iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Handling Common Tasks

iPhone applications handle many common tasks in ways that may seem different to you, if your experience is with desktop or laptop computer applications. This section describes these tasks from the human interface perspective; for the technical details you need to implement these guidelines in code, see iOS Application Programming Guide.


iPhone applications should start instantly so users can begin using them without delay. When starting, iPhone applications should:

Important: Don‚Äôt tell users to reboot or restart their devices after installing your application. If your application has memory-usage or other issues that make it difficult to run unless the system has just booted, you need to address those issues. For example, see ‚ÄúUsing Memory Efficiently‚Äù in iOS Application Programming Guide for some guidance on developing a well-tuned application.


People quit an iPhone application by opening a different application. In particular, note that people don’t tap an application close button or choose Quit from a menu. In iOS 4.0 and later, and on certain devices, the quitting application moves to a suspended state in the background. All iPhone applications should:

iPhone applications should never quit programmatically because doing so looks like a crash to the user. There may be times, however, when external circumstances prevent your application from functioning as intended. The best way to handle this is to display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests how users can correct it. This helps users in two ways:

If certain circumstances prevent only some of your application's features from working, you can display either a screen or an alert when users activate the feature. Although an alert doesn't allow much flexibility in design, it can be a good choice if you can:

As with all alerts, the less users see them, the more effective they are. For more information about creating alerts, see “Using Alerts.”

Accommodating Multitasking

Thriving in a multitasking environment hinges on achieving a harmonious coexistence with other applications on the device. At a high level, this means that all applications should:

The following specific guidelines help your application succeed in the multitasking environment introduced in iOS 4.0:

Hosting Ads

In iOS 4.0 and later, you can allow advertisements to display within your application and you can receive revenue when users see or interact with them. It’s essential that you plan when and how to integrate ads with your UI so that people are motivated to view them without being distracted from your application.

You can host an iAd, which contains the ad content, in a specific view in your UI. When people tap an ad in this view (called a banner view), the iAd performs a preprogrammed action, such as playing a movie, displaying interactive ad content, or launching Safari to open a webpage. The action can display content that covers your UI or it might cause your application to transition to the background.

The dimensions of the banner view are:

To ensure seamless integration with banner ads and to provide the best user experience, follow these guidelines:

Place the banner view at or near the bottom of the screen. This placement differs slightly, depending on the bars that can be in the screen:

Ensure that banner views appear when it makes sense in your application. Although it’s recommended that a banner view be at the bottom of a screen, you choose which screens should contain banner views. For example, you might want to choose a context that functions as a sort of interlude in the main task of your application. People are more likely to enter an iAd experience when they don’t feel like they’re interrupting their workflow to do so. This is especially important for immersive applications such as games: You don’t want to place banner views where they will conflict with gameplay.

As much as possible, display banner ads in both orientations. It’s best when users don’t have to change the orientation of the device to switch between using your application and viewing an ad. Also, supporting both orientations allows you to accept a wider range of advertisements. To learn how to make sure a banner view responds to orientation changes, see iAd Programming Guide.

While people view or interact with ads, pause application activities that require their attention or interaction. When people choose to view an ad, they don’t want to feel that they’re missing events in your application, and they don’t want your application to interrupt them. A good rule of thumb is to pause the same activities you would pause when your application transitions to the background.

Don’t stop an ad, except in rare circumstances. In general, your application continues running and receiving events while users view and interact with ads, so it’s possible that an event will occur that urgently requires their immediate attention. However, there are very few scenarios that warrant the dismissal of an in-progress ad. One possibility is with an application that provides Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service. In such an application, it probably makes sense to cancel a running ad when an incoming call arrives.

Note: Canceling an ad might adversely impact the kinds of advertisements your application can receive and the revenue you can collect.

Managing Settings or Configuration Options

iPhone applications can offer settings that define preferred application behaviors or configuration options users can specify to change some functionality of the application. Settings should represent information, such as an account name, that users set once and rarely (if ever) change. Users view application-specific settings in the built-in Settings application. Configuration options are values that users might want to change frequently, such as category types displayed in a list; configuration options should be available within the application itself.

You should consider settings and options to be mutually exclusive. That is, you should not offer both settings and configuration options in your application.

It’s best when iPhone applications do not ask users to specify any settings at all. Users can begin to use these applications right away without being asked to supply set-up information. To achieve this in your application, there are a few design decisions you can make:

It’s not possible for users to open the Settings application without first quitting your application, and you should not encourage them to take this action. There is no system-provided icon or control that supports this action, and it’s recommended that you avoid creating a custom icon or control that does. If you decide you must provide settings in your iPhone application, see “The Settings Bundle” in iOS Application Programming Guide to learn how to support them in your code.

Note: Application-specific settings should not include user help content.

Unlike settings, configuration options are likely to be changed frequently as users choose to see information from new sources or in different arrangements. You can react dynamically to changes users make to these options, because users do not leave your application to access them.

You can offer configuration options in the main user interface or on the back of a screen. To decide which technique makes sense, determine if the options represent primary functionality and how often users might want to set them.

For example, Calendar allows users to view their schedules by day, week, or month. These options could have been offered on the back of the screen, but viewing different parts of a calendar is primary functionality and users are likely to change their focus frequently.

On the other hand, the primary functionality of Weather is to display a city’s current conditions and 6-day forecast. Although it’s important to be able to choose whether temperatures are displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit, users are not likely to change this option very often, so it would not make sense to put it in the main user interface. Offering the temperature-scale option on the back of the Weather screen makes it conveniently available, but not obtrusive.

Supporting Copy and Paste

iOS provides an edit (or pasteboard) menu that supports Cut, Copy, Paste, Select, and Select All operations in text views, web views, and image views. The commands in the menu allow people to make changes to their content and copy content from one application into another.

You can adjust some of the behaviors of the edit menu to suit your application. (For information on how to implement these behaviors in code, see “Copy and Paste Operations” in iOS Application Programming Guide.) For example, you can specify the subset of commands the menu displays and you can influence where the menu appears. You have no control over the color or shape of the menu itself.

Use commands that make sense in the current context. For example, if nothing is selected, the menu does not contain Copy or Cut because these commands act on a selection. If you support an edit menu in a custom view, you’re responsible for making sure that the commands the menu displays are appropriate for the current context. Note that you cannot specify custom commands to display in the menu.

Accommodate the menu display in your layout. UIKit displays the edit menu above or below the insertion point or selection, depending on available space, and places the menu pointer so that users can see how the menu commands relate to the content. You can programmatically determine the position of the menu before it appears, so you can prevent important parts of your UI from being obscured, if necessary.

Support both gestures people can use to invoke the menu. Although the touch and hold gesture is the primary way users reveal the edit menu, they can also double-tap a word in a text view to select it and reveal the menu at the same time. If you support the menu in a custom view, be sure to respond to both gestures. In addition, you can define the object that is selected by default when the user double taps.

Avoid creating a button in your UI that performs a command that’s available in the edit menu. For example, it’s better to allow users to perform a copy operation using the edit menu than to provide a Copy button, because users will wonder why there are two ways to do the same thing in your application.

Consider enabling the selection of static text if it’s useful to the user. For example, a user might want to copy the caption of an image, but they’re not likely to want to copy the label of a tab item or a screen title, such as Accounts. In a text view, selection by word should be the default.

Don’t make button titles selectable. A selectable button title makes it difficult for users to reveal the edit menu without activating the button. In general, elements that behave as buttons don’t need to be selectable.

Combine support for undo and redo with your copy and paste support. People often expect to able to undo recent operations if they change their minds. Because the edit menu does not require confirmation before its actions are performed, you should give users the opportunity to undo or redo these actions (to learn how to do this, see “Supporting Undo and Redo”).

Supporting Undo and Redo

iOS gives people the ability to undo and redo their typing in text views. People initiate an undo by shaking the device, which displays an alert that allows them to undo what they just typed, redo previously undone typing, or cancel the undo.

UIKit allows you to support undo in a more general way in your application (for information on how to implement this behavior in code, see Undo Architecture). You can specify:

To provide a great user experience for the undo and redo capability in your application, you should:

Enabling Local and Push Notifications

Both local and push notifications allow you to tell people about something when your application isn’t running in the foreground. For example, you might want to let people know that:

Local notifications are scheduled by an application and delivered by iOS on the same device, regardless of whether the application is currently running in the foreground. For example, a calendar or to-do application can schedule a local notification to alert people of an upcoming meeting or due date.

Figure 4-1  A local notification can arrive while a different application is running

Push notifications are sent by an application’s remote server to Apple Push Notification service, which pushes the notification to all devices that have the application installed. For example, a game that a user can play against remote opponents can update all players with the latest move.

If your application is not running in the foreground when a local or push notification arrives, you can get the user’s attention by:

You can also play a sound when a badge updates or an alert appears.

If your application is running in the foreground, you can still receive local and push notifications, but you pass the information to your users in an application-specific way. In Settings, people can allow or disallow badging, sounds, and alerts for push notifications from selected applications or from all applications. There is no similar mechanism for disabling local notifications, because this is something people should be able to specify within each application.

Different notification techniques might be appropriate in different situations, so you should be prepared to use both types. In general:

Follow these guidelines to create local and push notifications that users appreciate.

Keep badge contents up to date. It’s especially important to update the badge as soon as users have attended to the new information, so that they don’t think additional information has arrived.

Provide a custom message for an alert. Your custom message is displayed in the center of the alert, below your application name (which is automatically displayed at the top of the alert). As with the message in a standard alert (described in “Designing an Alert”), a local or push notification alert message should:

Optionally, provide a custom title for the action button. An alert can contain one or two buttons. In a two-button alert, the Close button is on the left and the action button (titled View by default) is on the right. If you specify one button, the alert displays an OK button.

Tapping the action button simultaneously dismisses the alert and launches your application. Tapping either the Close button or the OK button dismisses the alert without opening your application.

If you want to use a custom title for the action button, be sure to create a title that clearly describes the action that occurs when your application launches. For example, a game might use the title Play to indicate that tapping the button opens the application to a place where the user can take their turn. Make sure the title:

Note: Your custom button title can also be displayed in the ‚Äúslide to view‚Äù message people see when a notification arrives while the device is locked. When this happens, the custom title is automatically converted to lowercase and replaces the word ‚Äúview‚Äù in the message.

Optionally, provide a launch image. In addition to displaying your existing launch images, you can supply a different launch image to display when people start your application in response to a notification. For example, a game might specify a launch image that’s similar to a screen within the game, instead of an image that’s similar to the opening menu screen. If you don’t supply this launch image, iOS displays either the previous snapshot or one of your other launch images. (To learn how to create a launch image, see “Launch Images.”)

If appropriate, play a sound to accompany a badge or an alert. A sound can get people’s attention when they’re not looking at the device screen. It’s best when sounds are reserved for notifications that users consider important. For example, a calendar application might play a sound with an alert that reminds people about an imminent event. Or, a collaborative task management application might play a sound with a badge update to signal that a remote colleague has completed an assignment.

You can supply a custom sound, or you can use a built-in alert sound. If you create a custom sound, be sure it is short, distinctive, and professionally produced. (To learn about the technical requirements for this sound, see “Preparing Custom Alert Sounds” in Local and Push Notification Programming Guide.) Note that you cannot programmatically force the device to vibrate when a notification is delivered, because the user has control over whether alerts are accompanied by vibration.

Making Your Application Accessible

An application is accessible when users with disabilities can use it successfully, perhaps with the help of an assistive application or device. iOS-based devices include many features that make it easier for all users, including disabled users, to use the device, such as visual voicemail, zoom, and voice control. You do not have to take any steps in your application to ensure that your users can benefit from these features.

With VoiceOver, Apple’s innovative screen-reading technology, the story is a little different. To make sure VoiceOver users can use your application to its fullest, you might need to provide some custom information about the views and controls in the user interface.

Fortunately, UIKit controls and views are accessible by default, so when you use standard elements in a completely standard way, you have little (if any) additional work to do. The more custom your user interface is, the more custom information you need to provide, so that VoiceOver can properly describe your application.

Important: The job of making your application accessible consists of giving VoiceOver the information it needs to help people use your application. The job does not include changing the visual design of the user interface to accommodate VoiceOver.

Making your iPhone application accessible to VoiceOver users is the right thing to do. It can also increase your user base and it might help you address accessibility guidelines created by various governing bodies.

Providing Search and Displaying Search Results

UIKit provides the search bar control you can use to display a consistent interface to initiate searching, but you are responsible for implementing search in your application. (To learn more about the search bar, see “Search Bars”; to learn more about handling search results in code, see UISearchDisplayController Class Reference.) To ensure that search is a useful and convenient experience users appreciate, take some time to consider how to implement the process and how to display the results.

In general, you should:

Although live-filtering data usually produces a superior user experience, it’s not always practical. When this is the case, you can begin the search process after the user taps the Search button in the keyboard. If you do this, be sure to provide feedback on the search’s progress so users know that the process has not stalled. One way to do this is to display textual results as soon as possible and display placeholder content for data that might take longer to retrieve.

In YouTube, for example, users initiate a search for videos by tapping the Search button. If the network connection is slow, YouTube first displays the Loading... message along with a spinning activity indicator so users know that search is proceeding. Then, YouTube displays a results list in which each row is populated with textual results, such as video title and viewer rating, and a custom image of a box with a dotted outline. As users scan the list of video titles, the video thumbnails replace the dotted boxes as they are downloaded. Displaying partial search results while additional data is still downloading gives users useful information promptly.

If you handle data that sorts naturally into different categories, you can provide a scope bar. A scope bar contains up to four scope buttons, each representing a category. For example, Mail provides a scope bar that allows users to focus their search on the From, To, or Subject fields of messages, or broaden the search to include all fields. Consider providing a scope bar if it helps users focus their search or if it significantly reduces the number of results. (To learn how to implement a scope bar in your code, see UISearchBar Class Reference.)

Using the User’s Location

Users appreciate application features that allow them to automatically tag content with their physical location, or to find friends that are currently nearby. Users also appreciate being able to disable features like these when they don’t want to share their location with others. Users can grant (or deny) system-wide access to their physical location with the Location Services setting in Settings > General.

If users turn off Location Services, and later use an application feature that requires their location, they see an alert that tells them they must change their preference before they can use the feature. The alert does not allow them to make this change within the application; instead, they must go to Settings and change their preference. This ensures that users are fully aware that they are granting system-wide permission to use their location information.

To help users understand why they might need to turn Location Services on, it’s best if they see the alert only when they attempt to use a feature that clearly needs to know their current location. For example, people can use Maps when Location Services is off, but they see the alert when they access the feature that finds and tracks their current location.

If Location Services is turned off, iOS displays the alert the first time your application tries to access location information. The Core Location framework provides a way for you to get the user’s preference so that you can avoid triggering this alert unnecessarily or inappropriately. (See Core Location Framework Reference to learn more about this programming interface.)

With knowledge of the user’s preference, you can trigger the alert as closely as possible to the feature that requires location information, or perhaps avoid it altogether.

Handling Orientation Changes

Users can rotate iOS-based devices at any time, and they expect the content they’re viewing to respond appropriately. In your iPhone application, be sure to:

Using Sound

Users decide how loud sounds should be and whether they want to hear them at all. Sometimes, users expect to hear certain sounds even when their current settings indicate that they prefer silence. For example, users always expect to hear the ringtone or alarms that they have set. Essentially, users want to hear sounds they ask for, but avoid hearing sounds they don’t ask for.

To help you accommodate this, iOS provides programming interfaces you can use to:

Before you decide how to handle sound in your application, you need to understand how users expect applications and the device to behave when they adjust device controls and use external devices, such as headphones and headsets.

The Ring/Silent Switch—What Users Expect

Users use the Ring/Silent switch to silence their devices when they want to:

For example, in a theater users switch their devices to silent to avoid bothering other people in the theater. In this situation, users still want to be able to use applications on their devices, but they don’t want to be surprised by sounds they don’t expect or explicitly request, such as ringtones or new message sounds.

However, the Ring/Silent switch does not silence sounds that result from user actions that are solely and explicitly intended to produce sound. For example:

This behavior follows the principle of user control because it is up to the user, not the device, to decide whether it's appropriate to hear sounds the user explicitly requests.

Volume Buttons—What Users Expect

Users use the device’s volume buttons to adjust the volume of all sounds their devices can play, including songs, application sounds, and device sounds. Users can always use the volume buttons to quiet any sound, regardless of the position of the Ring/Silent switch.

Using the volume buttons to adjust an application’s currently playing audio also adjusts the overall system volume, with the exception of the ringer volume. (Using the volume buttons when no audio is currently playing adjusts the ringer volume.)

If you need to display a volume slider, be sure to use the system-provided volume slider available when you use the MPVolumeView class. Note that when the currently active audio output device does not support volume control, the volume slider is replaced by the appropriate device name.

Sometimes, an application might need to adjust relative, independent volume levels to produce the best mix in its audio output. But the volume of the final audio output should always be governed by the system volume, whether it’s adjusted by the volume buttons or a volume slider. This means that control over the application’s audio output remains in users’ hands, where it belongs.

Headsets and Headphones—What Users Expect

Users plug in headsets and headphones to hear sounds privately and to free their hands. Users have different expectations for application behavior, depending on whether they’re plugging in or unplugging these accessories.

When users plug in a headset or headphones, they intend to continue listening to the current audio, but privately. For this reason, they expect an application that is currently playing audio to continue playing without pause.

When users unplug a headset or headphones, they don’t want to automatically share what they’ve been listening to with others. For this reason, they expect an application that is currently playing audio to pause, allowing them to explicitly restart playback when they’re ready.

Wireless Audio—What Users Expect

People use wireless headsets and headphones for the same reasons they use wired headsets and headphones: they want to hear sounds privately and they want to free their hands.

Users also have very similar expectations for the user experience of wireless headsets:

Even though people don’t physically plug in or unplug a wireless audio device, they still expect to be able to choose a different audio route. To handle this, iOS automatically displays a control that allows users to pick an output audio route. (To ensure that this control can appear in your application, you need to use the MPVolumeView class.) Because choosing a different audio route is a user-initiated action, users expect currently playing audio to continue without pause.

Define the Audio Behavior of Your Application

If sound enhances or is essential to the user experience or functionality of your application, you need to decide how your audio should fit in with the audio environment of the device and how it should respond to user actions. You make this decision based, in part, on how your audio should behave when:

To influence how your application’s audio should behave in situations such as these, use Audio Session Services or the AVAudioSession class. These programming interfaces do not produce sound; instead, they help you express how your audio should interact with audio on the device and respond to interruptions and changes in device configuration. (To learn how to use these audio programming interfaces in your code, see Audio Session Programming Guide.)

If your application produces only UI sound effects that are incidental to its functionality, you can use System Sound Services. System Sound Services is the iOS technology that produces alerts and UI sounds and invokes vibration; it is unsuitable for any other purpose and the sounds it produces are not governed by Audio Session Services. (For a sample project that demonstrates how to use this technology, see Audio UI Sounds (SysSound).)

Important: No matter what technology you use to produce audio or how you define its behavior, the phone can always interrupt the currently running application. This is because no application should prevent users from receiving an incoming call.

In Audio Session Services, the audio session functions as an intermediary for audio between your application and the system. One of the most important facets of the audio session is the category, which defines the audio behavior of your application.

To realize the benefits of Audio Session Services and provide the audio experience users expect, you need to select the category that best describes the audio behavior of your application. This is the case whether your application only plays audio in the foreground or can also play audio in the background. Follow these guidelines as you make this selection:

Regardless of your category choice, it’s important to activate your audio session only when it’s needed and deactivate it when it’s not. This helps ensure a high quality audio experience for users. For example, a VoIP app’s audio session should be active only while the app is handling a call.

Table 4-1 lists the audio session categories you can use. iOS assigns the Solo Ambient category to an audio session by default.

Note: In the interest of space, Table 4-1 displays only the last part of each category name. The actual symbol name of each category begins with AVAudioSessionCategory. In addition, the actual symbol name of the MixWithOthers property is kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers.

Table 4-1  Audio session categories that influence audio behavior



Silenced by Ring/Silent switch and locking

Mixes with other audio

Allowed in the background


Sounds enhance application functionality, and should silence other audio





Sounds enhance application functionality, but should not silence other audio





Sounds are essential to application functionality, and might mix with other audio


No (default)

Yes (when the MixWithOthers property is added)



Audio is user-recorded





Sounds represent audio input and output, sequentially or simultaneously


No (default)

Yes (when the MixWithOthers property is added)



Application performs hardware-assisted audio encoding (it does not play or record)



Yes *

* If you select the Audio Processing category and you want to perform audio processing in the background, you need to prevent your application from suspending before you’re finished. To learn how to do this, see “Executing Code in the Background”.

Here are some scenarios that illustrate how to choose the audio session category that provides an audio experience users appreciate.

Scenario 1: An educational application that helps people learn a new language. You provide:

In this application, sound is essential to the primary functionality. People use this application to hear words and phrases in the language they’re learning, so the sound should play even when the Ring/Silent switch is set to silent or the device locks. Because users need to hear the sounds clearly, they expect other audio they might be playing to be silenced.

To produce the audio experience users expect for this application, you would use the Playback category. Although this category can be refined to allow mixing with other audio, this application should use the default behavior to ensure that other audio does not compete with the educational content the user has explicitly chosen to hear.

Scenario 2: A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application. You provide:

In this application, sound is essential to the primary functionality. People use this application to communicate with others, often while they’re currently using a different application. Users expect to be able to receive calls when the Ring/Silent switch is set to silent or the device is locked, and they expect other audio to be silent for the duration of a call. They also expect to be able to receive and continue calls when the application is in the background.

To produce the expected user experience for this application, you would use the Play and Record category. In addition, you would be sure to activate your audio session only when you need it so that users can use other audio between calls.

Scenario 3: A game that allows users to guide a character through different tasks. You provide:

In this application, sound greatly enhances the user experience, but is not essential to the main task. Also, users are likely to appreciate being able to play the game silently or while listening to songs in their music library instead of to the game soundtrack.

The best strategy is to find out if users are listening to other audio when your application starts. Don’t ask users to choose whether they want to listen to other audio or listen to your soundtrack. Instead, use the Audio Session Services function AudioSessionGetProperty to query the state of the kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying property. Based on the answer to this query, you can choose either the Ambient or Solo Ambient categories (both categories allow users to play the game silently):

Scenario 4: An application that provides precise, real-time navigation instructions to the user’s destination. You provide:

In this application, the spoken navigation instructions represent the primary task, regardless of whether the application is in the background. For this reason, you would use the Playback category, which allows your audio to play when the device is locked or the Ring/Silent switch is set to silent, and while the application is in the background.

To allow people to listen to other audio while they use your application, you can add the kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers property. However, you also want to make sure that users can hear the spoken instructions above the audio they’re currently playing. To do this, you can apply the kAudioSessionProperty_OtherMixableAudioShouldDuck property to the audio session. This ensures that your audio is louder than all currently playing audio (except phone audio).

Scenario 5: A blogging application that allows users to upload their text and graphics to a website. You provide:

In this application, sound enhances the user experience, but it is incidental. The main task has nothing to do with audio and users do not need to hear any sounds to successfully use the application. In this scenario, you would use System Sound Services to produce sound. This is because the audio context of all sound in the application conforms to the intended purpose of this technology, which is to produce UI sound effects and alert sounds that obey device locking and the Ring/Silent switch as users expect.

Manage Audio Interruptions

There are times when currently playing audio is interrupted by audio from a different application. For example, an incoming phone call interrupts the current application’s audio for the duration of the call. In a multitasking environment, the frequency of such audio interruptions is likely to be greater.

To provide an audio experience users appreciate, iOS relies on you to:

Every application needs to identify the type of audio interruption it can cause, but not every application needs to determine how to respond to the end of an audio interruption. This is because, for most types of applications, the appropriate response to the end of an audio interruption is to resume playing audio. Only applications that are primarily or partly media playback applications, and that provide media playback controls, have to take an extra step to determine the appropriate response.

Conceptually, there are two types of audio interruptions, based on the type of audio that is doing the interrupting and the way users expect certain applications to respond when the interruption ends:

The following guidelines help you decide what information to supply and how to continue after an audio interruption ends.

Identify the type of audio interruption your application caused. You do this by deactivating your audio session in one of the following two ways when your audio is finished:

Providing this information helps iOS to give interrupted applications the ability to resume playing their audio automatically, if appropriate.

Determine whether you should resume audio when an audio interruption ends. You base this decision on the audio user experience you provide in your application.

Handle Media Remote Control Events, if Appropriate

Beginning in iOS 4.0, applications can receive remote control events when users use iOS media controls or accessory controls (such as headset controls). This capability allows your application to accept user input that does not come through your UI, whether your application is currently playing audio in the foreground or in the background.

A media playback application, in particular, needs to respond appropriately to these events, especially if it plays audio while it’s in the background.

To meet the responsibilities associated with this privilege, be sure to follow these guidelines:

Limit the eligibility to receive remote control events to times when it makes sense. If, for example, your application allows users to read content, search for information, and listen to audio, it should only accept remote control events while the user is in the audio context. When the user leaves the audio context, you should relinquish the ability to receive the events. This allows users to listen to a different application’s audio (and control it with headset controls) while they’re in the nonaudio contexts of your application.

Don’t repurpose an event, even if the event has no meaning in your application. Users expect the iOS media controls and accessory controls to function consistently in all applications. You do not have to handle the events that your application doesn’t need, but the events that you do handle must result in the experience users expect. If you redefine the meaning of an event, you confuse users and risk leading them into an unknown state from which they can’t escape without quitting your application.

Providing Choices

iOS includes a few elements that help users make selections. When you need to offer choices in your application, you should use these selection methods because users are already familiar with their behavior. In general, you should not try to replicate the appearance and behavior of selection controls you might see in a desktop computer application, such as an application menu or a set of radio buttons. iOS provides the following elements you can use to offer choices to users:

Providing a License Agreement or a Disclaimer

If you provide an end-user license agreement (or EULA) with your iPhone application, be aware that the App Store displays it, so that people can read it before they get your application.

If possible, try to avoid requiring users to indicate their agreement to your EULA when they first start your application. This allows users to enjoy your application without delay. However, even though this is the preferred user experience, it might not be feasible in all cases. If you must display a license agreement within your application, try to do so in a way that harmonizes with your user interface and causes the least inconvenience to users.

Similarly, if you need to provide a disclaimer, be sure to balance your business needs with maintaining a great user experience. If you can, provide your disclaimer within your application description or EULA, so that it is available in the App Store.

Last updated: 2010-08-03

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