iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

About iAd

iAd allows your applications to display advertising to the user. You are paid when users see and interact with the advertisements displayed by your application.

image: ../Art/iad_service.jpg

At a Glance

Advertising offers you an alternative to directly charging for your application. Apple sells the advertising and delivers it to your application.

Banner Views Use a Portion of your Interface

The ADBannerView class allows you to dedicate a portion of a user interface screen to display a banner ad. The banner view automatically downloads new advertisements to display to the user. The user may tap a visible advertisement to see additional content.

Pause Nonessential Activities While Users Interact with Advertisements

When the user taps on a banner advertisement, the most common behavior is for your application’s user interface to be covered by the advertisement. Your application continues to run, but the user cannot see or interact with your application’s user interface. While an advertisement is displayed, your application’s activities should be scaled back, and features that require the user to see or hear the user interace should be suspended.

Canceling Advertising Negatively Impacts Your Application

While the user interacts with an advertisement, your application continues to receive events. Once the user finishes the advertising action, control returns to your application. However, if your application receives an event that requires the user’s immediate attention, your application can programmatically cancel the advertisement to restore its user interface. Frequently canceling advertisements can reduce the income you receive from showing advertisements as well as the inventory of advertisements that are made available to your application.


This guide assumes you know how to program in Objective-C. You should be familiar with view programming and the use of view controllers to manage your user interface. To learn more about view programming, see iOS Application Programming Guide. To learn more about view controllers, see View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.

See Also

See iAd Framework Reference for details about the classes and protocols in the iAd framework.

An advertisement may move your application into the background. For example, an advertisement might launch Safari to display a web page. The iOS Application Programming Guide describes how an application transitions to and from the background.

Last updated: 2010-05-27

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