Ignorance of burial law

Simon Truelove

Adapted from a letter to The Natural Death Centre by Simon Truelove, a funeral director who is retiring as PR representative for the National Association of Funeral Directors.

I have much enjoyed our occasional sparring in the media, it has been an unusual experience to find anyone from outside the industry that not only has any interest in funerals, but also has considerable knowledge.

I would also like to thank Mr Bradfield for his book Green Burial - The D-i-y Guide to Law and Practice. As far as I am aware, this is the only published work to address the legal aspects of 'back garden burial' and has enabled me to offer advice to my members from a much better informed standpoint.

You would be amused, amazed or disturbed to see the conflicting and negative advice that some of my members have received from Environmental Health Departments on this subject. One London borough have even tried to insist on a lead-lined coffin being used, threatening a fine of up to £5,000 if their stipulations were not followed.

  • Simon Truelove, W. A. Truelove & Son Ltd, 118 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4RL (tel 0181 642 8211; fax 0181 770 7798).

  • Green Burial is available from The Natural Death Centre, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 0181 208 2853; fax 0181 452 6434; e-mail: ).

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