iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Alerts, Action Sheets, and Modal Views

Alerts, action sheets, and modal views are types of views that appear when something requires the user’s attention or when additional choices or functionality need to be offered. Figure 7-1 shows examples of these types of views.

Figure 7-1  An action sheet, a modal view, and an alert

To learn about implementing these types of views programmatically, see “Modal View Controllers”.

Although local and push notification alerts look very similar to standard alerts, they are not programmatically the same. To learn how to use and design notification alerts, see “Enabling Local and Push Notifications.”

Usage and Behavior

Alerts, action sheets, and modal views are all modal, which means that users must explicitly dismiss them, by tapping a button, before they can continue to use the application. Although there are times when you need to warn users of potentially dangerous actions or provide extra choices, it’s important to avoid overusing these views. This is because:

Alerts, in particular, should be used only rarely. When alerts appear too frequently, people are likely to dismiss them without reading them, just to get them out of the way.

Alerts, action sheets, and modal views are designed to communicate different things:

These types of views also differ in appearance and behavior, which underscores the difference in the messages they send. Because users are accustomed to the appearance and behavior of these views, it’s important to use them consistently and correctly in your application.

Using Alerts

An alert pops up in the middle of the application screen and floats above its views to give users critical information in a highly visible way. The unattached appearance of an alert emphasizes the fact that its arrival is due to some change in the application or the device, not necessarily as the result of the user’s most recent action. An alert should display text that describes the situation and, ideally, give users a way to choose an appropriate course of action.

Users are accustomed to seeing alerts from the device or from built-in applications that run in the background, such as Messages, but you should seldom need to use them in your application. For example, you might use an alert to tell users that the task they initiated is blocked. It makes sense to display an alert with this message, because it’s important to tell users what the problem is and give them a choice of ways to handle it.

You can also use an alert to give users a chance to accept or reject an outcome that is potentially dangerous. When this is the case, the alert should display two buttons: one that dismisses the alert and performs the action and one that dismisses the alert without performing the action. Often, it makes sense to use the label "Cancel" for the button that dismisses the alert without performing the action. Note that if users press the Home button while such an alert is visible, the result, in addition to quitting the application, should be identical to tapping the Cancel button: That is, the alert is dismissed and the action is not performed.

The infrequency with which alerts appear helps users take them seriously. Be sure to minimize the number of alerts your application displays and ensure that each one offers critical information and useful choices. In general, try to avoid creating alerts that:

Using Action Sheets

An action sheet displays a collection of alternatives that are associated with a task users initiate by tapping a button in an application’s toolbar. An action sheet is an appropriate way to:

An action sheet always emerges from the bottom of the application screen and hovers over its views (as shown in the far left of Figure 7-1). Unlike an alert, however, the side edges of an action sheet are anchored to the sides of the screen, reinforcing its connection to the application and the user’s most recent action.

An action sheet contains a few buttons that allow users to choose how to complete their task. You should not have to add a message to an action sheet because the button labels, in conjunction with the task being performed, should provide enough context for the user to understand their choices. When users tap a button, the action sheet disappears. Because an action sheet should provide users with a choice of actions, an action sheet always provides more than one button.

Using Modal Views

By default, a modal view slides up from the bottom edge of the screen and always covers the entire application screen (as shown in the middle of Figure 7-1). Because a modal view hides the current application screen, it strengthens the user’s perception of entering a different, transient mode in which they can accomplish something.

A modal view can display text if appropriate, and contains the controls necessary to perform the task. In addition, a modal view generally displays a button that completes the task and dismisses the view, and a Cancel button users can tap to abandon the task.

A modal view supports more extensive user interaction than an action sheet. Unlike an action sheet, which accepts a single choice, a modal view supports multistep user interaction, such as the selection of more than one option or the inputting of information.

Use a modal view when you need to offer the ability to accomplish a self-contained task related to your application’s primary function. A modal view is especially appropriate for a multistep subtask that requires user interface elements that don’t belong in the main application user interface all the time. A good example of a modal view is the compose view in Mail. When users tap the Compose button, a modal view appears that contains text areas for the addresses and message, a keyboard for input, a Cancel, and a Send button.

Designing an Alert

You can specify the text, the number of buttons, and the button contents in an alert. You can’t customize the width or the background appearance of the alert view itself, or the alignment of the text (it’s center-aligned).

To learn how to design the content of a local or push notification alert, see “Enabling Local and Push Notifications.”

Note: As you read these guidelines, be aware of the following definitions:

The alert title (and optional message) should succinctly describe the situation and explain what people can do about it. Ideally, the text you write gives people enough context to understand why the alert has appeared and to decide which button to tap.

As you compose the required alert title:

If you provide an optional alert message:

Avoid lengthening your alert text with descriptions of which button to tap, such as “Tap View to see the information.” Ideally, the combination of unambiguous alert text and logical button labels gives people enough information to understand the situation and their choices. However, if you must provide detailed guidance, follow these guidelines:

Be sure to test the appearance of your alert in both orientations. Because the height of an alert is constrained in landscape, it might look different than it does in portrait. It’s recommended that you optimize the length of the alert text so that it looks good (and avoids scrolling) in both orientations.

Prefer a two-button alert. A two-button alert is often the most useful, because it is easiest for people to choose between two alternatives. It is rarely a good idea to display an alert with a single button because such an alert is merely informative; it does not give people any control over the situation. An alert that contains three or more buttons is significantly more complex than a two-button alert, and should be avoided if possible. In fact, if you find that you need to offer people more than two choices, you should consider using an action sheet instead (see “Using Action Sheets” and “Designing an Action Sheet” for more information on this type of view).

Use alert button colors appropriately. Alert buttons are colored either dark or light. In an alert with two buttons, the button on the left is always dark-colored and the button on the right is always light-colored. In a one-button alert, the button is always light-colored.

Note: A Cancel button may be either light-colored or dark-colored and it may be on the right or the left, depending on whether the alternate choice is destructive. Be sure to properly identify which button is the Cancel button in your code (for more information, see UIAlertView Class Reference).

Give alert buttons short, logical titles. The best titles consist of one or two words that make sense in the context of the alert text. Follow these guidelines as you create titles for alert buttons:

Designing an Action Sheet

You choose the background of an action sheet to coordinate with the look of your application, and you can specify the number of buttons and their contents.

Unlike an alert, an action sheet should not need to display a textual message. This is because an action sheet appears as the result of a user action, such as tapping a Delete or Send button, so there should be no need to explain its arrival.

Action sheets can have two different background appearances. You need to ensure that the background of the action sheets in your application coordinates with the appearance of your application’s toolbars or navigation bars. If your application uses black navigation bars and toolbars, for example, the action sheet background should be translucent black. By default, iOS displays action sheets with a standard blue background, which coordinates with the standard blue toolbars and navigation bars. All action sheets in your application should have the same background color, and that color should coordinate with the color of the navigation bars and toolbars.

Be sure to display the Cancel button at the bottom of an action sheet. This encourages the user to read through all the alternatives before reaching the Cancel option.

Figure 7-2 shows an action sheet with the default background appearance and a Cancel button in the recommended location.

Figure 7-2  A typical action sheet

If you need to provide a button that performs a potentially destructive action, such as deleting all the items in a user’s shopping list, you should use the red button color. It’s important to display such destructive buttons at the top of the action sheet for two reasons:

Figure 7-3 shows an action sheet with the translucent black background appearance and both a Cancel and a destructive button in their recommended positions.

Figure 7-3  A button that performs a destructive action should be red and located at the top of the action sheet

You can display several buttons in an action sheet, as long as you make sure each button is easily distinguished from the others. Figure 7-4 shows an action sheet with a background that matches the standard blue toolbar and that provides three alternatives in addition to Cancel.

Figure 7-4  An action sheet with four buttons

Designing a Modal View

The overall look of a modal view should coordinate with the application that displays it. For example, a modal view often includes a navigation bar that contains a title and buttons that cancel or complete the modal view’s task. The navigation bar should have the same background appearance as the navigation bar in the application.

A modal view should usually display a title that identifies the task in some way. If appropriate, you can also display text in other areas of the view that more fully describes the task or provides some guidance. For example, the Messages application provides a modal view when users want to compose a text message. This modal view, shown in Figure 7-5, displays a navigation bar with the same background as the application navigation bar and with the title New Message.

Figure 7-5  A modal view should coordinate with the application screen

In a modal view, you can use whichever controls are required to accomplish the task. For example, you can include text fields, buttons, and table views.

You can choose to reveal a modal view in a way that coordinates with your application and enhances the user’s awareness of the temporary context shift the view represents. To do this, you can specify one of the following transition styles:

If you decide to vary the transition styles of the modal views in your application, avoid doing so merely for the sake of variety. Be aware that users notice such differences and will assume that they mean something. For this reason, it’s best to establish a logical, consistent pattern that users can easily detect and remember, and avoid changing transition styles gratuitously.

Last updated: 2010-08-03

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