Immortality through future computerised emulations

Adapted extracts from an interview by Megan Tresidder with Frank. J. Tippler, author of the book TThe Physics of Immortality, in the Guardian, March 18th '95.

In physicist Frank J. Tipler's vision of the future, life at the end of time will reach the Omega Point, becoming 'omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient'. Computer-like beings will have such vast, infinite processing powers that, at the end of life on earth, they will be able to recreate life all over again, somewhere else.

Immortality, Frank Tippler argues, is just information processing without end, and physical laws dictate that the beings of the future will resurrect every living thing, including those living today.

'I can show.' Tippler says, 'there is a limited amount of information required to code the entire visible universe as it now exists. You and I can be coded with less than 3 times 10 to the power of 45 bits of information. Since the amount of information needed to code the visible universe in finite, that means there will come a time when an emulation of the universe can be easily done, using a negligible amount of what will then be the existing computer power.

'Once you accept the theory of an infinite universe, resurrection is a relatively trivial point.'

Sex in the future, as Tippler sees it, will be heavenly. Everyone will be matched with the most logically possible desirable mate. Our resurrected bodies will have to be specially modified so as to cope with this exquisite sex.

'We will be emulated in the future, down to the atom, by these extremely intelligent and therefore curious beings.'

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