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Friday October 1

Mac OS X: Why your Mac might not sleep or stay in sl...

Learn why your Mac might not go to sleep when you expect it to, or why it might not stay in sleep mode.

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MobileMe: Troubleshooting the Gallery app on your iP...

You can view your MobileMe Gallery and quickly access your friends' galleries with the Gallery app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. For help using the Gallery app, open the app, tap Settings in the upper-left corner, and then tap Gallery Help.
If you encounter issues while using the Gallery app, the steps below can help you troubleshoot further. Using Gallery app version 1.2 or later is recommended for all MobileMe Gallery app users.

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View Your Gallery Anywhere on iPad

The new Gallery 1.2 app is now available for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. This update adds a viewing experience fully optimized for the iPad—including a beautiful new way to view recently added photos—so you can enjoy your shared photo albums anywhere you go. Also new is the ability to view friends' galleries without a MobileMe subscription (iPad and iPhone only).

The Gallery app is available as a free download from the App Store. If you already have Gallery installed, just launch the App Store from your device and tap Updates.

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Magic Trackpad: About the Tap to Click feature

Learn more about the Tap to Click feature for Magic Trackpad.

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Fix Bluetooth volume problems in iOS 4.1

The release of iOS 4.1 fixed many Bluetooth connection problems from iOS 4.0. However it introduced a significant problem with volume over Bluetooth. Any audio from the iPhone over Bluetooth is very low, to the point of being inaudible, even with volume turned to max on the Bluetooth device and the Bluetooth volume on maximum on the iPhone.

After much discussion over many threads at the Apple support boards, a number of 'fixes' were found but most of them resulted in temporary resolution. These includes resetting iPhone settings and/or deleting the Bluetooth device from the iPhone and re-adding it. This thread discusses the actual fix, and I have pasted the contents below.
This was tested on three different iPhones; doing it this way has corrected the constant disconnecting so you can now walk 30 feet or more away from your phone and the headsets have no muffled...

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Carbon Copy Cloner as a disk and FileVault aid

Summary: how to use Carbon Copy Cloner as an extra check on your file system and to help resolve a FileVault sparsebundle issue.

While I use Time Machine I also clone my MacBook drive weekly to an offsite backup. I need to log out of my normal FileVault enabled account to do this.

This week Carbon Copy Cloner completed the clone but reported an error. I looked at the log and it reported that it was having an input/output error on my FileVault sparsebundle. I ran Disk Utility's First Aid on my MacBook and backup disk and both passed. I then tried to mount the sparsebundle, which worked, and then ran First Aid on its volume. It also passed.

Thus the first hint, Carbon Copy Cloner (and the rsync utility it uses) can identify disk issues that First Aid and Time Machine miss/ignore.
Then I noticed the error mentioned that it did not delete the info on my clone so, silly...

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iOS 4:Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 ではアカウントにつき...

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 に付属の Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync 14.1 では、Exchange アカウントにつき 10 個のデバイスまで、というデフォルトの上限を設けています。このアカウントごとの上限を超えて iOS デバイスを設定すると、次のような予期しない動作を引き起こす可能性があります。 新しい Exchange アカウントの作成後、または既存の Exchange アカウント用にサーバを SP1 にアップデートした後、メールアカウントおよびカレンダーアカウントが応答しなくなる。 Exchange アカウントを設定しているプロファイルをインストールしようとすると、「アカウント情報の検証中に修復できないエラーが発生しました」というようなメッセージが表示され、プロファイルをインストールできない。 別のデバイスでメールをチェックすると、許可されている最大の 10 パートナーシップの範囲を超えた 11 のパートナーシップがあるという、新しい携帯電話パートナーシップのエラーメッセージが表示される。

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iMac or Mac Pro (Mid 2010):Snow Leopard のディスクユーティリティ...

iMac (Mid 2010) および Mac Pro (Mid 2010) コンピュータには、SSD ドライブやハードドライブなどの記憶装置を複数搭載できます。オペレーティングシステムファイル、アプリケーション、およびデータを、ある記憶装置から別の記憶装置に移動する方法を説明します。

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Thursday September 30


Mail メッセージの「戻す」機能が差出人にメッセージを戻さない場合があります。

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LED Cinema Display (27-inch):キーボードの音量コントロールおよび消音コントロ...

特定の状況で、LED Cinema Display (27-inch) を Mini DisplayPort オーディオに対応した Macintosh コンピュータに接続した後、キーボードの音量コントロールおよび消音キーでディスプレイの音量を調整できなくなる場合があります。 

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Mac OS X v10.6 Mail:メールの送受信に関するトラブルシューティング

Mac OS X v10.6 の Mail アプリケーションでメールをうまく送受信できない場合は、以下を参考にしてトラブルシューティングを行ってください。

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Mac OS X v10.6 Mail: Troubleshooting sending and rec...

If an issue occurs when sending or receiving email messages in Mail in Mac OS X v10.6, use this information to troubleshoot the issue.

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iTunes:HD ビデオの購入と再生

iTunes Store から購入するビデオは標準解像度 (SD) で、コンピュータ、iPhone、iPad、iPod、または Apple TV で再生できます。一部、高解像度 (HD) で提供されているビデオもあります。HD ビデオは高画質ですが、iPhone 4、iPod touch (第 4 世代)、iPad、コンピュータ、または Apple TV でしか再生できません。iTunes Store から HD ビデオを購入すると SD バージョンも同時にダウンロードされます。

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iTunes: Purchasing and viewing HD Videos

Video purchases from the iTunes Store are delivered in Standard Definition (SD), which can be played on your computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Apple TV. Some videos are also offered in High Definition (HD). HD videos feature a higher-quality picture, but are designed to be played only on your iPhone 4, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad, computer, or Apple TV. When you purchase an HD video from the iTunes Store, you will also receive the SD version.

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iTunes for Windows:HDCP が必要な HD ビデオコンテンツを表示/再生できない

Windows 7 では、HD ビデオやコンテンツを表示/再生できなかったり警告メッセージが表示される場合があります。

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iTunes for Windows: Unable to view or play HD video...

In Windows 7, you may be unable to view or play HD video or content, and you may receive a related alert message.

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How to identify iMac (Mid 2007) and later models

You can identify iMac models by part number on the box, with information from System Profiler, or by the serial number on the iMac.  Learn more about using these methods to help determine which iMac you have.

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iPhone:お使いの iPhone に対応している iOS 4 ソフトウェアの機能を確認する

iOS 4 無料ソフトウェアアップデートには、iPhone 3G、iPhone 3GS、および iPhone 4 (iOS 4 搭載) 向けの新機能が提供されています。機能と性能はモデルによって異なり、一部の機能は新モデルに限定されます。

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Magic Trackpad:簡体字中国語または繁体字中国語のトラックパッド手書き認識を使う

Mac OS X アプリケーションに中国語の文字を入力するためのトラックパッド手書き認識をサポートする Magic Trackpad またはポータブル Mac のトラックパッドの使い方を説明します。

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Magic Trackpad:「タップでクリック」機能について

Magic Trackpad の「タップでクリック」機能について説明します。

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Disk Utility may not warn of a failing hard drive

While Apple's bundled Disk Utility application reports a hard drive's S.M.A.R.T. status, the information might not be correct.

If you care about the information stored on a hard drive that is connected to an internal bus of your Mac, you should consider using other applications than Apple's Disk Utility to monitor that drive's health.

As can be seen in the following screen shot an HDD riddled with bad blocks is still reported as having it's S.M.A.R.T. status verified.

Here's a screenshot showing the difference between Disk Utility and SMART Utility at displaying the S.M.A.R.T. parameters.

[crarko adds: S.M.A.R.T. in general has not been incredibly successful at forecasting drive failure....

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View in-browser PDFs in Google Chrome

To the best of my knowledge, no third-party PDF plugin on the Mac allows for the inline viewing of PDFs in Google Chrome, fortunately there is a way. As of Chrome 6, Google bundles an experimental PDF plugin, which is disabled by default.

To enable it:

  • Type about:plugins in the omnibox.
  • You should see a disabled plugin called 'Chrome PDF Viewer;' click the Enable button under this plugin.

You should now be able to view PDFs in Chrome. There are a few rough edges to this plugin. The occasional PDF will not display properly (in particular, it seems to choke on PDFs that have restrictions in effect — printing, copying, etc), but the vast majority show up just fine. The viewer is very fast, and has resizing controls available in the bottom-right corner of the window.

Note that there is currently no loading indicator for PDFs, so if you click on a large document, it may seem like the tab has frozen,...

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Wednesday September 29

Power Mac G5 and Mac Pro:CD/DVD トレイを開く方法

Power Mac G5 または Mac Pro の光学式ドライブのトレイを開く方法は何通りかあります。

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Mac OS X Server v10.6:デフォルトのファイアウォールルールで DHCP から割り当て...

Mac OS X Server v10.6 では、デフォルトのファイアウォールルールでファイアウォールサービスが有効になっている場合、ネットワークインターフェイス用の IP アドレスを受信しないことがあります。

インターフェイスで DHCP サーバを使用するように設定されている場合、IP アドレス、またはその他のネットワーク設定情報を受信しません。
インターフェイスで DHCP サーバを使用 (アドレスは手入力) するように設定されている場合、インターフェイスには目的の IP アドレスが設定されますが、DHCP サーバからそのサブネットマスク、ルーター、DNS サーバ、または検索ドメイン設定を受信しません。

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Syncing music to iPod shuffle

Note: This document applied to iPod shuffle (1st generation) and iPod shuffle (2nd generation).

iPod shuffle (1st generation)

iPod shuffle (2nd generation)

iPod shuffle (3rd generation)

iPod shuffle (4th generation)

iTunes includes a feature called Autofill that can quickly sync audio content from your library or a selected playlist to your iPod shuffle. You can also manually sync content. To learn more, review the steps below. For information on syncing and playing audiobooks and podcasts see this document.

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iWork for iPad:iTunes のファイル共有について

iTunes 9.1 以降 (iTunes 10 以降推奨) のファイル共有では、Keynote、Pages、Numbers を使って iPad で作成したファイルをコンピュータに送信することができます。また、これとは逆の操作も可能です。つまり、コンピュータから iPad にファイルを送信して iWork アプリケーションで使うことができます。たとえば、iPad で Pages の書類を開いて Mac に送信し、Pages '09 で編集してから iPad に送信しなおすことが簡単にできます。
iPad 用 iWork のファイル共有要件は以下のとおりです。

Mac OS X v10.5.8 以降、または Windows XP SP3 以降
iTunes 9.1 以降 (iTunes 10 以降推奨)
iPad にインストールされている iPad 用 iWork アプリケーション (Keynote、Pages、または Numbers) のいずれか


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Controlling the Release of Updates for Your Apps

Version Release Control is a recently added feature in iTunes Connect that is presented when you submit updates for your apps currently on the App Store. This feature gives you the option to either automatically release an update once it's approved by the App Review Team, or release it yourself through the Manage Your Applications module.

If you select to release a version yourself, it will appear as Pending Developer Release once it has been approved and will remain in this state until you release it to the App Store. You will receive an email reminder to release a version of your app if it is in the Pending Developer Release state for longer than 30 days.

For more details, read the Version Release Control section of the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

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How to bulk select photos on an iPad

Recently I needed to delete 2,000 photos from my iPad manually. Manually clicking on each photo to select it for deleting would take forever. So I figured out this combination of gestures to do it faster.
After coming back from a holiday to Europe I had several thousand photos on my iPad. I had already synced to the Mac, and now needed to delete them from the iPad. The only method I could see would be to turn off syncing. But that also meant that photos I wanted to keep on the iPad got deleted as well. I could have done that and just resynced the images I wanted back to the iPad, but I wanted to just remove some of the images. Looking in the Photos app I could not find any method for bulk selecting the images I wanted to delete. I tried several things and eventually found some tricks.

Trick 1: Multi-selecting images. Normally you tap an image to select it for emailing or deleting. I found that if you tap and hold your finger on the image for...

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Fix a non-connecting Bluetooth controller

Occasionally the bluetooth process can decide it doesn't want to connect to any devices. Turning bluetooth off means you can't re-enable, but with Bluetooth Explorer, you can force it to do so.

When in this broken Bluetooth state, trying to connect to any Bluetooth device will cause an error. I usually try turning off Bluetooth when it has issues, but in this state it will refuse to turn back on (the menu bar option for 'Turn Bluetooth On' is greyed out). I'm sure a restart would fix, but I've found that if you have the Developer Utilities installed, Bluetooth will do the trick.

Simply start up the app, located in /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Bluetooth/, and it will give you a message about turning on the controller -- ignore this, as it doesn't seem to help. Once it's started, go to the 'Utilities' menu and select 'HCI Controller Selector'. In most machines, I think you'll just have one 'Apple Inc,...

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iTunes 10:ビジュアライザでフルスクリーンを選択すると、画面の右下または左下に小さいウインドウで...

iTunes 10 の「詳細」環境設定で「フルスクリーンビジュアライザを表示」を有効にしている場合: ライブラリの表示を Cover Flow に設定してビジュアライザを有効にすると、ビジュアライザは画面の左下にのみ表示されます。 iTunes DJ を選択して、さらにビジュアライザを選択すると、 画面の右下に小さいウインドウが表示されます。

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Tuesday September 28

Pro Applications: Entering serial number after migra...

After using Migration Assistant in Mac OS X v10.6.x to migrate data and applications, you may be prompted to enter the serial number when opening a migrated application from any of the following products:

Aperture 3
Final Cut Studio (2009)
Logic Studio (2009)
Logic Express 9

After entering the serial number and clicking OK, the application may not respond.

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新しい iPhone、iPad、または iPod touch を使う前に、iTunes が実行されているコンピュータに接続してアクティベーションを行う必要があります。この接続中に、ユーザが選択しなくても、アクティベーションに必要な情報とともに コンピュータの iTunes アカウントが USB 経由で同期されます。

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Windows OS Managed Client:iTunes コントロール機能の操作方法

注意:この記事では、Microsoft Windows 互換コンピュータのみに関する情報を紹介します。Mac OS X での iTunes コントロール機能の管理については、こちらの記事 および こちらの記事 を参照してください。 iTunes 環境設定からペアレンタルコントロールを設定する方法については こちらの記事 を参照してください。システム管理者は、ペアレンタルコントロールや、企業向けのエンタープライズコントロール、教育機関向けのエデュケーショナルコントロール機能を使って、iTunes に表示されるコンテンツを制御することができます。この記事では、iTunes for Microsoft Windows でペアレンタルコントロールなどの制御機能を事前設定する方法について紹介します。以下の情報は iTunes 7.1 以降に関するものです。重要:以下の手順では、レジストリエディタ (Regedit) を使って Windows レジストリを変更します。レジストリの編集に関する十分な知識をお持ちの場合でも、編集を行う前に必ずレジストリのバックアップコピーを作成しておいてください。Regedit の操作を間違うと、コンピュータの動作がおかしくなったり、Windows が起動しなくなることがあります。また、レジストリ値の変更を誤ると、ソフトウェアが正常に動作しなくなることもあります。この場合は値を修復する必要があります。Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows Server 2003 でレジストリをバックアップ、編集、復元する方法Windows 2000 でレジストリをバックアップ、編集、復元する方法

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A defragging tip for Mac Steam gamers

Mac OS X users have not needed the ability to defragment their hard drives. Most defragging is done in the background by the OS. There is one caveat: OS X does not defragment files larger than 20 MB. Quite often, many game files are easily larger than 20 MB. Fragmentation of game files will negatively impact performance of games, particularly FPS games.

Valve has included a defragmenter in the Steam client. Each game installed can be selected and right clicked to bring up the properties box. Once in the Properties box, select the Local Files tab and click Defragment Cache Files to begin defragmenting the game.

The author's blog has some screenshots of the process.

[crarko adds: I haven't tested this one....

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Using VNC from the Terminal

OSX has a nifty program called Screen Sharing. It lets you remotely access other computers, whether they be UNIX, Mac, Linux, Windows, or any other type of box. All the other box needs is a VNC server, which Macs have built in since 10.4.

However, using this app directly is often a pain. You have to open it up, create a new session, type in the URL/IP, and then possibly authenticate. If you, like me, are accustomed to using Terminal for most of your tasks, there is an easier and quicker way: use the "open" command, which is built in to OSX.

From a standard shell, run open as in one of these examples:

open vnc://

open vnc://

open vnc://mylocalserver.local

If you often VNC into the same computer, you can create an alias in your shell's profile so you don't have to type the command every time. Combine this with ......

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iTunes 10 for Mac:起動時に予期せず終了することがある

iTunes 10 for Mac を起動できなかったり、予期せず終了してしまう場合があります。

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iTunes 10ÔºöMicrosoft Outlook Hotmail Connector „Åå iPho...

Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector と iTunes 10 をインストールすると、連絡先、カレンダー、またはメモを同期できない場合があります。「 の動作が停止され、Windows によって閉じられています」という警告、または同様のメッセージが表示されることがあります。

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iMovie '09:複数フォーマットのビデオカメラから AVCHD クリップを読み込むのに追...

複数フォーマットを録画するビデオカメラの中には、両方のフォーマットを iMovie'09 に読み込むのに追加の手順が必要なものがあります。特定のビデオカメラで AVCHD および MP4 (または iFrame) フォーマットの両方を録画した場合、iMovie の「読み込み」ウインドウでは、MP4/iFrame ビデオクリップしか認識されません。

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MobileMe:サービスアップデート (2010 年 9 月 20 日現在)

MobileMe サービスが最近アップデートされました。今回のアップデートでは次のような改善がなされています。

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Monday September 27

iTunes 10: When choosing full screen in Visualizer,...

When you have "Display visualizer full screen" enabled in Advanced preferences for iTunes 10:

Turning on the visualizer while your library view is set to Cover Flow may cause the visualizer to only appear in the lower-left corner of the screen.
If iTunes DJ is selected and you choose the Visualizer, it displays a small window in the lower-right corner of the screen.

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Mail: Bounced message may not return to originator a...

Mail's message Bounce feature may not return a message to the sender.

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iPhone: Which iOS 4 software features does my iPhone...

iOS 4 is a free software update offering new features for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4 (which ships with iOS 4).
Features and capabilities vary between models, with some features available only on newer models.

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LED Cinema Display (27-inch): Keyboard volume and mu...

In certain situations, after connecting an LED Cinema Display (27-inch) to a Macintosh computer that supports Mini DisplayPort audio, the keyboard volume controls and mute keys may not control the volume on the display. 

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Disable Ping Dropdowns in iTunes 10.0.1

iTunes 10.0.1 introduces a new feature: most items now have a 'Ping' dropdown button where the Music Store arrow links used to be. These appear even if you've disabled Ping.

The buttons cannot be disabled in the UI, but there's a Terminal fix to do it.
First, quit iTunes just in case. Then, start and enter:

defaults write hide-ping-dropdown 1

When iTunes is restarted, the Ping buttons should have disappeared. To reverse, just repeat, using '0' rather than '1', or alternatively delete the setting altogether to ensure default behavior:

defaults delete hide-ping-dropdown

Unfortunately, the old 'show-store-arrow-links' hack no longer works. However, it turns out the setting has just changed to 'show-store-link-arrows' and now defaults to off to allow for the default Ping buttons. To restore the arrows:

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Using a Skim-annotated PDF on an iOS device

The notes I added to a PDF file with Skim were not visible on my iPod Touch after exporting it as a PDF with the embedded notes, dragging it to the books section on iTunes, and syncing. After some experimentation, the solution I found is:

  • From Skim: Print ¬ª Open in Preview.
  • In Preview: Save the file as a PDF.
  • And then drag the saved file to iTunes for syncing.

If you don't know it, Skim is an open source PDF reader and note-taker for Mac OS X. It's got some nifty features. The manual is online here.

[crarko adds: I haven't tested this one.]


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Friday September 24

iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooti...

This article provides some general suggestions when trying to troubleshoot an issue where iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 won't open, stops responding, or unexpectedly quits. It may be useful to print this document before following the steps outlined below.

For a discussion of troubleshooting similar issues in iTunes for Windows XP, see iTunes for Windows XP: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues.
If you are having trouble installing iTunes, see Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows.

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iOS 4: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 accepts on...

Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync 14.1, included with Exchange Server 2010 SP1, introduces a default limit of ten devices per Exchange account. If you configure an iOS device that exceeds this per-account limit, you may see unexpected behavior:

Mail and Calendar accounts become unresponsive after creating a new Exchange account, or after the server for an existing Exchange account is updated to SP1.
When installing a profile that configures an Exchange account, the message "An unrecoverable error occurred while validating the account information" appears, and the profile fails to install.
When you check email on another device, you see the message "Error with your new mobile phone partnership," which says "You have 11 phone partnerships out of the maximum allowed 10 partnerships."

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10.6: Set the View type for a Disk Image

In Snow Leopard newly created Disk Images, both unencrypted and encrypted, will default to the use of Icon View for display. Changing the View type to List, Cover Flow, or Column View and then closing the window and reopening the window causes the view to revert to Icon View. Ejecting and remounting the image will also lose any changes and revert to Icon View.

Deleting the .DS_Store file on the mounted image does not help, and there is nothing in that seems to affect this. This is quite vexing, and appears to be present in all revisions of Snow Leopard, at least through 10.6.4.

Fortunately, there is a workaround.
Here is the process:

  • Mount the Disk Image and select it. It will open in Icon View.
  • Do a Cmd+J to display the View Options for the disk image.
  • Check the 'Always open ...


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Keyboard shortcuts for Safari Reader

Safari Reader is a new feature with Safari 5. There are several keyboard shortcuts you can use to bring up, navigate and close Reader.

When you see the Reader icon in the address bar, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Command+Shift+R to enter Reader mode
  • Arrow keys up and down to navigate page
  • Spacebar or Page Down to page forward
  • Shift+Spacebar or Page Up to page back
  • Home (or Command+Up arrow) to go to the top of the page
  • End (or Command+Down arrow) to go to the end
  • Escape to dismiss Reader

[crarko adds: A quick roundup of shortcuts to add to your list.]


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LED Cinema Display (27-inch): Issues when connected...

From time to time you may notice symptoms like these when you connect your LED Cinema Display (27-inch) directly to a game console or Blu-ray player:

Black screens or pink screens when you connect or change resolutions.
Volume control adjustment issues.
Only single resolutions available.

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Troubleshooting the MacBook Air SuperDrive

If you are experiencing issues with using your MacBook Air SuperDrive, such as the disk not being accepted, try these steps to help resolve the issue.

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Calibrating displays with built-in ambient light sen...

Learn about using Apple Display Calibrator Assistant and ColorSync Utility on displays with the built-in ambient light sensor.

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Calibrating your Apple Cinema HD Display for color a...

In Mac OS X, the Display Calibrator Assistant is available to help you calibrate your display to better meet your needs.

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Apple Cinema Displays: How to identify a display and...

Learn how to identify your Apple cinema display and locate its serial number.

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Boot Camp: Unable to install HP printer driver on Wi...

One or more of the following messages may appear when installing HP printer software:

"Problem with the driver for Intel 5 Series/3400 series chipset family USB Universal Host controller - 3B36. Reinstalling the driver might fix this problem."
"USB driver connection is not operating correctly."
"Cannot determine system hardware configuration."
"This system does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements needed to install this product. The installation cannot continue."
"The computer does not have the necessary USB hardware support enabled to allow completion of a USB installation. The installation cannot continue until this is resolved."

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Thursday September 23

About Apple Magic Trackpad and 27-inch LED Cinema Di...

This update adds support for the Apple Magic Trackpad and 27-inch LED Cinema Display on Windows operating systems for use with Boot Camp.

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iTunes: About Sound Check

This document describes the Sound Check feature in iTunes.

Sound Check is a feature designed to allow you to hear all of your songs at approximately the same volume. You can turn Sound Check on and off in the Playback panel of iTunes preferences.

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iTunes for Windows: can't access the Internet i...

If you have incorrect proxy settings, iTunes for Windows will give you an error message when it tries to connect to Internet content, such as the iTunes Store, CD information (CDDB), or Internet radio stations.

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iTunes: Syncing address book contacts with your Goog...

If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, you can use iTunes (version 7.7 or later) to synchronize your Google Gmail contact list with your iPhone or iPod touch address book.

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Use VipRiser as CUPS-PDF replacement

The VipRiser has the same basic functionality as the CUPS-PDF (described in this earlier hint) printing package has, but it is more user friendly and easier to install. You can download the installer here.

Once installed, there's both an application (named VipRiser) and a print driver. You need to create the virtual printer in System Preferences » Print & Fax before using it the first time. Just hit the plus sign and add it. The installer walks you through this. The new printer is named 'Print to VipRiser' and once installed, you just select it like any other printer. The VipRiser application has to be running or the virtual printer will be paused, so you may want to put the application in your Login items.

The VipRiser has some...

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Automator Services for Facebook

Facebook Services (beta) is a collection of Automator Services that allow your Mac to interact with your Facebook account. The suite's Installer package can be downloaded from here. You'll see when you run them they make use of the usual Facebook API calls to do their work.
The following functions are provided:

  • Image ‚Ä¢ Upload to Facebook ‚Äî This service will upload the selected (in the Finder) image files to a Facebook account. If no album name is provided in the input dialog, the default album is used. If the provided album does not exist, it will be created. In addition, caption data for a posted image can be either: the image file name; the embedded IPTC title value; the embedded IPTC caption value; or text input by the user.

  • Capture Selection to Facebook ‚Äî This service will prompt for you to select an area of the screen to capture to file and...
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Wednesday September 22

iWork for iPad: Using a WebDAV service

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a method that allows you to edit and manage files stored on remote servers. By linking to a WebDAV location from your iWork for iPad app, you can easily copy documents to and from a remote server or web service.

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iTunes displays -50 error message when syncing iPod...

When trying to sync iPod, change iPod settings, or restore iPod from within iTunes you may see one of the following error messages:

The iPod "Customer's iPod" cannot be updated. An unknown error occurred (-50).
The disk could not be read from or written to.
The iPod "Customer's iPod" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1418, 1429, 1430, 1436 or 1439).

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iWork for iPad Apps Now Support MobileMe iDisk

With the latest Keynote, Pages and Numbers for iPad, you can now transfer your documents directly to and from your MobileMe iDisk so you can work on them anywhere you have an Internet connection. For example, create a new Pages document on your iPad and copy it directly to your iDisk. Then, when you are back at your Mac, open the document from iDisk and continue editing right where you left off.

If you're working from a Windows PC, access your iDisk with a browser at and upload an existing Microsoft Office document. Copy the document into Keynote, Pages or Numbers on your iPad to view it or make edits. When you've finished working on the document, copy it back to your iDisk as either an iWork, Microsoft...

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iMac or Mac Pro (Mid 2010): How to relocate your ope...

iMac (Mid 2010) and Mac Pro (Mid 2010) computers can be equipped with more than one storage device, such as an SSD drive and a hard drive. Learn how to migrate to your operating system files, applications, and data from one storage device to the other.

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Troubleshooting MacBook Air hinges

Learn what you can do if you experience one or more of these issues with the hinges on your MacBook Air.

Unable to close lid completely.
Broken or cracked plastic near one or both of the hinges.
More than one inch (2.54cm) of free play while opening or closing the lid.
Lid falls freely into closed position from a 30-degree open position. (From a closed position, open the lid approximately 30 degrees and let go.)

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iTunes 10: Alert indicates iTunes is unusuable and n...

After installing iTunes 10, when you open it a message may appear telling you that this copy of iTunes is unusable and needs to be installed again.

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iTunes 10: Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector may c...

With Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector and iTunes 10 installed, you may not be able to sync contacts, calendars, or notes. You may see an alert stating " has stopped working and has been closed by Windows," or a similar message.

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Windows OS Managed Client: How to manage iTunes cont...

Note: This document applies only to Microsoft Windows-compatible computers. For documentation on administrative management of iTunes Control Features for Mac OS X, please read article HT2653 and HT3490. For information regarding use of the iTunes Parental controls via iTunes preferences, please read article HT1904.
iTunes offers parental, enterprise, and education controls which give system administrators the ability to set content restrictions. The following information is for customers who want to pre-configure parental and/or other controls in iTunes for Microsoft Windows. This information only applies to iTunes 7.1 or later.
Important: The following steps involve making changes to the Windows registry using the Registry Editor (Regedit). Even if you are very comfortable editing the registry, you should make a backup of the registry prior to editing it. Making mistakes in Regedit can cause strange behaviors and can even prevent Windows from starting. The changes may...

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iTunes 10 for Mac: May quit unexpectedly on launch

iTunes 10 for Mac may be unable to open or may quit unexpectedly.

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iTunes: Turning on Activation-only Mode

Before a new iPhone, Pad, or iPod touch can be used, it must be activated by connecting it to a computer that is running iTunes. During that connection, even if no other choices are made, the iTunes account on the computer can be synced over USB along with the information for activation.

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MobileMe: Service updates as of September 20, 2010

The MobileMe service has been recently updated with improvements as described below.

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Syncing contacts and calendars to iPod with iTunes f...

iTunes can sync your contacts and calendars from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express and contacts from Microsoft Address Book to any iPod with a display screen1 (Note: Outlook 2003 or later is required to sync contacts and calendars from Outlook).
If you are syncing contacts and calendars to an iPod touch, please see this article.

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iWork for iPad: About iTunes File Sharing

With File Sharing in iTunes 9.1 or later (iTunes 10 or later recommended), you can send files created on your iPad with Keynote, Pages, and Numbers to your computer. You can also do the reverse and send files from your computer to your iPad, to be used with your iWork apps. For example, if you start a Pages document on your iPad, you can easily send it to your Mac and edit it in Pages ’09, and then send it back to your iPad.
File Sharing requirements for iWork for iPad:

Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later, or Windows XP SP3 or later
iTunes 9.1 or later (iTunes 10 or later recommended)
An iPad
Any of the iWork for iPad apps (Keynote, Pages, or Numbers) installed on your iPad

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About the 27-inch LED Cinema Display Software Update...

This software update provides support for the 27-inch LED Cinema Display.

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Hide any icon In iOS4 using iBackupBot

I have used this hint when setup up my iPhones in the past as I hate excess icons on my SpringBoard. That hint doesn't seem to work any more under iOS4.x.

To be sure the addition of Folders in iOS4.x has helped reduce clutter, but I never use
Compass, Stocks, or Voice Memos and other apps that need to be present on the SpringBoard for their other functions to operate (e.g. Tomtom Carkit tool).

I stumbled across this method while editing plists trying to make a 5 icon Dock on my non-jailbroken 4.0 iPhone 3GS.

Note that this hint requires connecting your iPhone to a Windows machine, either directly or through a virtualization application such as Fusion or Parallels.
What you will need:

  • An iPhone with iOS4. It does NOT need to be jailbroken, or otherwise altered.
  • ...
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Tuesday September 21

Final Cut Pro & Final Cut Express: Some imported...

When you import a layered Photoshop .psd file into a project, sometimes only the background layer appears in Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express.

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Final Cut Studio (2009): Share settings device compa...

Learn about the Share settings in Final Cut Studio (2009) (Final Cut Pro 7.0.3, Compressor 3.5.3, and Motion 4.0.3) and which Apple device is compatible with each setting.

Note: The iPhone 4 / iPad Share setting was added with Pro Applications Update 2010-02.

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Magic Trackpad: Using Trackpad Handwriting with Simp...

Learn how to use Magic Trackpad or a portable Mac trackpad that supports Trackpad Handwriting to enter Chinese characters into a Mac OS X application.

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Apple portables and Magic Trackpad: Handwriting inpu...

After you enable trackpad handwriting and enable "Show Input menu in menu bar", both in the Input Sources tab of the Language & Text system preferences pane, you may notice that the input menu is not visible in the menu bar.

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Restart the Flash plugin without quitting Safari

Safari will often get stalled out and need to be restarted. In many cases, this can be traced to the Flash plugin getting overloaded. You can quite simply restart just the Flash plugin and make Safari work properly again.
You will need to use the Terminal to quit the WebKitPluginHost process. Safari sees that this process has died and automatically restarts it. Refreshing a page that was using the Flash plugin will then reload the plugin.

I have had Safari doing the beach ball of death and used this trick and it fixes it immediately.

  • Open the Terminal from the Utilities folder in /Applications
  • Type ps -ax | grep WebKitPluginHost
  • This will return something that looks like this:
    16154 ?? 11:37.18 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginHo ...


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Another way to make a new tab in Safari

I accidentally stumbled on this one today when I mis-clicked a tab in Safari 5.

Double-clicking the empty space in the Tab Bar just to the right of an open tab in Safari will create and open a new tab. Not sure how new this is, but I can't believe I have never thought to try this method before!

This is an addition to the other well-known ways of opening new tabs:

  • Command + T.
  • Control + Click (or Right Clicking) the empty space to the right of your tab(s) and selecting 'New Tab.'
  • Clicking the small '+' sign on the far right of the Tab Bar.
  • Control + Click (or Right Clicking) a URL, and selecting the 'Open in New Tab' option.
  • Command + Click a URL.

I'm sure there are probably a couple more ways to do this, but my most common are by far the first and last methods.

[crarko adds: I've seen all the other methods mentioned, but this one is new to me,...

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Monday September 20

About Security Update 2010-006

This document describes Security Update 2010-006, which can be downloaded and installed via Software Update preferences, or from Apple Downloads.
For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. To learn more about Apple Product Security, see the Apple Product Security website.
For information about the Apple Product Security PGP Key, see "How to use the Apple Product Security PGP Key."
Where possible, CVE IDs are used to reference the vulnerabilities for further information.
To learn about other Security Updates, see "Apple Security Updates".

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TA10-263A: Adobe Flash Vulnerabilities

Original release date: September 20, 2010

Last revised: --

Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

  • Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions
  • Adobe Flash
    Player for Android
  • Adobe Reader 9.3.4 and earlier 9.x

Other Adobe products that support Flash may also be


According to Adobe Security Bulletin APSB10-22
there are vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash. These vulnerabilities affect Flash
Player, Reader, and possibly other products that support Flash. A remote
attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code.

I. Description


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Apple security updates

This document outlines security updates for Apple products.

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Handle growing SystemUIServer memory usage

iStat is a great program for keeping track of your system by displaying menulings showing CPU usage, memory usage etc. In Mac OS X menulings (also called menu extras) are managed by a program called SystemUIServer.

iStat appears to have a memory leak where over time, the REAL memory used by SystemUIServer grows basically without bound. Memory usage that should be around 40MB balloons to 300MB then to 1.3GB over a few weeks of never rebooting. This would be bad enough if it was the virtual address space that was being used up this way, but this is real memory, causing real memory pressure and real swapping.

Obviously the ideal would be for Bjango to get on the case and fix this bug. Since they appear unwilling to do so, I have come up with a workaround.
The following facts are relevant to the workaround.

  • A separate copy of SystemUIServer runs on behalf of each user,...
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10.6: Get window previews in the OS X Dock

There's just one feature I missed when I switched to Mac OS X. Windows 7 shows previews of open windows when you point your mouse at an application. I found an inexpensive application that adds this to the Mac; here's how to set it up effectively. It does require 10.6 or higher to run.
First of all, download the DockView application from Kapeli. There's a free trial available. Just copy it into your Applications folder and run it. It will put up a menu that you can use to configure and manage the program. It seems to work pretty well by default, but there are some annoyances that can be easily fixed. The window previews will display in both the Dock and in the Application Switcher (Cmd+Tab) by putting the pointer over the application icon.

I keep my Dock on the left side and the window previews were getting ...


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Saturday September 18

iPod nano (6th generation): About Sleep/Wake on your...

iPod nano (6th generation) intelligently manages battery life and playback time.

This article explains the behavior of the Sleep/Wake function on the iPod nano (6th generation).

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Friday September 17

Mac Pro (Mid 2010) with Final Cut Studio (2009): Som...

Some features of Final Cut Pro, Motion, or Compressor will not make use of more than 8 cores on Mac Pro (Mid 2010) systems. In some cases, the affected application may unexpectedly quit.

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Mac Pro RAID Card: Capacity for four-drive RAID 5 co...

When a Mac Pro RAID Card is used for a four-drive RAID 5 configuration, the available capacity may be lower than expected due to data placement and layout techniques. In this configuration, the available capacity is approximately 66% of the total capacity of all four hard drives.
Note: This rule does not apply to RAID 0, RAID 1, or the use of three hard drives in a RAID 5 set.

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iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: How to restart the Apple M...

If an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is not recognized in iTunes on Windows, the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) may need to be restarted. Alternatively, you may see the following error when connecting your device:
"This iPod cannot be used because the Apple Mobile Device Service is not started."

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Fix missing metadata display in Finder Icon View

In Finder's View Options the option 'Show item info' (Cmd+J) can be enabled if you are in Icon View mode, and if enabled additional item metadata information is shown below the icon labels, e.g. number of items inside a folder, the running time of a music file or the dimensions in pixels of an image file. This option is stored on a folder-by-folder basis, just like the view is.

In case the extended metadata for images or music files does not show up — even with the 'Show item info' option enabled — the reason for this is simple: Finder uses Spotlight to gather this information; so to gather the missing metadata for display Spotlight simply must be enabled for the volume, or the index may need to be rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, open up the Spotlight system preference, and click on the Privacy tab, click the plus button, and add the volume you want to reindex. Wait a few minutes, then select the volume in the privacy area, and click...

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Cleanup web pages before printing in Safari

Safari 5 introduced the Safari Reader to allow for great reading and printing of web pages by removing a lot of the clutter you wouldn't want to have in the printed copy. Unfortunately, Safari Reader is not available on all pages, but only those it recognizes as 'articles.' [crarko adds: And Readability is still available for other browsers.]

This hint shows you how you can get rid of those items and save a clean version on pages where Reader is not an option.
For this hint you need to have the Development options active. In Safari 5's Preferences go to the Advanced setting and click 'Show Develop menu in menu bar.'

  • For each of the elements that you want to remove right-click on the element and select 'Inspect Element.'
  • The Inspector window will open and highlight the element.
  • If you hover over other HTML code the page will highlight the elements that are...
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Thursday September 16

iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch (4th generation): Abo...

You can use the iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter to connect your iPad, iPhone 4, or iPod touch (4th generation) to a compatible TV, projector, or VGA display.

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iPod shuffle (2nd generation): Understanding status...

This document explains the status light behavior of the iPod shuffle (2nd generation) .

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Managed Client: How to manage Control Features in iT...

This document applies to iTunes 8.1 or later and Macintosh computers managed by Mac OS X Server v10.5 via Workgroup Manager only. Workgroup Manager is an administrative tool included with Mac OS X Server.

For information about administrative management of iTunes Control Features in Mac OS Server v10.4 or earlier, refer to Managed Client: How to manage iTunes Control Features for iTunes 7.1 or later.
For information about administrative management of iTunes Control Features for Windows, refer to Windows OS Managed Client: How to manage iTunes control features .
For information about the use of the iTunes Parental controls via iTunes preferences, refer to  iTunes: Using Parental Controls.

iTunes offers parental, enterprise, and education controls which give system administrators the ability to set content restrictions. The following information is for customers who want to pre-configure parental and/or other controls in iTunes for Mac OS X.

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iOS 4.1: iPhoto Smart Albums for iPhone 4

With the release of iOS 4.1, Apple has made it easy to create smart albums containing our iPhone 4 photos. This hint shows you what settings to use to create smart albums for your iPhones front and back camera photos.

Note: This hint will only apply to photos taken on an iPhone running iOS 4.1 or higher, and requires you to be using iPhoto '09 or newer.
This is a revisit of my previous hint for making a smart album in iPhoto to keep track of only your new iPhone 4 photos. With the release of iOS 4.1, apple has changed the camera model to 'Apple iPhone 4' making it much easier to filter these photos into smart albums. In addition to that, we can use the camera aperture metadata to filter between front and back camera photos.

The front (FaceTime) camera:

  • iPhone 4 Front Camera Smart Album:
  • Match - all - of the following conditions:...
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Recover from a problem with an Apple update

I recently performed a security patch along with a Safari update (I believe it was 5.0.1) using Software Update. I ignored the iTunes 10 update that was available. After the update, I could no longer access any websites, webdav iCal shares, or even connect to the Software Update server! I assume that the security update works for most people without doing anything harmful, but the only way I got Internet access back was by installing an earlier combo update at the Apple Store.
I spent all weekend trying everything I could think of. You can see a list of the things I tried in this Apple discussion forum thread. I had even performed a restore from backup from my Time Capsule (but it's possible that I miscalculated the date on which I performed the patch).

The problem was weird. I got a ...


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Wednesday September 15

Get Your Apps Ready for iOS 4.2

iOS 4.2 is coming this November. With iOS SDK 4.2 beta, you can add exciting, new features to your apps including the capability to print directly from iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. iPad apps can now take advantage of multitasking, Game Center, iAd, and more.

iOS Developer Program members can log in to the iOS Dev Center to learn more and download the beta releases.

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Ensure Your App is Properly Enabled for Game Center...

If you plan to incorporate Game Center into your app, it's important to correctly enable Game Center in iTunes Connect before you submit it for review.

To enable your app for Game Center, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Manage Game Center page from within the Manage Your Applications module in iTunes Connect and click on the Enable button. This will allow you to test your app in the sandbox and set up metadata for leaderboards and achievements.
  • Go to the Version Details page and click on the Enable for this Version button. This will allow this specific version of your app to access Game Center once its live on the App Store, and lets you enable or disable leaderboard, achievement and multiplayer settings on a per-version basis.
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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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