"Before and After"

The best new ideas for improving the quality of dying
and for inexpensive, green, family-organised funerals

Table of Contents

Natural Death Centre

Near-Death Experiences

Preparing for dying

Funerals and Remembering


Edited by

Nicholas Albery

Matthew Mezey Mary McHugh & Marie Papworth

Published September 1995 by

The Natural Death Centre

20 Heber Road

London NW2 6AA

tel 0181 208 2853

fax 0181 452 6434 e-mail: rhino@dial.pipex.com

Further copies of this book are available from The Natural Death Centre for £5-95 incl. p&p. For a full Information Pack about the Centre please send six first class stamps (or a £1-50 cheque). Also available: The Natural Death Handbook to which the present book is a supplement), £10-95 inc. p&p; Green Burial - the D-i-y Guide to Law and Practice,£9-85 inc. p&p.

Copyright © The Natural Death Centre 1995

The Natural Death Centre is a charity which supports those who are dying at home and provides information to those trying to organise funerals with or without the help of funeral directors. It also works more generally to help improve the quality of dying, through research, awards, publications, meetings, salons, dinners and an annual English Day of the Dead. The Natural Death Centre has set up two subsidiary organisations, The Association of Nature Reserve Burial Grounds, which promotes the Green burial grounds set up by councils, farmers and wildlife trusts; and the Befriending Network, which provides volunteers to visit those who are critically ill at home. The Centre has World Wide Web pages on Internet, at the address http://www.newciv. org/worldtrans/naturaldeath.html

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0 9523280 1 1

Printed by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 6QA.