type and class definition, domain name resolution, and fast Fourier transform. Chipmunk Basic can be downloaded from Mr. Nicholson's Chipmunk Basic Home Page, The reference manual is also available there, but in a simplified form without enhanced navigation. I have posted the complete package to alt.source-code.mac. -Steve Wise
Feb 05
[MD1] WindowMenu
From: Joseph Strout ( I've added another little code module to my public collection... this one creates a "Windows" menu (you know, lists the open windows; pick one from the menu to bring it to the front). It's in C, and only requires a few calls to get the functionality (works fine from C++ too). Should work on any system or with any framework (or lack thereof). See: and click on "WindowMenu". Share and Enjoy, -- Joe P.S. The SimpleVector class has been much improved, thanks to some great feedback from Jesse Jones ( Available at same URL.
Feb 05
[MD1] Updating ANSI C/C++ from CW/10 to CW/11
From: Ron Liechty ( CodeWarriors, With CW/11 Metrowerks has changed the default ANSI C and C++ Libraries from a version licensed from Plum-Hall to Metrowerks owned libraries. These Libraries all source codes as well as projects you can modify to build custom libraries are located in the Metrowerks Standard Library folder, and are referred to as MSL C and MSL C++. We are still providing (and will continue to provide for some time) the older versions of the ANSI C and C++ libraries. These are located on the CodeWarrior Tools CD in the Metrowerks CodeWarrior : ( Obsolete ANSI Libraries) folder. Providing our own libraries allows us to ship the source code so users that want to build their own custom libraries or fine tune the provided code may do so. Furthermore, the Proposed ANSI/ISO Standard for C++ is now in the final stages and this new MSL C++ Library is more compliant than the previous Plum Hall version. If you are updating older projects moving to these...
Feb 04
[MD1] Roaster Licenses ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library
Press Contacts: ObjectSpace, Inc. Joel Zeff (214) 823-8242 eMail: Roaster Technologies Judith Steinbaum 617-876-7680 x1818 eMail: Roaster Technologies Licenses ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library Cambridge, Massachusetts (February 4, 1997) Roaster Technologies, a pioneer provider of tools for Java developers, and ObjectSpace, Inc., a leading provider of object-oriented technology, today announced a strategic licensing agreement. ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library (JGL) will be included with Roaster Technologies' eagerly awaited "Roaster Release 3" development environment for Java. "We are very excited about the Java Generic Library being included with Roaster," said Graham Glass, Director of Advanced Research for ObjectSpace. "The cutting-edge productivity benefits that Roaster brings to Java programmers will mean that our class libraries will be used to their fullest." JGL provides developers with over 11 data structures and 75 generic...
Feb 04
[MD1] WebSonar for the Net
Contact: Philip Van Cleave Virginia Systems, Inc. (804) 739-3200/FAX: (804) 739-8376 Email: WebSonar Powerful New Text Retrieval System for the Internet February 5, 1997, Midlothian, Virginia. Virginia Systems announced WebSonar, a new addition to their text retrieval product line. WebSonar allows users to publish information quickly and easily on either the Internet or an intranet, without having to convert their files into an HTML format. Based on Virginia Systems' Sonar Professional search engine, WebSonar can search over 12,000 pages per second, displaying the full content and exact page numbers of all found documents. Searching can be performed by any computer running a browser. WebSonar's features include: * Boolean, proximity, wild card, synonym, and phonetic searching. Synonym searching allows the user to search for all related information through WebSonar's built-in thesaurus. Phonetic searching allows searches to be performed by sound, if the user...
Feb 04
[MD1] Apple to ship eMate and MP 2000
Apple Intends to Ship eMate 300 and MessagePad 2000 this Quarter CUPERTINO, Calif.--Feb. 3, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. intends to ship the Apple eMate 300 and MessagePad 2000 Newton-based mobile computers this quarter as previously announced. The products are expected to be in the market next month. Both products, based on the Newton operating system, have received positive reviews from potential customers and media. The MessagePad 2000 is a handheld mobile computer for the business professional and provides desktop connectivity to both Windows and Macintosh computers. Core applications ranging from e-mail and web access to personal productivity are all built in. The MessagePad 2000, which weighs 1. 4 pounds, features the 160 MHz StrongARM processor which makes it one of the fastest handheld computers on the market. It is so power thrifty that four AA batteries can provide three to six weeks of typical usage. The eMate 300 is a low-cost mobile computer which features multi-platform...
Feb 04
[MD1] Apple Announces Reorg
Apple's New Structure Brings Sharp Focus on Key Businesses Apple Computer, Inc. today implemented a streamlined organizational structure that consolidates the Company's product development, marketing, sales, support, and operations efforts into groups sharply focused on Apple's strategy. With this organization, Apple is focusing research and development on products that are central to its key businesses, sales teams to its market strengths. It is also integrating Apple's and NeXT's development resources, to execute its OS strategy. "We are reshaping our product development, sales, and marketing efforts into simpler, leaner teams that can quickly bring exceptional products to market--and then aggressively market them to customers in our key markets" said Dr. Gilbert Amelio, Apple's Chairman and CEO. "The organization and team we're announcing today represent the right people, in the right places, to bring Apple back to its basics and return us to profitability by the end of the fiscal...
Jan 31
[MD1] Rhapsody Core OS Announcement
Dear Developers, As you know, we recently announced our intention to acquire NeXT Software, Inc. and deliver a new operating system based on NeXT and Apple technology code-named Rhapsody. At Macworld San Francisco, we shared our high level strategy and goals for this operating system. We want to share as much information as possible when important decisions have been reached. At Macworld, we indicated that Rhapsody will be based on a robust operating system foundation that features full preemptive multitasking, memory protection and SMP and we committed to announce our choice for the core OS within a month. We have chosen to deliver these capabilities using the Mach kernel. Apple completed a thorough evaluation of several options. Each of the options had both technical and business strengths. Mach represents the best balance of technology, business fit and maximizes our ability to deliver on our stated goals for Rhapsody. We believe the Mach-based core provides Apple and...
Jan 30
[MD1] Absoft Pro Fortran
Absoft is pleased to announce Pro Fortran, a new Fortran toolset for Power Macintosh. Pro Fortran is a complete development toolset which includes: F90 compiler, upgraded VAX compatible F77, and Plum Hall validated C/C++ compilers. All compilers utilize a common development environment, tools and user interface (individual compiler interfaces are also included). Selected source file will automatically invoke the proper compiler, and linker will include proper libraries. All languages are link compatible and mixed language applications can easily be created. Absoft's primary focus remains on Fortran compilers. The new F90 compiler is the first available for Power Macintosh. The upgraded F77, designed for porting legacy workstation code to the desktop now includes LS F77 extensions. New compile and runtime options allow byte swapping for porting code to/from Intel. The C/C++ compilers are included for those wishing mixed language development in a single environment. Special upgrade...
Jan 27
[MD1] FORTRAN on CodeWarrior
Fortran Warriors, I have just released v1.3.3 which makes Mac F2C fully compatible with MSL and CW11. Users can get it at: Thanks for your patience Igor Igor Mikolic-Torreira (finger for PGP public keys)
Jan 27
[MD1] Motorola C/C++ compiler for Macintosh DR4 avaible
More info here: What's New in DR4.0 for Mac OS: expanded details of optimizer's control variables general porting tips to PPC optimizing tips for PPC code/mcc usage tips list of supported pragma's is included new EDG C++ front end: 3.32 bug fixes more aggressive optimizations memset(), atan(), atan2() now in libmoto new improved memcpy in libmoto ability to selectively turn off warnings pragma unused now supported compiler supports profile driven feedback which allows the compiler to use runtime information to automatically optimize your apps installation program for all Mac OS products SPM preference panel tracebacks for debugger now generated produces output compatible with the Metrowerks Profiler (-p)
Jan 27
[MD1] MPEG for QuickTime
Apple Introduces High-Quality MPEG Software for QuickTime New QuickTime Extension Allows Playback of Popular MPEG-1 and VideoCD on PowerPC Mac OS Systems Cupertino, Calif.--Jan. 24, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced immediate availability of its' QuickTime MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) extension, enabling full-screen, software-only playback of MPEG-1 and VideoCD audio/video files on PowerPC Mac OS computers. MPEG is a worldwide industry standard for compressing synchronized audio and video for post-production and entertainment. The MPEG extension is available immediately for use with QuickTime 2.5 and may be downloaded from the QuickTime website at: Through the MPEG extension, VHS-quality, full-screen video, and CD-quality audio are now available as a synchronized data type in the QuickTime architecture. Apple has long recognized MPEG as an important industry standard and has supported hardware MPEG-1 playback on Macintosh since 1994. With...
Jan 27
[MD1] ProjectorVCS DropIn
This is a posting to announce ProjectorVCS - a CW IDE dropin that let's you connect to a ProjectorDB and do all of your VCS stuff. I have set up a little web site for it that contains the current version and some info. the url is: Comments, as always, are solicited. This constitutes a verion 1, and as such, if you use it, please pay the shareware fee. Ongoing support will definately happen. I NEED this thing too! Thanks, Phil Smy
Jan 27
[MD1] Metrowerks Acquires Latitude
METROWERKS TO ACQUIRE LATITUDE PORTING TECHNOLOGY CodeWarrior(R) To Be Hosted On Sun Microsystems(R)' Solaris(TM)-based UNIX(R) Workstations AUSTIN, Texas--January 27, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced that it had signed a letter of intention to acquire the principle assets of The Latitude Group, Inc., of Mountain View, Calif. Latitude's principle assets include a porting library which allows Mac(TM) OS applications to be ported to UNIX-hosted operating systems, including Sun Microsystems' Solaris 2.3+, Silicon Graphics(R)' IRIX(TM) 5.2+ and Hewlett-Packard(R)'s HP-UX(R) 9.03+. The Latitude porting libraries redirect Mac OS commands to the target operating system, with a UNIX library containing a portable implementation of the Mac OS API at its core. Metrowerks will also take over providing the Latitude porting technology to The Latitude Group, Inc.'s existing clients already under...
Jan 22
[MD1] Word Services SDK
The Word Services SDK 1.0.8 has been released and is available via the Web from: Word Services allows any application to link to a speller, grammar checker or other text service as if it is a built-in menu item. It is a public protocol - no license fee or non-disclosure is required to use it. Once a user has a service application, it may be shared among all their Word Services client applications, so the user needs only one dictionary. Also, the user can obtain services in various languages from several vendors and add them to each Word Services client application. It is used, for example, by Qualcomm's Eudora Pro to link to Working Software's Spellswell 7. The SDK includes the complete protocol specification, tutorial documents, and the source code to Writeswell Jr., a simple Word Services word processor. Also available from the Web page is the source to WSI NewsWatcher, a version of NewsWatcher that allows you to spellcheck your posts. The...
Jan 20
[MD1] OpenStep, VOODOO, Guide, Tenon & ETO
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * OpenStep Docs Available * VOODOO 1.8 integrates with CodeWarrior * Apple Guide Development Tool * Tenon's CodeBuilder * Apple Location Manager * Apple Releases ETO #22 Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenStep Docs Available From: Jordan Dea-Mattson Apple Dev Tools Evangelism Folks, NeXT has started to make their programmer documentation available on the web for downloading. Currently, they have the following documents online (with more to come shortly0: Discovering OPENSTEP: A Developer Tutorial Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language Foundation Reference WebObjects Library...
Jan 20
[MD1] Parts, C100, MW/NEC, Willows, Obj Master
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Part Bundles Avail Online * C100 Integrators * Metrowerks Signs Embedded Agreement with NEC * Willows RT for Embedded Systems * Altura acquires Object Master Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Bundles Avail Online January 14, 1997 In an effort to deliver a set of starter parts to end-users, six Component 100 members have agreed to bundle their products and have successfully deployed the bundles for sale on the Internet. Hutchings Software, Kantara Development, Corda Technologies, MetaMind Software, Eclipse Services, and SoftLinc are participating in the initial bundles. Users can purchase a mega-bundle, including Rapid-I(TM) Button, Kantara...
Jan 20
[MD1] BeyondRealms, Purity, 4D & Web, Blyth
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Pacific Coast's BeyondRealms * Purity Previews BeOS Web Server * Purity's WebSentinel * Web Server 4D 1.0.6 * NetLink/4D 2.0 * Blyth Releases Omins Web RAD * Blyth Offers 4D Customers Easy Migration to Omnis Web RAD Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Coast's BeyondRealms BEYONDREALMS' PROVIDES PAGE LEVEL PASSWORD PROTECTION, DYNAMIC HTML SECURITY AND CACHING FOR WEB SERVERS Pacific Coast Software introduces a new product that improves the performance and functionality of any Macintosh or Windows Web server SAN DIEGO, CALIF. (January 7, 1997) - Pacific Coast Software introduces a new product to their catalog of utilities for...
Jan 20
[MD1] SoundMaker, PowerFantasm, PowerTap, Seapine
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Allegiant publishes SoundMaker * PowerFantasm Upgrade * PowerTap * Seapine Announces TestTrack 1.5 for Mac, W95 and NT * Seapine Software and Datacraft Announce TestTrack/4D * Seapine Software Introduces Solo Bug for Mac and Windows Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Allegiant publishes SoundMaker Allegiant Technologies, Inc. 9740 Scranton Road, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel.: 619/587-0500 Fax.: 619/587-1314 Internet: Press Contacts: Kathy Episcopo, Public Relations Manager ext. 127 ALLEGIANT TO PUBLISH SOUNDMAKER Innovative sound-editing software from Micromat to complement Allegiant's award-winning line of...
Jan 16
[MD1] DayStar's 12,000 MHz Mac
DAYSTAR INTROS ANOTHER MAC FIRST! MEDIA PROCESSING NETWORKED CLUSTERS Using DayStar nPOWER Technology Demonstrates nPOWER on 12,000 MHz Genesis MP system cluster Macworld San Francisco, Booth 2407 - January 7, 1997 -- Today, DayStar Digital, Inc., unveiled the next step for nPOWER the technology that has brought new levels of processing capability to media publishing professionals. Media publishing has gone digital, and professional processing of 3D animation, video effects and final encoding outstrips current multiprocessor systems. But, by combining these systems into clusters, processing power is concentrated to solve the most challenging problems, quickly and affordably. DayStar is demonstrating the first implementation of this technology at Macworld San Francisco. Combining 16 quad processor systems for a total of 12,000 MHz of performance, nPOWER solves one of the most time consuming media tasks currently Cinepak compression (encoding). DayStar originally brought new...
Jan 16
[MD1] NeTProfessional
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NeTProfessional - Macintosh Solutions for the Internet. New Macintosh-specific magazine for network and web professionals launches January 6 Contact: Jim Capparell, Publisher, 415-957-1911 ext 11 ( Raines Cohen, Editor, 415-957-1911 ext 36 ( 612 Howard Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 NeTProfessional: Macintosh Solutions for the Internet debuts at Mactivity and Macworld Expo with 36 -page sneak preview; the full magazine premieres in March on a bi-monthly schedule and will offer full coverage of the Internet from a Macintosh perspective. Editor Raines Cohen says "NeTProfessional is about the Net, not just the Web, so in addition to regular Web coverage such as site design, maintenance, commerce and security, we will also look at intranets, e-mail solutions, news mailing lists, and the Mac Internet community as a whole." Cohen has seventeen years of experience in the Apple User Group community and spent...
Jan 16
[MD1] NI Spins Off Roaster Product Division
Contact: Judith Steinbaum 617-876-7680 x1818 Natural Intelligence Announces Spin Off of Roaster Product Division. January 6, 1997. Natural Intelligence, Inc. today issued the first of several new year announcements which reveal the new directions projected by this energetic technology company. The company will spin off its Roaster Products Division to "Roaster Technologies," a newly formed company specializing in Java Development Tools. For Natural Intelligence, this announcement officially begins the celebration of the company's upcoming 10 Year Anniversary, and is the first step of the 'New Year Resolutions' which will articulate the company's business strategies. "This is an exciting transition for all of us," said Joshua Wachs, President and CEO of Natural Intelligence. "This new arrangement liberates each company to continue to evolve and maintain its 'natural' focus. All of the Natural Intelligence energy will now be focused on our Consulting and Training...
Jan 16
[MD1] Phantom 2.0
For Immediate Release Maxum Development Announces Phantom 2.0, the Next Generation of Web Crawling for Macintosh Macworld, San Francisco, CA, January 7, 1997 -- Maxum Development Corp. today announced Phantom 2.0, a major upgrade to the currently released version, Phantom 1.1. Phantom 2.0 brings second generation Web crawling to Macintosh Webmasters and is still the only commercially available crawler/search engine for the Mac OS. As the Internet continues to expand, Web search and retrieval tools are becoming essential in making information not only available but accessible. Monolithic search engines such as Yahoo offer important services, but in many cases only add to the information overload. Phantom enables Webmasters to build targeted search and retrieval capabilities into their Web sites. It is perfect for organizations with multiple (even hundreds) of Web servers, allowing the Webmaster to make the entire site searchable from a single entry point. Phantom is also ideal for...
Jan 16
[MD1] Apple Club
Apple Enters Internet Commerce Market Web-based Club Offers One-stop Access for Software Updates MACWORLD/EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO--Jan. 7, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc., today announced it is entering the Internet commerce market with a new, web-based subscription service called Apple Club. The service, which will be initially available in the U.S., reaches out to Apple customers, developers, and service providers with high speed access to Apple software updates, newsletters, and services for the easiest, fastest, most convenient way to keep Macintosh systems up-to-date. "The Apple Club is phase one of our Internet commerce strategy for Apple solutions and services," said Mike Dionne, senior vice president and general manager of AppleAssist. "With the popularity of Internet services compounding daily, we have created easy to use 'diamond lane service' to deliver features that are valuable to our customers." Priced at U.S. $19.95 per year, the Club offers customers a full-service software...
Jan 16
[MD1] ICONIX ObjectModeler NextStep/Intel
ICONIX announces availability of ObjectModeler for NextStep/Intel ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc. ( is pleased to announce the immediate availability of all 10 ICONIX PowerTools modules, including ObjectModeler, the leading Macintosh OOA/OOD tool, for the NextStep operating system on the Intel platform. "ICONIX has been building development tools for the Macintosh since 1984, with a strong focus on object-oriented analysis and design since about 1990," stated company President Doug Rosenberg. "We think that ObjectModeler's advanced O-O modeling capabilities are a perfect match for NeXT's state-of-the-art Object-Oriented development environment. In particular, we believe ObjectModeler's support for OMT Class Modeling and Use Case driven modeling (Jacobson's Objectory) provides an excellent front-end for developing with the NeXT Enterprise Object Framework, Interface Builder, and, of course, WebObjects. We expect a significant number of new developers to begin...
Jan 16
[MD1] Lasso 2.0
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 1997 Media Contact: Bill Doerrfeld, President Blue World Communications, Inc. (206) 313-1051, Lasso 2.0 Java-Enables FileMaker Pro Contains Built-in Web Server MACWORLD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA - January 6, 1997 - Blue World Communications, Inc. will demonstrate ground breaking features to be part of the next major upgrade to its popular Lasso program. Lasso Web-enables Claris Corporation FileMaker Pro databases, providing a powerful all-in-one dynamic Web data publishing solution. Java-Enabling FileMaker Pro Lasso 2.0 will allow Java applets and applications to access FileMaker Pro databases from anywhere on the internet. Java applets and applications will be able to search FileMaker Pro databases, and add, update, and delete records. Lasso 2.0 will ship with a set of Java classes that will allow developers to create their own applets and applications. Lasso 2.0 will also ship with a set of "canned" applets that non-programmers will be...
Jan 16
[MD1] Philips & Metrowerks Collab on Media Processing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks Inc. 512/873-4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512/873-4777 Jodi Guilbault Philips Semiconductors 408/991-2332 Kathy Keller Oak Ridge Public Relations 408/253-5042 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTORS AND METROWERKS COLLABORATE TO PROVIDE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS FOR NEXT GENERATION MEDIA PROCESSING Philips' TriMedia Processor Tools to be Hosted in the Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 6, 1997--Philips Semiconductors (Sunnyvale, Calif.) and Metrowerks (Austin, Tex.) have announced an agreement that provides new software programming tools for improving real-time graphic, audio and video quality for Mac(TM) OS systems using the TriMedia(TM) processor. Metrowerks, a leading developer of computer language products, will integrate Philips Semiconductors' TriMedia development tools...
Jan 16
[MD1] QuickTime 2.5 for Windows
Additional multimedia, video, and productivity vendors invest in QuickTime 2.5 for Windows. Market opportunity for hardware developer growth when products ship MacWorld - January 8, 1997 -- Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA) today announced that Allegiant Technologies, Electric Image, miro Computer Products, Inc., Strata, Specular and Terran Interactive have joined the third-party co-development team of QuickTime 2.5 for Windows (QT 2.5-Win). Adobe, Broderbund, Equlibrium, Macromedia , Media 100 and Truevision are also continuing their close relationship with Apple in accelerating the development of QT 2.5-Win. QT 2.5-Win is a key component of the QuickTime Media Layer, which is an effort intended to deliver a universal container for mixed media types (e.g. video, audio, 3D graphics, text, etc.). "Application developers are creating software that takes advanatge of QTML, and a wide range of customers will use those solutions. Hardware vendors get the benefit of this work from the...
Jan 15
[MD1] CodeWarrior for BeOS includes BeOS DR8.2
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks, Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4777 METROWERKS TO SELL NEW CODEWARRIOR FOR BeOS DR/2 INCLUDING BeOS RELEASE 8.2 SAN FRANCISCO, California, Macworld Expo--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced it would be selling a special CodeWarrior(R) for BeOS(TM) developer bundle at Macworld which will include the recently released CodeWarrior for BeOS DR/2 and BeOS Release 8.2 which runs on both the BeBox(TM) personal computer manufactured by Be(TM) Inc., and some PowerPC(TM)-based Macintosh(R) personal computers. CodeWarrior for BeOS DR2 includes CodeWarrior's BeOS-native IDE and PowerPC compilers used to build software applications for the BeOS. The BeOS is a multithreaded, true multitasking, symmetric multiprocessing operating system geared for...
Jan 15
[MD1] CodeWarrior for PlayStation DR/2
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks, Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4777 METROWERKS SHIPS CODEWARRIOR FOR PLAYSTATION DR/2 SAN FRANCISCO, California, Macworld Expo--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced CodeWarrior(R) for PlayStation(TM) DR/2, the newest version of its programming tools for developing games for the PlayStation game console. CodeWarrior for PlayStation is hosted on Windows(R)95/NT and Mac(TM)OS and is authorized by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. CodeWarrior for PlayStation DR/2 features the full CodeWarrior IDE, a plug-in CodeWarrior C/C++ compiler for MIPS(R) and a selection of integrated graphical format converters for managing game development with the CodeWarrior IDE. Version DR/2 offers programmers much greater stability in the IDE in addition to...
Jan 15
[MD1] CodeWarrior Wins Byte Award
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks, Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4777 METROWERKS CODEWARRIOR WINS PRESTIGIOUS BYTE MAGAZINE 1997 EDITORS' CHOICE "AWARD OF EXCELLENCE" SAN FRANCISCO, California, Macworld Expo--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced that its flagship product, CodeWarrior(R) Gold 10, has been awarded the Byte Magazine 1997 Editors' Choice "Award of Excellence". This is the second time in four years that Metrowerks CodeWarrior has won this prestigious award. All PC, Macintosh(R) and Unix software and hardware products are eligible to win the Byte Editors' Choice Awards. The "Awards of Excellence" are the highest ranking awards accorded by the Editors of Byte Magazine and are intended for products which "showcase technical innovation that sets a new...
Jan 15
[MD1] Metrowerks & Apple Sign Dev Agreement
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Apple Computer, Inc. PR Contact Ken Smith (408) 974-5675 Metrowerks Inc. PR Contact Cynthia Fray (512) 873-4300 METROWERKS & APPLE COMPUTER SIGN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR PORTING CODEWARRIOR TOOLS TO RHAPSODY, APPLE'S NEXT GENERATION OS Metrowerks to Provide Full CodeWarrior Tools for Both Mac OS & Rhapsody SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME: MWK) and Apple Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) today entered into a development agreement to accelerate support for Apple's next generation operating system (codenamed "Rhapsody") in Metrowerks CodeWarrior integrated programming environment ("IDE"), development tools and compilers. Upon completion, Metrowerks will provide Mac OS developers a full CodeWarrior solution comprising compilers, programming tools and debuggers for the development of applications for both Mac OS and Rhapsody. Metrowerks' support for Rhapsody will contain...
Jan 15
[MD1] Metrowerks Signs Exclusive for Visual SourceSafe
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks, Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4777 METROWERKS SIGNS EXCLUSIVE LICENSE FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL SOURCESAFE ON MAC OS SAN FRANCISCO, California, Macworld Expo--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, has entered into an agreement with Microsoft(R) Corporation whereby Metrowerks will become the exclusive licensee for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe(TM) 5.0 on the Macintosh(R), an enhanced version control and configuration management system for software development. "We are pleased to become the exclusive licensee of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 5.0 for Mac OS," said Jean Belanger, chairman and chief executive officer of Metrowerks. "Metrowerks hopes to make MW CodeManager the standard for version control on the Macintosh as we have made Metrowerks CodeWarrior the...
Jan 15
[MD1] BeOS PowerMac Dev Kit
For more information contact North America & Pacific: Mark Gonzales, (415) 462-4100 Europe: Jean Calmon, (33) 1 49 06 73 75 BE SHIPS BEOS POWERMAC DEVELOPMENT KIT AND CONFIRMS Q1 DATE FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Public BeOS Preview Release will ship on or before March 31. MENLO PARK, Calif (January 7, 1997) - Be, Inc has announced that it has begun shipment to developers of the version of the Be Operating System (BeOS(tm)) designed to run on PowerMacintosh-based hardware systems. Shipment of the development kit began just before Christmas. In addition, the company confirmed today that it will ship the "BeOS Preview Release", the first publicly available release of the BeOS, on schedule on or before March 31, 1997. The BeOS DR8 Development kit became available on December 23. The release is similar in functionality to the DR8 release for the dual-processor BeBox systems, with a few additional enhancements that have been developed since the DR8 version's...
Jan 15
[MD1] MultiProcessor BeOS Support
BE ANNOUNCES BeOS SUPPORT FOR NEW MULTIPROCESSOR POWERPC SYSTEMS Macworld demonstrations on single and dual processor systems up to 300MHz. MACWORLD EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif (January 7, 1997) - At Macworld Expo today, Be announced and demonstrated its support of new high-speed PowerPC microprocessors introduced by IBM, and high-speed multiprocessor and single processor systems PowerPC systems introduced by Power Computing. In addition, the company demonstrated Be Operating System (BeOS(tm)) support for DayStar's multiprocessor products, which are used in systems by DayStar, Apple Computer, and SuperMac. Many of the new systems announced at Macworld make use of new PowerPC microprocessors introduced by IBM. Power Computing demonstrated for thefirst time a single processor PowerPC 603 system operating at 300 MHz. Power also introduced multiprocessor systems based on dual PowerPC 604s running at either 225 MHz or 250 MHz, the fastest 604-based designs yet produced. Be will include...
Jan 15
[MD1] New Apps for BeOS
For more information contact North America & Pacific: Mark Gonzales, (415) 462-4100 Europe: Jean Calmon, (33) 1 49 06 73 75 BE PROVIDES A "FIRST LOOK" AT BeOS APPLICATIONS AT MACWORLD New applications run the gamut in demonstrations at the expo MACWORLD EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif (January 7, 1997) - At Macworld Expo, taking place this week in San Francisco, Be, Inc. is providing a first look at some of the applications being developed for the Be Operating System (BeOS(tm)) These demonstrations include a wide range of applications, from word processors to development tools, and from multimedia and 3D to applications that control sound effects for theaters and even entire theme parks. "Macworld provides an excellent venue at which our developers can provide customers with an early look at their products," said Jean-Louis Gasse, president and CEO of Be, Inc. "We're happy to help provide them with this opportunity because, after all, they are the real...
Jan 15
[MD1] Tango for FileMaker
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 7, 1997 Press contact: Jeff Hendry EveryWare Development Corp. (905) 819-1173 ext. 262 Jamie O'Donnell JONA Group (415) 552-1515 EveryWare announces Tango for FileMaker 2.1 Tango for FileMaker, the Web/database tool nominated for both a MacUser MacEddy and MacWorld WorldClass award, has been upgraded Macworld Expo, San Francisco, CA---January 7, 1997---EveryWare Development Corp. today announced a new version of Tango for FileMaker. Tango for FileMaker is a Web development tool used to integrate Macintosh FileMaker Pro 3.0 databases with the Web. Tango for FileMaker utilizes a visual drag-and-drop development environment to enable rapid creation of Web-based applications. Tango for FileMaker has been nominated for both the MacUser MacEddy and Macworld World Class awards, two of the most highly respected awards in the Macintosh community. Tango for FileMaker 2.1 provides developers with added functionality, increased performance and...
Jan 15
[MD1] VirtualMac for BeOS
For more information contact North America & Pacific: Mark Gonzales, (415) 462-4100 Europe: Jean Calmon, (33) 1 49 06 73 75 BE DEMONSTRATES VIRTUALMAC FOR THE BE OPERATING SYSTEM New technology from fredlabs, inc. will provide a bridge for customers and developers making the transition to the BeOS. MACWORLD EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif (January 7, 1997) - This week at Macworld Expo, Be Inc. is demonstrating, for the first time, technology that allows the Be Operating System (BeOS(tm)) to run System 7.x MacOS applications directly within its multitasking, multiprocessor environment. Developed by fredlabs, inc., a software company based in San Francisco, VirtualMac(tm) allows both modern BeOS applications and current System 7.x applications to be active at the same time, and for data to be exchanged between the systems. Last August, Be announced it would enhance the BeOS to provide support for a wide variety of PowerPC based systems, including those...
Jan 14
[MD1] Apple's Future MacOS Strategy
Apple Announces Future Macintosh Operating System (OS) Strategy and Roadmap Strategy Delivers Compatibility with Currently Shipping Mac Systems and Applications, Accelerates Delivery of Next-Generation Software, and Provides Smooth Migration to Next-Generation OS Mac OS Upgrades to Continue; First 'Rhapsody' Release Scheduled to Ship Within 12 Months MACWORLD/EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO--Jan. 7, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced its strategy for the future evolution of the Macintosh operating system software, for Macintosh and Mac OS compatible personal computers. Apple plans to implement a strategy in which the Company will continue to deliver significant and regularly scheduled upgrades to the current Mac OS while accelerating development of a new and advanced operating system. The new operating system is code-named 'Rhapsody' and will be based on the merging of technologies from Apple and NeXT Software, Inc. (Apple announced its intent to acquire NeXT Software on Dec. 20, 1996.)...
Jan 14
[MD1] BeOS/MacTech Bundle Avail in Quantity
BeOS/MacTech Bundle Available in Quantity January issue of MacTech Magazine contains BeOS for PowerMac DR8 As announced in October of 1996, the January 1997 issue of MacTech Magazine includes the BeOS(tm) DR8 for Power Macintosh bundled, free of charge, on CD and bound into the magazine. This issue has been extremely difficult to get in bookstores and on the newsstand. In fact, stores have had to take names for waiting lists -- something rarely done for a magazine. To alleviate this problem, and with some luck, the publishers of MacTech Magazine have been able to arrange to get additional copies of the issue -- something also very rare in the industry. This back issue is available through DevDepot. Back issues of MacTech Magazine cost $10 plus shipping and handling. (Standard Shipping: $3 US, $5 Canadian, $6 Foreign; Rush/overnight charges are more). Allow 2-3 business days for the issue to be shipped plus shipping time. To order contact DevDepot in the following ways: *...
Jan 14
[MD1] QuickTime VR 2.0 Ships
Apple Computer Enhances QuickTime VR to Integrate Image-Based Virtual Reality With 3D, Movies, Animation and Sound QuickTime VR 2.0 for Mac Ships: Endorsed by Wide Range of Innovative Developers MacWorld -- January 7, 1997 -- Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA) today launched QuickTime VR(R) 2.0 for Mac(TM) OS -- a major update that bridges the gap between multimedia and image-based virtual reality. QuickTime VR 2.0 incorporates the feature most desired by developers since the initial release of QuickTime VR, a C API. This allows developers to do more than add virtual reality scenes to their CD-ROM titles, games, and Web pages -- it enables the creation of lively virtual worlds with 3D objects, movies, audio and animation. With the new C API, QuickTime VR can easily be integrated with Apple's other QuickTime Media Layer (QTML) technologies, QuickTime and QuickDraw(TM) 3D, on both Mac OS and Windows. Through QuickTime VR, media-rich VR content may be authored once and easily deployed...
Jan 12
[MD1] CodeWarrior 11 Ships
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4777 METROWERKS LAUNCHES CODEWARRIOR 11 HOSTED ON MAC OS CodeWarrior 11 Includes Improved Java Support and New CodeWarrior IDE, Version 2 Alpha SAN FRANCISCO, California, Macworld Expo--January 7, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced CodeWarrior 11, the newest version of its award-winning programming tools hosted on Mac OS computers. CodeWarrior 11, hosted on Mac OS, allows users to develop applications in C, C++, Object Pascal and Java for four operating systems: Mac OS, Win95/NT, Magic Cap OS and PowerTV OS, all hosted in the same intuitive CodeWarrior integrated development environment ("IDE"). CodeWarrior's modular, front-end/back-end architecture offers true cross-platform compiling, thus making it easier to...
Jan 12
[MD1] MacDev-1 Update...
Dear MacDev-1 Reader, As you might well imagine, the last week has had a lot of news from Apple and the industry. Over the next day or so, we'll be catching up on all of the releases done at Macworld Expo and around the world. ** THERE WILL BE HIGHER THAN NORMAL TRAFFIC IN YOUR MAILBOX as a result of this catch up. Traffic levels on MacDev-1 *will* return to normal afterwards. Just a heads up. Happy New Year, Neil Ticktin MacTech Magazine
Jan 03
[MD1] Mac Developer Survey
In cooperation with MacWEEK, we're conducting a survey of current Macintosh developers to learn about their plans for future platform-specific work. The survey form, which is only open to people who are currently developing Macintosh software, is at: ( Everyone is welcome to monitor the real-time results at: ( Thanks! Dave Winer PS: If you run a web site that's used by Mac developers, please point to the survey page.
Jan 02
[MD1] MacHack Call for Papers
MacHack '97 Call For Papers Make a New Year's Resolution to Write For MacHack, Lose Weight* Did you know that MacHack papers form the cornerstone of the premiere Macintosh technical conference? Papers can cover a wide variety of cool topics. Anything from Adaptive Computing, the Business of Being a Mac Developer, and Game Programming, to Internet Development, Debugging PPC code, and figuring out spiffy NeXT OS hacks. Start the New Year off right by writing a paper for MacHack. Not only will you get accolades from your peers, but you will get free admission to the conference! Send your idea or abstract to us at before February 15th, 1997. Visit our web-site at for more exciting information. *Note that weight loss is only guaranteed if you eat non-fat food while writing, drink lots of caffeine, and move your mouse about the desk in a rapid fashion.
Jan 01
[MD1] Fortner Fortran under CW
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fortner Research Announces: Fortran compiler soon to be available for Metrowerks CodeWarrior Sterling, VA--- Fortner Research, developers of award winning software for scientists and engineers, has announced their plans to deliver LS Fortran for CodeWarrior. CodeWarrior owners will now be able to use LS Fortran to write and compile Fortran programs directly in the CodeWarrior environment, and mix Fortran routines with C, C++ and Pascal software, such as the PowerTap MP library. Since 1988, LS Fortran has gained a strong following for its ability to port large, legacy Fortran programs from mainframe computers to the Macintosh and for its ease in creating full-featured Macintosh applications. LS Fortran is currently hosted in the Macintosh Programmers Workshop (MPW), developed by Apple Computer. Although MPW's command line interface environment was the standard for many years, CodeWarrior delivers an extremely popular GUI with superior project management that...
Jan 01
[MD1] Inside GrayScale Kitchen
INSIDE GRAYSCALE KITCHEN 1.0 C++ SOURCE CODE TO APPLE'S GRAYSCALE APPEARANCE December 24, 1996 Viperware today announces its newest product: Inside Grayscale Kitchen 1.0. Inside Grayscale Kitchen (IGK) is the definitive collection of source code that enables Mac developers to use Apple's new Grayscale Appearance in their software. IGK consists of hundreds of C++ classes that help Mac developers in the transition to the future of the Mac OS. Web Site: TRIAL PERIOD Developers may use the IGK source code in their software for a trial period of up to 30 days. After the trial period is over, developers may purchase a license if they wish to continue using the IGK code. LICENSING Commercial License with one month guaranteed support: $450 Additional support is available for $100/month Shareware/Educational License: $300 Licensing FAQ: Contact info:
Jan 01
[MD1] Mac2NeXT Compatibility
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lee Lorenzen, President Altura Software, Inc. 408.655.8005 Altura Software, Inc. Announces Mac2NeXT Compatibility PACIFIC GROVE, California - December 25, 1996 - Altura Software, Inc. announced today its intention to create a Mac2NeXT Porting Technology to provide Macintosh Developers a quick and easy way to port their Mac Applications to Apple's "NewOS" operating system. Altura will leverage it's Mac2Win Porting Technology which is being used by major Mac Developers such as Fractal Design, Claris, ACI, Macromedia, and Metrowerks. Mac2Win is a library that allows MacOS code to be ported to Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT without it having to be rewritten. "We're as excited as the rest of the Mac community about Apple's recent announcements regarding NeXT," commented Lee Lorenzen, President of Altura. "Of course, this is all very new, and we can't be sure of all the details. But, we knew immediately that we wanted to voice...
Jan 01
[MD1] SmalltalkAgents on W95/NT
Quasar Knowledge Systems, (QKS) Inc., the leading Smalltalk vendor in the Macintosh market with a PowerMac version available, announced that it will release Windows 95/NT version of SmalltalkAgents in Q1 of 1997. This will make SmalltalkAgents a cross-platform development tool of choice. SmalltalkAgents is a dynamic, integrated development environment based on QKS Smalltalk. In the process of developing a Windows version, QKS made number of enhancements in its virtual machine to improve performance and services. SmalltalkAgents is known for providing close integration to the host OS functionality. Its Mac version makes toolbox routines a trivial task. Its Windows 95/NT version will bring the same functionality to developers. SmalltalkAgents also allows developer to integrate their resources written in any other language via dynamic linking library mechanism. For more information, check
Dec 24
[MD1] Free flat file db engine...
Looking for a flat file database engine for your Mac software? odbEngine is the hierarchical database engine used by Userland Frontier for its object database. The engine has a simple C API that allows the creation and access of tables of arbitrary objects, even tables of tables! Also, Frontier may be used to create and access data in odb files. UODBE++ is a C++ wrapper for odbEngine that adds housekeeping and error handling to the engine. The best feature about odbEngine is that it works, and has been tested by every Frontier user. The second best thing about it is that it's FREE! More information may be accessed at: --------------------------------------------- Frontier is a trandemark of Userland Software
Dec 21
[MD1] CodeWarrior will support NeXT/MacOS
Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Media Relations Metrowerks Inc. 512.873.4758 Jim Welch Chief Financial Officer Metrowerks Inc. 512.87.4777 METROWERKS TO INCLUDE APPLE'S NEW OS TOOLS IN REGULAR CODEWARRIOR SUBSCRIPTIONS CodeWarrior Tools for Apple's New OS to be Delivered in Incremental Releases AUSTIN, Texas, December 20, 1996.-Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), the leading provider of software development tools for the Macintosh, today announced that CodeWarrior support for Apple Computer, Inc.'s Next generation OS will be shipped to CodeWarrior customers as part of their regular CodeWarrior subscription, in step with Apple's release of its Next generation OS. Metrowerks expects to have Objective C compilers and Objective C runtime support in its C++ compilers hosted in CodeWarrior by the 1997 Apple WorldWide Developers Conference. Metrowerks expects to have its CodeWarrior compilers and linkers ported to Apple's Next generation OS...
Dec 21
[MD1] Apple Acquires NeXT Software
Apple Computer, Inc. Agrees to Acquire NeXT Software Inc. CUPERTINO, Calif.--Dec. 20, 1996--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced its intention to purchase NeXT Software Inc., in a friendly acquisition for $400 million. Pending regulatory approvals, all NeXT products, services, and technology research will become part of Apple Computer, Inc. As part of the agreement, Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO of NeXT Software, will return to Apple--the company he co-founded in 1976--reporting to Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio, Apple's Chairman and CEO. The acquisition will bring together Apple's and NeXT's innovative and complementary technology portfolios and significantly strengthens Apple's position as a company advancing industry standards. Apple's leadership in ease-of-use and multimedia solutions will be married to NeXT's strengths in development software and operating environments for both the enterprise and Internet markets. NeXT's object oriented software development products will contribute to...
Dec 21
[MD1] QuickWeb helps w/online data
Tabasoft Sas. We are glad to announce a new version of our QuickWeb (1.0b5) the superfast Web database system that together with a WebSTAR plug-in puts your database on the web (in a snap!). With this version we have improved performance drastically. Check our Web site for details: We have also completely rebuilt our Web site with a new graphic interface and new contents. You will find on line all the documentation you need to work with QuickWeb and some details about our products and our technology. Visit us at: We encourage you also to explore our new plug-in Tabasoft SendGraphic (TSG) that allows you to build web graphics on the fly
Dec 19
[MD1] Spell checker for Live Objects
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Paola Aliverti Voice: 941.642.7979 E-mail: SoftLinc presents LEXI(TM), a multilingual spelling checker for Live Objects(TM) San Francisco, California (January 7, 1997) - SoftLinc, Inc., from Marco Island, Florida, is at MacWorld San Francisco to present LEXI, a spelling checker for Live Objects. The company is located in the Component 100 ( booth (#3261), together with 14 other Live Objects developers. LEXI works as a stand-alone part, as well as an extension within other Live Objects. It is already integrated with Digital Harbor(TM)'s WAV(TM), and it can be used with all the Live Objects that support Word Services extensions. Besides checking the spelling of Live Object documents, LEXI also checks any TEXT document, and any piece of text imported from other applications through Drag-and-Drop or Copy-and-Paste, including your e-mail. LEXI can also be equipped with a thesaurus, translation dictionary, and verbal...
Dec 19
[MD1] LiveAccess -- front ending OpenDoc
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE theta group Hans Martin Kern Viktoriastr. 17 76133 Karlsruhe Germany Phone +49 721 91324-0 Fax +49 721 91324-44 Email WWW KARLSRUHE, Germany, SAN FRANCISCO, USA -- January 7, 1997: theta group released today LiveAccess(TM) 1.0, an OpenDoc(TM)-based database frontending toolkit and framework for FileMaker Pro, 4th Dimension, Oracle7, dtF and ODBC-compliant database systems. LiveAccess provides a suite of highly integrated, interacting Live Objects(TM) to incorporate data from existing databases in OpenDoc containers like WAV, RagTime 4, NISUS Writer and other OpenDoc containers. With its easy-to-use query-builders and user-interface Live Objects, LiveAccess fully shields users from the implementation details of the supported database systems. By breaking down the usually complex topic of accessing database systems to a straightforward document-based approach, LiveAccess allows users to deal with the familiar...
Dec 19
[MD1] MoreFiles 1.4.4
Version 1.4.4 of MoreFiles is now available. The changes from v1.4.3 to v1.4.4 are listed below. You can download it today from from : ( It will also submitted for release through the following channels (and may be available today or in the near future): Apple's Developer CD Apple Developer World web/ftp site America Online's Macintosh Developers Forum library (keyword: MDV) CompuServe's Macintosh Developers Forum library (GO MACDEV) Metrowerks (for inclusion with their next CD) Symantec (for inclusion with their next CD) - Jim Luther, Apple Computer, Inc. ---------- v1.4.4 12/18/96 Bugs fixed: - Added "| REGISTER_RESULT_LOCATION(kRegisterD0)" to uppFSDispatchProcInfo in PBXGetVolInfoSync. (the code produced is the same since REGISTER_RESULT_LOCATION(kRegisterD0) happens to be 0). - Initialized ioDTReqCount before calling PBDTGetComment. See the comment in DTGetComment in MoreDesktopMgr.c for the reasons why. -...
Dec 17
[MD1] More services to Free Net Servers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contact: Andrew Clarke ( 902.492.2880 x248 December 17, 1996 Pictorius Adds Mail Server and Three New Agents to Free Macintosh Net Servers December 17, 1996 - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Pictorius Inc. today announced the release of version 1.1 of their free Pictorius Net Servers (formerly Entrada! Net Servers) for Macintosh. Version 1.1 includes a Mail (SMTP and POP3) server, three new agents, redesigned security features and performance optimizations. Pictorius Net Servers v1.1 is available for free and can be downloaded from the Pictorius web site at The new mail server features the same easy to set up and use graphical user interface of the previous web server (see Pictorius Releases Free Macintosh Net Servers - October 28, 1996) and support for SMTP and POP3 mail protocols. Pictorius has redesigned the Security features so that they work across all protocols and...
Dec 17
[MD1] Gray Council 2.0
contact: Trygve Isaacson ( For Immediate Release The Gray Council 2.0 Is Available The Gray Council -- C++ classes implementing the Apple Grayscale Appearance. Berkeley, California -- December 17, 1996 -- Today marks the release of version 2.0 of The Gray Council, a set of C++ classes providing the premiere implementation of the "Apple Grayscale Appearance for System 7." This is Apple's grayscale user interface design specification recommended for today's applications, consistent with the future Appearance Manager default theme. Apple has published the AGA specification, but developers are left on their own to implement this significant piece of work. The Gray Council implements the complete set of controls defined by the Apple Grayscale Appearance specification, including: push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, icon "bevel" buttons, scroll bars, sliders, popup menus, little arrows, disclosure triangles, progress indicators,...
Dec 17
[MD1] Informal GUI/Window Design Discussion
For those who might possibly be interested, an _informal, non-official, non-Apple-sanctioned_ discussion about the design of a new graphical user interface and windowing system for the next generation of Macintosh operating system is talking place on the GX dev mailing list and the AIMED-talk mailing list [see sig for subscription info]. Background: Apple Computer's attempts to create a transitional operating system have failed, at least partly due to a lack of a pre-emptive multitasking-enabled graphical user interface and windowing system in their transitional OS design. The design of Apple's original graphics library [QuickDraw] didn't allow for a simple transition to PMT, and the shipment date for their transitional OS slipped beyond commercial viability. To make matters worse, former management didn't have a fully-PMT GUI waiting in the wings, so now Apple is without a transitional OS *or* a full-featured OS. Fortunately, Apple has available the most powerful 2D graphs library...
Dec 16
[MD1] EasyData and EasyComm
CASPER, WY, ISIS International, Inc. announced the introduction of EasyData TM and EasyCommTM, paired software products designed to provide a new level of connectivity, simplicity, and power in transferring data between the Apple MessagePad (and compatible PDAs running the Newton Operating System) and either Macintosh desktop computers or Windows machines. The EasyData / EasyComm dual package enables Newton users to work more efficiently by making it easier to rapidly share data between their PDAs and either Macs or Windows desktop computers. The same capability for other hardware and software platforms will be forthcoming. EasyData can be extended and customized by other Newton developers through the use of plug-in modules. EasyData requires Newton OS 2.0 or later (we will continue to support our older version, formerly known as Flash-Data, for users of older MessagePads). The increasingly evident importance of enterprise-wide, "open systems" approaches to leveraging an organization`...
Dec 16
[MD1] PartBank uses SalesAgent
For Immediate Release PartBank and Release Software Deliver Downloadable Software on the Internet Developers can conduct software sales on the Internet using Release's SalesAgent from MENLO PARK, Calif -- Dec 16th, 1996 -- Kantara Development, the creators of PartBank, announced an agreement with Release Software Corp., the leading provider of electronic software distribution products and services. Through this partnership, software developers can create software products to sell electronically, directly from their Web site while being indexed under the PartBank database. Release Software, the leader in electronic software distribution tools and services, has agreed to supply its SalesAgent technology to software publishers interested in reaching consumers through the PartBank website located at SalesAgent allows software developers to create time or feature-based trials of their applications and then leads the end user through an easy online...
Dec 16
[MD1] Synergex's PVCS Series
SYNERGEX TO PROVIDE APPLE DEVELOPERS WITH INDUSTRY STANDARD INTERSOLV PVCS SERIES FOR SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT December 9, 1996 Synergex will bring industry-standard software configuration management (SCM) to Apple Computer Inc.'s popular Macintosh environment in first quarter 1997, increasing the number of platforms to which the company has already ported the top-selling INTERSOLV PVCS SERIES. With the release of PVCS Version Manager for the Macintosh, Apple developers will for the first time be able to manage source code development across heterogeneous systems that include MS-DOS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95, and OpenVMS environments. Software developers rely on SCM tools like the INTERSOLV PVCS SERIES to monitor, record, and protect changes to programming source code throughout the software life cycle, from development to upgrade, including post-release changes. INTERSOLVS top-selling PVCS Version Manager effectively maintains multiple revisions of source code...
Dec 16
[MD1] VRML 2.0: Apple and Silicon Graphics
Apple Computer And Silicon Graphics Sign Agreement To Advance VRML 2.0 Deployment Apple Computer Plans to Widely Distribute Silicon Graphics' Cosmo Player Browser as Default VRML 2.0 Browser for Apple Internet Connection Kit; Silicon Graphics to use QuickDraw 3D in Mac OS and Windows 95/NT versions of Cosmo Player Internet World, New York Booth 449 (Apple Computer) Booth 2703 (Silicon Graphics) - December 11, 1996 -- Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA) and Silicon Graphics, Inc. (Mountain View, CA) today jointly announced an agreement designed to further the proliferation of high-performance, high-quality VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) browsing on personal computers. This joint effort will significantly enhance networked, interactive 3D content and applications for Internet and Intranet. To further extend the lead of the Macintosh(R) in multimedia and 3D personal computing, Apple plans to bundle Silicon Graphics' industry-leading Cosmo(TM) Player VRML 2.0 browser with the...
Dec 16
[MD1] Netter's Dinner
11th Annual SF MacWorld Netter's Dinner ( Yes, it's been 11 years that we've been gathering a herd of nerds and feeding ourselves at the Hunan in San Francisco (on Sansome at Broadway). This year is just another notch in our belts. MacWorld is Tue, Jan 7, 1997 through Fri, Jan 10, 1997. The dinner will be on Wed, Jan 8, 1997. The cost is only $16 per person. Dinner will consist of a buffet, which we will request to be extra hot, because they tone it down for buffets and we don't want that. It will come with Onion Cakes, Hunan Chicken Salad, Sweet & Sour Pork, Beef with Broccoli, Fried Chicken Wings, Kung Pao Chicken, Country Style Vegetables, Pork Chow-Mein and Combination Fried Rice. There are no substitutions. Due to the phenomenal success of last year, we've contracted with Kee Nethery's shareware service again. All you have to do is go to the web page listed above and either download the Register program, run it and...
Dec 16
[MD1] SuperCard 3.0
PRESS RELEASE ********************* Allegiant Technologies, Inc. 9740 Scranton Road, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel.: 619.587.0500 Fax.: 619.587.1314 Email: Press Contact: Kathy Episcopo, Public Relations Manager, ext. 127 More Info: Internet home page FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ALLEGIANT SUPERCARD 3.0 SHIPS New user interface and integrated Web delivery highlight release SAN DIEGO -- December 12, 1996 -- Allegiant Technologies, Inc. today shipped SuperCard 3.0, upgrading its award-winning authoring tools with an all new interface and unprecedented Web development capabilities for Macintosh and Windows personal computers. By putting a dramatically more accessible and automated interface on SuperCard, Allegiant is expanding the market for its flagship product. SuperCard 3.0 provides a significantly easier to use interface, including extensive point-and-click scripting automation. At the same time, SuperCard 3.0 becomes the first major multimedia...
Dec 12
[MD1] HyperCard 2.3.5 update
Apple Announces HyperCard Update and Software Bundle HyperCard 2.3.5. Includes New Features Plus Software Bundle of Leading Entertainment and Web Publishing Titles; Price Remains Unchanged at U.S. $99.00. INTERNET WORLD--NEW YORK--Dec. 11, 1996--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced an update of HyperCard to version 2.3.5 which includes a value bundle of Internet-oriented and multimedia entertainment software--the price of HyperCard remains unchanged at a U.S. retail of $99.00. The new HyperCard bundle includes leading software for entertainment and web-based publishing: --The best-selling computer game of all time--Myst from Cyan/Broderbund, which is based on HyperCard -- The five-mouse rated (by MacUser Magazine) Movie Cleaner LE QuickTime authoring solution and the associated web motion plug-in from Terran Interactive -- LiveCard from Royal/Heizer Software, which enables real-time streaming of HyperCard stacks off the net that are viewable by Windows, UNIX, and Mac OS web surfers...
Dec 12
[MD1] Mercutio MDEF
The Mercutio MDEF is a Menu DEFinition resource that allow developers to easily and elegantly extend the power of their application menus. These MDEFs allow menus to have multiple-modifier key-equivalents (e.g. shift-command-C), custom icons, item callbacks, and other goodies. Features ======== Changes in version 1.3.3: - Fixed several serious visual glitches under Kaleidoscope. - Fixed documentation to reflect new codes for arrow keys. This change was made in the 1.3 release but wasn't shown in the documentation. Changes in version 1.3.2: - Fixed sample code to correct react to key equivalents in hierarchical menus. - Added ksameAlternateAsLastTime and kdontDisposeIcon constants to .h API file. Those flags functioned correctly but were misnamed. - Fixed memory leak when scrolling icon suites. - Fixed cosmetic glitches when using non-standard System fonts (e.g with Kaleidoscope). - Fixed bug in C sample code for dynamic items. - Changed some of the color...
Dec 12
[MD1] NetCarta Supports Apple's HotSauce
NetCarta Corporation Supports Apple's HotSauce Technology for Website Mapping Library of Over 30,000 WebMaps to be Provided in Meta Content Format (MCF); NetCarta to Launch MCF Site Service on the Web. INTERNET WORLD-- NEW YORK--Dec. 11, 1996--NetCarta Corporation, a subsidiary of CMG Information Services (NASDAQ:CMGI), and Apple Computer, Inc. announced today that they have signed an agreement regarding Apple's HotSauce Technology. NetCarta has incorporated Apple's HotSauce Meta Content Format (MCF), which allows developers to build data access tools that work with any kind of Internet or intranet-based data, in its web content management tools. NetCarta plans to enhance its NetCarta WebMapper content management software, which currently runs on Microsoft Windows and UNIX-compatible platforms, to automatically generate MCF site maps for site navigation. In addition, the NetCarta WebMap Library, which contains over 30,000 site maps rendered in NetCarta WebMap format of the most...
Dec 12
[MD1] Dev Depot Carries Apple Product
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Susan Worley DevDepot 805-494-9797 DevDepot NOW CARRIES APPLE BRANDED PRODUCT Westlake Village, CA -- December 11, 1996 -- Xplain Corporation, the parent company of DevDepot(tm), today announced that it now carries some of the most popular Apple-branded development tools. Until today, many of Apple's developer tools have been sold to US customers exclusively through the Apple Developer Catalog (formerly APDA). Now, MacOS developers have another option -- DevDepot. For years, Apple has produced great tools like Apple Dylan, Apple Media Tool Programming Environment, AppleScript, Newton Toolkit, QuickTime SDK, and more. Products like these will now be available through Developer Depot -- a first for the MacOS developer community. "Increasing the distribution of Apple label tools, is an example of how Apple is trying to work with the developer community to promote the MacOS platform." said Jonathan Fader, Director, Developer...
Dec 11
[MD1] Animated Clip-Art Library
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Jim Olsen Phone: 1-888-WE-ANIM-8 (1-888-932-6468) Fax: (909) 336-4630 E-mail: URL: Animated Clip-Art Library Released LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA -- December 10, 1996 (MMG) -- Studio 89 announces the release of its Animated Clip-Art Library, Volume 1, the first ever collection of GIF89a animations designed specifically for use on the World Wide Web. Comprised of over 2,100 original animated GIF images and 1,400 still GIF's, the library promises to add pizzazz to any web page. Animated images include bouncing alphabets, spinning bullets and twinkling stars. Moving arrows direct viewer's attention and animated buttons make site navigation fun. Uniquely designed marquee sections make it easy for web authors to surround their own words and images with moving lights. Animated icons and lines round out the collection. Effortless navigation is a key feature of the library. All 3,500 images are organized by category and fully...
Dec 11
[MD1] Beta Personal Web Server
Apple Releases Beta Version of New Personal Web Server Apple and Maxum Join Forces to Provide Personal Web Sharing for the Mac OS NEW YORK, INTERNET WORLD, Dec. 9, 1996 -- Apple Computer, Inc.(Nasdaq: AAPL) today announced that it has released a beta version of personal web server technology, and has licensed the technology from Maxum Development. As a result, users of networked Macintosh computers and Mac OS compatibles will be able to publish both simple and multimedia content across the Internet or an intranet using World Wide Web protocols. Apple will be demonstrating the beta version of Personal Web Sharing at its booth at Internet World here. Built upon the foundation of Maxum's award winning technology (RushHour, WebLock, and NetCloak), Apple will make available the personal web server technology to allow web publishing without dedicating a separate machine. The new product enhances Apple's easy-to-use product line of Internet publishing capabilities. "With Maxum's personal web...
Dec 11
[MD1] RAM HighWater
I have just released my first freeware utility, "RAM HighWater" Its purpose is to allow users and programmers to determine how much memory a program ever needs. It works much like a high-tide marker. It keeps track of the amount of memory a program is actually using, and will report back to you the most it ever did use, so you can adjust your "preferred memory" accordingly. It also will retain this "HighWater" mark even after the target quits. Available on my website at: --- Please email me if you find it useful! -ToastyKen ------------------------------- | Kenneth Lu -- | -------------------------------
Dec 09
[MD1] Informed 2.0
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 1996 For more information, contact: Nigel Brachi, PR Shana Corporation (403) 433-3690 Ext. 229 Informed(r) 2.0 ships, provides seamless cross-platform electronic forms- Cross-platform functionality extends to Internet Edmonton, AB, December 9, 1996-Shana Corporation today announced that it had shipped version 2.0 of its Informed electronic forms software. Among a range of significant enhancements, this latest release of Informed incorporates totally transparent cross-platform functionality between Windows and Mac OS computers. "Many of our customers who use Informed on Mac OS based systems have been waiting for our Windows product," said Don Murphy, President of Shana. "They'll find it was well worth the wait. Version 2.0 is unique since it allows you to design forms on either Windows or the Mac OS and fill them out on the platform of your choice as well." Informed 2.0 brings a broad range of added...
Dec 09
[MD1] Lasso 1.1
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 11, 1996 Press Contact: Bill Doerrfeld President Blue World Communications, Inc. (206) 313-1051 Lasso 1.1 is Available: New Features in Upgrade Enable More Powerful Dynamic Web Data Serving. Operates now as a WebSTAR Plug-in. ISSAQUAH, WA - December 11, 1996 - Blue World Communications, Inc. announces the release of Lasso 1.1, the advanced tool for quickly integrating Claris Corporation FileMaker Pro 3.0 for the Macintosh databases with the Web. Lasso is designed for blazing fast performance. Searching FileMaker Pro Macintosh relational databases with tens of thousands of records in under a second is now possible with Lasso. Lasso operates by recognizing special commands placed in standard HTML files. These commands define all interaction between FileMaker Pro and a Mac OS Web server. Lasso functions as the "glue" between FileMaker Pro and the Web. Lasso HTML files (or format files) are easily edited in HTML authoring programs such as...
Dec 09
[MD1] Linux F compiler articles
If you would like to include an article about F in a future issue, please let me know. We just announced the Mac F version at Supercomputing 96 in Pittsburgh. (The Linux F compiler is free and the Windows/Mac/Unix educational versions are only $101 with a textbook.) Imagine1, Inc. is the creator of the F programming language. Our Web page is Thanks, David Epstein
Dec 09
[MD1] Linux Newsletter Volume 1
Note: This will not be distributed regularly through MacDev-1 -- just the first one to give you an idea of the newsletter. [Ed. -nst] ** Table of Contents - Press Attention - Survey Results - Comdex Report - Linux Trademark Dispute Good news everyone! We (The Linux Community) are finally getting the eye from the big mainstream press as more than just a curiosity. Jim Mohr, author of "Inside SCO Unix", writer for BYTE Magazine and several other publications, is authoring a book for Prentice Hall entitled "LINUX Business User's Resource". If you are using Linux at work or for work he wants to know about it, and has given me the following questionnaire to send out. Jim intends to include as many of the replies as he can in both his book and future articles. If you have something you cannot talk about yet, but can in the future... let us know it is happening without names.... and then tell us when we can talk about it. Truly Linux is taking off. Oh, and in case you are wondering,...
Dec 06
[MD1] Webink Pro 1.5 and ObjectEditor 1.0
Webink Ltd announce Webink Pro 1.5 and ObjectEditor 1.0 (London, England - November 27th, 1996) Webink Ltd are pleased to announce the upcoming release of Webink Pro 1.5 a leading object aware database publishing and authoring tool for the world wide web. Webink Pro 1.5 is due to be released in January 1997. Some new feature of 1.5 include : TCP/IP API for both Macintosh and PC versions Remote/local server side includes User variable management, restoration Easy cookie management Easy user management Dynamic Objects Extended String, Page, Database, Maths, Date & Time classes Expanded style sheets and much more... ObjectEditor 1.0, also due for a January 1996 release provides developers the ability to remotely edit and manage Webink sites around the world from any location. ObjectEditor allows complete control of remote sites, including replication of sites (on-line) around the world in a few minutes, with...
Dec 06
[MD1] PKZIP Support to Power Mac
Contact: Shannon Wendel Mark Erickson (937) 847-2374 x14 (937) 847-2374 x38 ASi releases PKZIP DCL for the Power Macintosh. Developers are able to incorporate PKZIP implode and explode capabilities into their programming. The PKZIP DCL provides a library of routines for the compression and decompression of data on a Macintosh or Power Macintosh. It allows programmers to compress and decompress data using their own file handling routines to read and write their data. Other features include all purpose patented data compression algorithm that compresses both ASCII and binary data quickly, application controlled input/output and memory allocation for the utmost flexibility, and adjustable dictionary size that allows the software to be fine tuned for maximum speed or compression. ASi is the global leader in compression solutions. Their line of compression utilities includes such names as PKZIP, MultiZip, NetSqueeze, and Nico...
Dec 04
[MD1] Deals list from Small Dog
Small Dog Electronics is pleased to announce its new E-mail list of deals for the Macintosh. The List is called Kibbles&Bytes. To subscribe to the list send an E-mail message with SUBSCRIBE KIBBLES&BYTES [Your Name] to ( Small Dog Electronics is a Vermont company which specializes in refurbished Macintosh equipment & software. Our web site is at ( (Of course the web site is server on a Mac) Also Small Dog would like to invite Macintosh developers and publishers to submit deals for inclusion in the next few issues of Kibbles&Bytes. With both MacDeals & Dealbits discontinuing publication, perhaps Kibbles&Bytes can fill some of the void left by these e-mail deal sheets. Our focus will be to provide offers that are cool and with prices that will not be seen in the regular channels. To get things rolling, the first deals submitted will be handled at no charge to the developer. Send an E-mail detailing your offer...
Dec 04
[MD1] Spotlight Memory Debugger
For Immediate Release *-) Onyx Technology Introduces Spotlight Memory Debugger for the Macintosh (-* Contact: Onyx Technology, Inc. 7811 27th Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34209 Main: (941) 795-7801 Fax: (941) 795-5901 Sales: (941) 795-7801; Technical/Customer Support: Bradenton, FL -- 04 DEC 1996: Onyx Technology, makers of the "QC(tm)" stress testing tool, have reinforced their position as the leading memory debugging tools vendor for the Macintosh community with the release of a new debugging tool called "Spotlight on Macintosh". Spotlight is easy to use yet powerful enough to become a key component of virtually every programmer and tester's arsenal of tools. Spotlight contains impressive abilities for providing memory protection services and fine granularity memory bounds checking, toolbox API discipline checking, and leaks detection. Spotlight requires that the developer/tester have...
Dec 04
[MD1] Claris Solutions Alliance Expansion
CLARIS CORPORATION EXPANDS CLARIS SOLUTIONS ALLIANCE Rapidly growing worldwide consortium of software professionals opens ranks to solutions partners and novice developer and consultants SANTA CLARA, Calif., - Dec. 4, 1996 - Claris Corporation today announced the expansion of the Claris Solutions Alliance (CSA), a consortium of software professionals, publishers, authors and trainers who use and recommend Claris software products. Spurred by the fast growth of the CSA, which has risen to nearly 1,500 members worldwide, Claris is adding two new tiers to the organization. "In less than one year, CSA membership has almost doubled, a leading indicator of the widespread popularity of FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Windows Win 3.1, 95/NT and the Mac OS, ClarisWorks 4.0 for Windows 95 and Mac OS and Claris Home Page for Windows 95/NT and Mac OS within small businesses, corporations and educational institutions," said Guerrino De Luca, Claris president. "Our expansion of the CSA is focused on...
Dec 04
[MD1] VOODOO and Apprentice Deal
BUY VOODOO AND GET APPRENTICE 5 FREE! About VOODOO ------------ VOODOO (Versions Of Outdated Documents Organized Orthogonally) from Unisoftware Plus GmbH is the ultimate version control solution you have been waiting for. It is a standalone version control tool with a graphical user interface offering many features for the simple and clear management of projects in which files evolve in numerous versions. Here are some of its cooler features: - Simple and clear management of variants and revisions of full projects (not only single files) - Efficient delta storage (95 % savings and more) for files of arbitrary type (MSWord, XPress, Freehand, Filemaker, 4th Dimension, Prograph, etc.). - Management of users with hierarchically ordered access rights. - Recording of the complete project history (who made which changes - when and why) - Standalone tool with full graphical user interface which makes it easy to use - Suitable not only for programming projects but also...
Dec 04
[MD1] ObjectSet Mail SDK
SmartCode Software ships ObjectSet MAIL SDK DR1, Free Evaluation on the Web. Highland Park, IL (December 1, 1996) Smartcode Software is now shipping the first release of ObjectSet Mail SDK for Macintosh. ObjectSet Mail SDK provides electronic mail components for developers who wish to include internet messaging functions in their applications, or develop multimedia mail-centric applications. The first three supported protocols are POP3 , SMTP and MIME. With ObjectSet, you can include advanced MIME mail features in your applications with just a few simple calls. ObjectSet provides advanced MIME message body handling facilities, and handles the encoding and decoding of MIME bodyparts, whether you are using Base64, Quoted-Printable, Applesingle, Appledouble, UUdecode or Binhex. ObjectSet gives you comprehensive, robust and RFC compliants implementations of industry-standard MIME, SMTP and POP3 protocols, and is fully threaded. you can benefit from the...
Dec 02
[MD1] S-CASE now supports UML 0.91
S-CASE 3.0 updated to support UML 0.91 Schaumburg, IL (December 2, 1996) - MultiQuest announced today the release of S-CASE 3.0 (rev. 1.9) with enhanced support for Unified Modeling Language 0.91. This new version reaffirms MultiQuest's commitment to the UML notation proposed by renowned object-oriented methodologists Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and Jim Rumbaugh. S-CASE 3.0 was designed from ground up to provide the true UML metamodel as its foundation. This metamodel is fully accessible using Tcl scripts, thus providing hooks for code generators, report writers and other useful tools. Additional enhancements in this new version include improved code generation and reverse engineering. Available immediately, S-CASE 3.0 for Windows and Macintosh lists at $495. A save-limited evaluation version can be downloaded from Founded in 1989, MultiQuest Corporation offers innovative tools and services to software developers worldwide. The company's mission is to...
Dec 02
[MD1] SearchServer 3.5 for MacOS
FULCRUM DELIVERS SEARCHSERVER SUPPORT FOR POWER MAC SearchServer Version 3.5 Roll-Out Continues Ottawa, Canada, December 2, 1996 -- Fulcrum Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: FULCF; TSE: FUL) today announced support for the Apple Computer, Inc. Power Macintosh as part of the continuing roll-out of SearchServer 3.5. The support comes in the form of a Fulcrum Software Development Kit, which allows SearchServer users to port their applications to Power Mac clients. The product is commercially available now. Fulcrum provides products that "bridge the islands of information in an enterprise," said Peter Klante, vice president of marketing at Fulcrum. "A multi-platform approach is absolutely key to our strategy, and support for Apple Macintosh clients is of particular importance to our customers in the publishing market. With this SDK, our customers will be able to bring all of the enhancements of the latest version of SearchServer to a Macintosh audience." "We are pleased to see Fulcrum...
Dec 02
[MD1] GrayScale check for Appearance Mgr
GRAYSCALE KITCHEN 1.0 NEW SOFTWARE THAT ALLOWS DEVELOPERS TO SYSTEMATICALLY OBSERVE AND PREPARE THEIR APPLICATIONS FOR THE NEW APPLE GRAYSCALE APPEARANCE November 30, 1996 Viperware today announces its newest product: Grayscale Kitchen 1.0. Grayscale Kitchen is a tool that allows Developers to experience Apple's new Grayscale Appearance systematically, without implementing it themselves. For more information see: or GALLERY Grayscale Kitchen gives developers a hands-on approach to learning about the future of the Macintosh experience. Grayscale Kitchen demonstrates many new interface elements never seen before by developers, including Apple's new tabs and the new interface that helps users to easily determine the currently active window. LICENSING Because Apple hasn't made the API for the new Grayscale Appearance publicly available, developers have a few options: 1. Wait for Apple to come out with Mac OS...
Dec 02
[MD1] OpenGL for the Macintosh
Conix Graphics announces OpenGL for the Macintosh Arlington, TX (December 3, 1996) Conix Graphics announced today the release of OpenGL version 1 for the Macintosh. Founder John Stauffer states, "We are proud to offer this technology on the Macintosh platform. It will afford Apple developers another tool for 3D graphics". OpenGL assists graphics developers in CAD, Mechanical implementation, Architectural Design, Medical and Scientific Imaging, Geophysical Sciences, Animation, Photorealism, Data Visualization, and Simulation. OpenGL is the premier 2D and 3D graphics library that allows developers to build geometric models, view models interactively in 3D space, control color and lighting, manipulate pixels, and perform such tasks as alpha blending, anti-aliasing, depth cueing and texture mapping. Early benchmark testing shows that OpenGL for the Macintosh out performs OpenGL offered by Microsoft and IBM. Cross platform capability enables programmers the flexibility to transition code...
Nov 27
[MD1] Free Leather Game Sprockets Jacket
The Apple Game Sprockets Leather Jacket Raffle... Are you wondering what you will get for the holidays this year? Do you already dread the long return lines at the stores? Well, check this out because it's going to blow you away! Now you can walk away with the coolest leather, bombardier jacket without spending any time shopping! That's right, the authentic Apple Game Sprockets, Macintosh Serious Game Hardware, Apple Game Team 1996 leather bomber jacket. Worth several hundred dollars -- absolutely free! How do you qualify for this awesome jacket you ask? Simple. Every MacTech Magazine subscriber (active for the February issue) will automatically be entered into the raffle contest. The rest of you who want to be a part of this contest must submit your MacTech Magazine subscription to us by midnight, December 15, 1996. Meeting this subscription deadline will not only qualify you for this fabulous contest, you will also receive your first issue of MacTech Magazine in time for the...
Nov 27
[MD1] Disabling the CFM-68K Runtime
Apple recommends customers disable the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler extension Apple Computer has discovered a bug in the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler extension that can affect the stability of Macintosh computers based on the 680x0 processor. This extension allows the use of certain applications on 680x0 computers, and is installed by an application installer only if the application requires the extension. Customers will know they have this extension installed if the file " CFM-68K Runtime Enabler" (note that the file name begins with a space) is located in their Extensions folder which resides inside their System folder. In certain circumstances, the bug can cause applications which rely on the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler to not function properly, resulting in application instability and potential loss of data. The most obvious symptoms are what appear to be random system crashes and hangs. Macintosh and Mac OS-compatible computers based on the PowerPC processor are not affected by this bug....
Nov 26
[MD1] Fantasm and PowerFantasm upgrades
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lightsoft are pleased to announce that both Fantasm and PowerFantasm have been upgraded to version 4.15. The upgrades are available free to registered users of previous V4.xx versions via email. Features of the upgrade include: All known back end bugs were fixed. Linking to PowerPC shared libraries now works, and support for many more shared libraries added, including Sprockets(tm). New PowerPC fragment compiler with improved speed and error reporting. New directives designed for faster PowerPC code operation. Smaller and some 10 to 20% faster than previous versions. Many user interface improvements including; better chroma coding and faster editing, can take and play voice notes, more feedback when Building or assembling, better (user configurable priorities) multi tasking, improved foreign platform file import filters, audio CD auto repeat and others Completely revised manuals Full details of the upgrade and how users can receive their...
Nov 26
[MD1] Open Transport/PPP 1.0
Apple Open Transport/PPP 1.0 Provides First PowerPC-native Access for Remote Internet Users First Deliverable in Next-Generation Remote Acess Brings Apple Ease-of-Use to PPP CUPERTINO, California--Nov. 26, 1996--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced Open Transport/PPP 1.0, an extension to Open Transport that adds Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) support, an industry standard providing access to multi-protocol networks. Open Transport is Apple's standards-based networking and communications system for Macintosh and Mac OS-compatible computers. OT/PPP is the first PPP implementation for the Mac OS to take full advantage of the Open Transport architecture, and the first PPP implementation to offer the performance and stability of native code on PowerPC-based Mac OS systems. Developed entirely at Apple, Open Transport/PPP re-emphasizes Apple's committment to the Internet and to providing high-quality network software for all Internet users. Open Transport/PPP 1.0 provides clients, connecting...
Nov 26
[MD1] New Excel Web Site
Visit our new web site for software engineering tools that run on Macintosh, Windows 95/NT, Solaris and HP-UX computers. MacA&D and WinA&D products are the fast, easy way to design your applications. Topics include: )) OOA/OOD (Shlaer/Mellor, Coad/Yourdon, Booch, OMT, Jacobson and Fusion) )) Structured Analysis and Design (Yourdon/DeMarco, Gane & Sarson, Hatley/Pirbhai) )) State Modeling (Mealy, Moore, Harel, Shlaer/Mellor, STG, etc.) )) Multi-Task Design )) Data Modeling (Martin's Information Engineering, Chen, etc.) )) Integrated Code Editing and Browsing )) Use Cases/Requirements Traceability )) Multi-User Team Dictionary )) Code generation for C/C++, Pascal/Object Pascal, Delphi, Basic, Fortran and SQL. )) Reengineering Code to Design After checking out the site, you can request a free technical brochure for in-depth information on MacA&D and/or WinA&D products. Email your postal address to
Nov 26
[MD1] QuickDraw 3D: Best of COMDEX
QuickDraw 3D for Mac and Windows Receives Best of COMDEX Award and is Released for Both Platforms Version 1.5 offers industry-first extensible 3D Architecture for Windows 95, NT and Mac OS; 21 Vendors ready to use QuickDraw 3D for Windows Fall COMDEX 1996--November 22, 1996--Apple Computer, Inc today announced that QuickDraw 3D (QD3D) - the Company's premier 3D architecture for enabling workstation-quality graphics on personal computers - has received the prestigious COMDEX/Fall 96 Best of Show Award in the multimedia software category. QD3D 1.5 is a significant update that brings for the first time QD3D to both Mac OS and 32-bit Windows (95 and NT) platforms to enable multi- platform development of 3D authoring tools, games and other applications. QD3D has been available on the Mac OS platform since August of 1995 and the 1.5 release is also a simultaneous update for Mac OS computers. QD3D 1.5 installers for Mac OS and 32-bit Windows will be available for download beginning the week...
Nov 26
[MD1] BeOS Web Server
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Purity Software, Inc. 1016 Mopac Circle, Suite 101 Austin, TX 78746 +1.512.328.2288 FAX +1.512.328.2688 Purity Software Announces BeOS Web Server (Austin, TX - November 26th, 1996) Purity Software, Inc. is proud to announce the first commercial web server for the BeOS. The yet to be named server is expected to ship in the first quarter of 1997. The web server will be previewed to the public at the upcoming MacWorld San Francisco, January 7-10 out of Purity's booth (3154, North Hall). Though the feature set has not been frozen at this time, current plans...
Nov 26
[MD1] Internet Proxy Gateway
Transware adds Internet Proxy Gateway to TransTalk MP: Connect an entire LAN to the Internet through a single IP dial-up connection. Mountain View, CA November 25th, 1996 TransTalk MP is the first high speed wide area network (WAN) router with a built-in Internet Proxy Gateway that allows connection to the internet in a easy, cost effective and secure manner. TransTalk MP with its user friendly interface is ideal for network administrators who want to offer Internet services to their users without compromising security. TransTalk MP opens Internet access to all Mac's and PC's connected to the local network. With the new Internet Proxy Gateway all IP traffic coming from the various stations on the local network will be "multiplexed" and sent through the sole Internet IP address allocated by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Similarly, reply IP packets coming from the Internet will be automatically and transparently forwarded to their destination on the local network. TransTalk MP...
Nov 26
[MD1] Mercutio MDEF 1.3.2
Hello all -- This is to announce the release of Mercutio MDEF 1.3.2. The release package is currently available for FTP, and will be distributed to Info-Mac shortly. This is a maintenance release, and fixes a few bugs reported in the 1.3 and 1.3.1 releases. One bug is a memory leak that occured when scrolling menus with icons in them. Changes in version 1.3.2: - Fixed sample code to correct react to key equivalents in hierarchical menus. - Added ksameAlternateAsLastTime and kdontDisposeIcon constants to .h API file. Those flags functioned correctly but were misnamed. - Fixed memory leak when scrolling icon suites. - Fixed cosmetic glitches when using non-standard System fonts (e.g with Kaleidoscope). - Fixed bug in C sample code for dynamic items. - Changed some of the color icons in the sample application. Changes in version 1.3.1: - Fixed Pascal API bug that gave crash under non GENERATECFM situations. - Fixed crash bug that could occur under certain...
Nov 25
[MD1] Frontier Site Redesign
Good morning! We just completed a redesign of the Frontier website. Every page has a brief table of contents of the site. It should be easier to navigate. New Classified Ads server for the web scripting community. The home page is easier to parse. The site looks good on a Windows browser. ( If you're interested in Mac system scripting, site content tools, and new web stuff, please get in the loop now, check out the new home page, and watch the News & Updates page. Thanks! Dave
Nov 24
[MD1] Movie Cleaner Pro 2.0
Terran Interactive Contact: John Geyer, VP-Marketing Voice: 408/278-9026 Fax: 408/278-9063 Internet: Web: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ***** "MOVIE CLEANER PRO 2.0 - MacUser EDITOR'S CHOICE AWARD ***** FINALIST GETS EVEN BETTER" TERRAN INTERACTIVE, SAN JOSE, CA -- November 21, 1996 -- Having just received the MacUser Editor's Choice Finalist Award, Movie Cleaner Pro gets even better with an upgrade to version 2.0. The new version is scheduled for release in February 1997 and will deliver support for exciting new features such as multiprocessor support, advanced data rate control, multiple track processing, optimal palette creation and still-frame processing. The award winning interface will also be revised to add increased flexibility and ease-of-use to end users. Version 2.0 is the first paid upgrade and will offer substantial value to Terran's customers. Pricing has not yet been determined....
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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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