The cryonic suspension blues

John Seymour

Cryonic suspension is a method of preserving the bodies of very rich dead people so that, if ever medical science advances to the point at which immortal life can be achieved, they can be revived and made to live eternally.

Uncle Charly's been put away

Glory be! Glory be!

Uncle Charly is here to stay


His widow Aunt Annabel scarcely grieves

Glory be! Glory be!

That he's really immortal she really believes


She's packed him off with a final kiss

Glory be! Glory be!

She'll follow him soon in cryonic bliss


He hangs from a wire in a plastic bag

Glory be! Glory be!

With his name and his age on a plastic tag

For all to see!

At minus a hundred and ninety-six

Scale of C. Scale of C.

They really believe he will cheat the Styx


But the beneficiaries of his will

Sad like me. Sad like me.

Have got to swallow this bitter pill

Oh sad to see.

For it cost a hundred and seventy thousand quid

Oh woe is me! Woe is me!

Eternal life for to make his bid

Not Jubilee!

And there comes to my mind a lingering doubt

Doubt is there. Doubt is there.

For what will they do when they pull him out?

Oh despair.

For he wasn't a very nice man you see

We all agree. We all agree.

If they've got any sense they'll leave him be

Leave him be.

And what will they do with the man if he thaws?

If ever that be. If ever that be.

Well they may just chuck him awa' to the craws

And he'll cease to be.

John Seymour, Killowen, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland (tel 00 353 51 88156)

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