Thorn Tree - Travelling Companions

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  1. Inida in September
    Created by: Rachel
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 25 year old female from New Zealand planning 6 weeks
    in India starting in September. I looking at spending a
    couple of weeks in Delhi, Varanasi and Agra, then down to
    Kerala and Tamil Nadu. If anyone is travelling in the same
    areas I would be interested in hearing from you. Post a
    message and I'll be checking back here.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:04].

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  2. middle east
    Created by: k (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    im looking for any onfo i can get on travelling syria and jordan can anyone tell me any good things to see or places
    to stay.i should be there in september after travelling around
    thailand. any info would be great.also anyone wanting to go there who wants a travell companion drop me a line.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:25].

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    Created by: BRUCE (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello all just wanted to see if anyone will be travelling
    to amsterdam... I'm looking to meet up with some people and
    share in the festivities... I will be in Amsterdam the day
    of the 16th and will be staying for 2 weeks to soak it all
    in... And then I am off to germany to the LOVE PARADE... If
    anyone is interested in meeting up mail me back...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:28].

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  4. 2000 New Years Party ????
    Created by: Michelle
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm trying to find the best place and the biggest party to
    celebrate the new millenium. Can you help?

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    Created by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello travelfolks
    I am already in Mexico since one year (academic exchange
    program/ internship) and will set of to a vacaction to south
    Mexico/ guatemala in june/ beginning julio and I am looking
    for a companion, women or decent men, mid 20th, who like to
    hook on for the Guatemala bit, from 12 june to approx. 5 of
    juli (in that range). I like to visit Tikal (since I┤will
    enter the country from Palenque side)and head for Antigua/
    Copan etc to make the loop to Christobal de las casas,
    Mexico. There will be thousands out there I guess, but maybe
    somebody wants to write beforehand,
    saludos, Jennifer

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:37].

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  6. BOats.. Italy to Turkey
    Created by: Rupi (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good idea this message thing.. a lot of stupid stuff
    (probably cant swear can I?) and peopl in it though.
    Can anyone tell me about boat travel between italy and
    turkey? Maybe greece and Turkey?
    I want to travel overland from Europe but i guess the
    balkans maybe too big a hurdle.
    Thanks for your help..

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:25].

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  7. Adventure through Botswana
    Created by: Heinz (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry i forgot the email!

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  8. Adventure through Botswana
    Created by: Heinz (dr.heinz.sill)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I┤m planing to go to Botswana in August, but i don┤t want
    to go alone and I┤m looking for a travelling partner. I
    want to rent a 4x4 car in Johannesburg and visit the
    Makadiki Pan, N┤xai Pan, Okavangodelta, Moremi and Chobi
    NP, and Tsodilo Hills.
    I┤m 35, have travelled quite a lot before, and I┤m looking
    for someone who is equally independent, and willing to
    Anyone out there?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:20].

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  9. To Mexico and Beyond.................
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My girlfriend and I are planning a trip driving from Canada
    (Alberta) down the American west coast and then around
    Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua,
    Costa Rica, Panama, Cloumbia, Brasil for carnival and where
    ever else we make it to and then Back to New York City. Our
    plan is to drive the whole way and camp in our van where
    possible. Taking about 6 to 9 months to do so depending on
    funds, weather, local atmosphere and how much time it
    actually takes. Our van in equipt to camp with four people
    but fit's six for driving if some want to tent, so what
    we're looking for is another couple to join us and share
    costs for the trip or a few couples to join in for different
    parts of the trip. We're both 23 I'm Canadain and she's
    British and have spent most of the past three years
    travelling. Neither of us smoke or use drugs but do not care
    if others do enjoy to do so as long as there capable of
    respecting our choice not to. This trip is a few months off
    because we are still both in the planning and saving stage
    but would like to see if there is anyone interested in
    joining us for all or pasts of. We hope to start out from
    Canada sometime in October 1999. If anyone is interested
    email me at the address above.
    I'd also like to hear from anyone who's done this trip or
    any part of it about the must and must not do's. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:02].

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  10. South Australia to Alice (the long way)
    Created by: Steve (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In early June, I will be driving from Port Augusta in South
    Australia up to Alice Springs. I hope to do the journey in
    a leisurely, interesting way, taking about 10 - 14 days,
    travelling into Flinders Ranges, possibly to Oodnadatta
    (along the Track), Coober Pedy, Uluru/Kata Tjuta, Kings
    Canyon. Basically bush camping or back-of-the-car stuff,
    checking the place out properly. If you fancy joining me on
    my odyssey then drop me a mail before the end of May.
    Cya (?)

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:40].

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  11. S.E. Asia anyone!
    Created by: jezz (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 48 yr.old woman (young and fit) living in Vancouver,B.C. who will be leaving for a year of travel 31st July. I plan on being in Nepal in October (maybe earlier) and would like to travel around India before heading to Thailand, maybe Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Fiji.
    Anyone interested in joining me for any part of the trip I would welcome talking to you,

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:31].

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  12. Walking Tour New Zealand
    Created by: Ken
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am into long distance walking and have done several long
    distance trips in the south island before. I'm planning to
    do a walk around the entire south island. I estimate about
    three months at an enjoyable pace. Plan to camp mostly
    prepare most food. From previous experience I have found
    $50 NZ a day adequate to cover expenses including
    accomodation when the weather gets rough. Planning to go
    in January-April 2000. I am a 31 year old male native NZ'er
    and have a number of contacts in private homes, farms etc
    that could stay with for a day or two along the way. My
    interests are many and varied although I rate tolerance as
    a great quality in a person. I am not after a girlfriend
    but just somebody to accompany me on what will be a very
    interesting trip. I welcome any expressions of interest.
    Please include your e-mail address.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:59].

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  13. Central America-NOW!!!
    Created by: Heidi (heidiwellstad)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't like planning. Just got the idea to go to Guatemala,
    Honduras and Nicaragua. Cheap, budget travel, backpacking.
    Want to join me? You better answer fast, because I want to
    leave next week! Don't hesitate, answer! Heidi

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:10].

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  14. Up for an adventure this fall?
    Created by: anne (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey all,
    IÆm a restless spirit who is looking to travel for
    a bit this fall. I have already done the Europe thing and
    tested out some areas in Southeast Asia. I am looking for
    someone else who might be interested in jaunting abroad for
    a couple weeks. As far as an itinerary, IÆm pretty much
    open to suggestions. I was considering turkey, South
    America, Israel/Egypt, or Russia. I am a 25-year-old female
    graduate student for the US. The operative word in the last
    sentence is ôgrad studentö, a.k.a. ôshoestring travelerö.
    When I travel, I like to try and get off the beaten path
    and experience the culture around me, but I also enjoy the
    historical and artistic museum bit.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:59].

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  15. Football in Rio
    Created by: Zico
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm thinking of going to Rio for 4 days in August to
    take in a soccer game. I have been quoted a price of
    ú1000 which seems way over the top to me, but there
    you go. If i could find someone to go with though, i
    might reconsider.... I'm 22, male and from the UK - if
    anyone thinks they might be intersted, then please
    leave a message. Cheers!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:59].

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  16. Northern India
    Created by: Dawn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a Canadian woman who is going to be travelling through
    Northern India in August of this year. I have posted here before
    so you might recognize this. I have made a couple of
    good travelling contacts through LP and am wondering if there
    is still anyone else out there with similar travel plans who
    might like to partner up for part of the journey. Email me and
    we'll compare itineraries.
    I would also be interested in hearing any recommendations
    about budget hotels and places/things to see.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:59].

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  17. The world's too big ....
    Created by: TJ (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I'm a 36 year old female and I love travelling and I
    also love talking about it! I've been to loads of places -
    India, Egypt, Kenya, Gambia, Tunisia, Spain, Tenerife,
    Cyprus, Crete and many more - if anyone fancies a chat
    about places they've been too and has any recommendations
    to offer me please drop me a line. My future plans
    (hopefully) include Sri Lanka and Bolivia, Peru and Brazil.
    Bye bye

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:48].

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  18. Lets hit the pub. London U.K.
    Created by: Philly (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looking for tavellers to travel to the pub. I just got into
    London. 29 y.o. American man looking for pub crawl mates.
    Must be thirsty and willing to walk to the next pub. Free
    pint for the first three volunteers. Travellers and locals
    welcome. If you can't make it please let me know where the
    best pubs and deals for a pint are in London. Any good
    happy hours? Cheers.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:16].

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  19. From NYC to Mexico, Guatemala,..Panama
    Created by: Aron (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Me and my friend are looking for 1-2 people to join as
    during our trip from New York to Mexico.
    Start: 12-15 July from NYC.
    We want to buy a car in NY.
    We're males, 24 years old, Methew lives in NY, me in Warsaw

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 20:48].

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  20. Bangkok and ChiangMai
    Created by: Esther (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would be flying to bangkok this thursday 27 may.After that
    I would be heading off to Chiangmai on the 28th or 29th.It
    would be great if anyone would like to join me especially in
    chiangmai.I had been to some great tribal area(actually not
    so tribal)there are electricity ;>If there are a few of us,
    travelling can be relatively cheap and a great load of fun.I
    speak a little thai and I have a few friends in Chiangmai
    who can give us some advise ;>we can do chiangmai in 2 to 3
    days ...please kindly email to me if you want to join me.I
    must warn you that I am not much of a low-low budget

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:07].

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  21. Scandinavia - NOW!!!
    Created by: Ailsa (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey I'm a 21 year old Australian girl who is travelling
    Scandinavia for the next month. I'm all on my lonesome and
    finding it hard to meet other travellers, especially since
    its a bloody public holiday in all of Norway! Oh no, here i
    am in Oslo, nothing's open, and so I think I'm going to
    need a leetle help to get started. If you're here you'll
    know what I'm talking about, and you'll need me as much as
    I need you!!! What's a girl to do! I was planning to go up
    the west of Norway, then down through Sweden and to
    Copenhagen before Roskilde. But so far this is a crap plan -
    Any better ideas? Help!! So any travellers or residents in
    Scandinavia (mostly Norway, Sweden and Denmark) get back to
    me as soon as you read this (on my email if you can please,
    it's easier), which you probably won't because nothing's
    open, oh crap, need help so give us a hand, won't you, I'm
    not boring, just lonesome, and missing you already!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 7:45].

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  22. Looking for companion
    Created by: q (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi. I am 20 year old guy from Finland and I want to find
    someone to travel with. I don`t smoke or drink and I am a
    vegetarian and want to find someone with same helthy
    lifestyle. I am quite sensitive personality and I appreciate
    honesty and commitment. I also read a lot and consider
    myself as philosophical. I don`t want to take life too
    seriously. I might actually be quite odd.
    If you think you could travel with me then write. Bye bye
    for now.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:50].

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  23. family vacation
    Created by: kate (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am looking for any chance to spend cheap vacation in
    Greece, Turkey or Portugal in July this year. Me and my
    husband have a child - seven years old. We have cheap fly
    tickets but we still looking for cheap accomodation,
    somewhere near sea shore. If somebody will help us we will
    be very happy.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 22:03].

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  24. Bali for New Years
    Created by: kris (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 18:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey im a kiwi and my mate Lee is a pom.....we are
    looking at going to bali for new years....I know its early,
    but we are looking for a group of people to hook up with
    for the big night...Im 25 and lee will be 30.....we want a
    good night to remember (or not...depends on how much beer i
    drink) if you are interested drop me a line....the
    more the merrier.....

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:16].

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  25. Driving trip to Mexico, C&S America
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My girlfriend and I are planning a trip driving fromCanada
    (Alberta) down the American west coast and then around
    Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua,
    Costa Rica, Panama, Cloumbia, Brasil for carnival and where
    ever else we make it to and then Back to New York City. Our
    plan is to drive the whole way and camp in our van where
    possible. Taking about 6 to 9 months to do so depending on
    funds, weather, local atmosphere and how much time it
    actually takes. Our van in equipt to camp with four people
    but fit's six for driving if some want to tent, so what
    we're looking for is another couple to join us and share
    costs for the trip or a few couples to join in for different
    parts of the trip. We're both 23 I'm Canadain and she's
    British and have spent most of the past three years
    travelling. Neither of us smoke or use drugs but do not care
    if others do enjoy to do so as long as there capable of
    respecting our choice not to. This trip is a few months off
    because we are still both in the planning and saving stage
    but would like to see if there is anyone interested in
    joining us for all or pasts of. We hope to start out from
    Canada sometime in October 1999. If anyone is interested
    email me at the address above or leave a post here.
    I'd also like to hear from anyone who's done this trip or
    any part of it about the must and must not do's. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:25].

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  26. Traveling in Southern Europe
    Created by: Ben Wagor (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 30-year-old guy, currently living in New York. I'm originally from Oregon. I love living and traveling abroad. I lived and worked in Amsterdam for 6 months...I think? I also lived in Budapest, Hungary for a year and a half. I worked as an English teacher at a Hungarian High School. I've been to Israel and Egypt as well as most of Central Europe. I have decided to chuck my career as a database specialist in the legal field. My plan now is to get my Masters in Education and become a High School Social Studies teacher. I will begin school this fall. My plan is to teach at American International Schools for two year contracts all around the world. This summer I'm going to travel around Southern Europe. I plan on hitting France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Italy, Greek Islands, and Turkey. My time line is June through late August. I don't know how far I will get, but, it's good to have goals and I'm flexible. My budget is hostel with an occasional hotel here and there. I'm the type of traveler who likes to experience the culture of the people of the area I am visiting. If I have a choice between a museum or a gallery and shooting the breeze with some locals on the beach, imbibing the local refreshments...I'm going to pick the locals 7 out of 10 times. Basically, I'm a dedicated hedonist who tries to get in a little culture on the side. I like to experience things that are off the beaten path or not known to the average tourists. I do have a certain fondness for the nightlife as well, some would say almost to much fondness. If you are going to be in any of the countries I listed above and have similar interests when traveling, contact me at and maybe we can hit the road together.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:35].

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  27. Caucasus/Middle East?
    Created by: Robin (rglosterwyatt)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 5:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anybody have a clue on travel in the Caucasus
    countries, particularly Georgia and Azerbaijan? I am
    planning a trip from Karachi (Pakistan) to Athens (Greece)
    via Iran, Turkmenistan (I already have a visa invitation),
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, but fear that as I have been
    able to find so little out about the Caucasus, I may have to
    re-route. The only vaguely useful info is in the Trailblazer
    Asia Overland guide, but it's so sketchy.
    Or would it be a better trip to go from Iran to Turkey and
    then south to Istrael? Does anybody know how cheaply I could
    pick up a flight to London from Israel?
    Back to the Caucasus and Turkmenistan: how likely am I to
    find other travellers there? Is there much to see? How long
    should I allow to do these places justice (I have three
    months in total, and intend to spend about a month in Iran)?
    How much is shoestring travel there likely to cost? What's
    the climate like? And would anybody be interested in joining
    me? I'm a 20-year old UK student who has so far been to
    India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, China, Pakistan, Burma,
    Cambodia and Tunisia. I consider myself pretty adventurous,
    but do like to take it easy with a beer/check out clubland
    too (though obviously not in Paklistan, Iran, etc.!)
    I have very little time really to get the visas (I have the
    Iranian and Pakistan ones already, plus the Turkmen
    invitation), so may just go for the Israel option unless
    somebody can help me fairly soon: I am flying out from
    London Heathrow on 19th June... .
    All advice etc. would be VERY gratefully received.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 5:31].

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  28. Day Hiking In The Canadian Rockies July
    Created by: Steve (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 4:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone interested in meeting me in the Canadian Rockies to
    do some long day hikes during July: I'm doing many of the
    very best hikes in the Canadian Rockies on very long day
    hikes of up to 40 km. -- Two Hikes Of "The Rockwall Trail"
    in Kootenay National Park, "Berg Lake Trail" in Mt. Robson
    Provincial Park, "Egypt Lake" in Banfff National Park, the
    "Iceline" and "Whaleback" Trails in Yoho National Park, Etc.
    Join me for one or several of these hikes. I already have
    hostel reservations from 11 July to 29 July.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 4:24].

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  29. nyc
    Created by: m (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 2:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey everyone
    ill be in NYC from june 18th till july 2nd... at banana bangalow hostel. ive spent 5 years in new yoork, so i know it pretty well. including the suburbs and non-tourist areas, which i find cool. if youre interested in meeting a nice m, 27 from rio de janeiro, just say hi. its even better if you speak swedish, since i study that language and can never practice. if not, english or spanish is ok too.
    have fun

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 2:20].

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  30. Greece and Turkey
    Created by: Ellen
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi gals--I leave on May 25th and will visit friends in
    Athens, then spend about 4 weeks traveling alone in Greece
    and Turkey. I plan on checking out a couple of islands and
    making my way to Turkey, then going up the west coast to
    Istanbul (around June 20th)
    I am a 27 year old woman, and while I enjoy the occasional
    night out I am more into sighseeing/cultural stuff than
    sunbathing and partying. If your trip overlaps with mine
    and you have similar interests let me know and we can
    perhaps meet up...

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 10:17].

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  31. Last minute to Costa Rica
    Created by: Ron (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 20:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My name is Ron, 23 years old from Switzerland. I will spend
    4 weeks in Costa Rica from 26.5. - 25.6.99.
    I like travelling there and perhaps i will spend 1 week at
    a language scool. I have been at Costa Rica also 1 year ago.
    I speak french, english, german and a little spanish.
    Is anyone at the same time in Costa Rica and is interested
    to travel with me?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 0:46].

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  32. Chile.....
    Created by: GWEN & JULIE (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 19:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Two late thirtysomethings off to Chile in September,
    looking for lively, well-adjusted travelling companions
    (male or female)to join them. Backpacking but in comfort -
    budget not a priority. If you are interested in exploring
    SA with us, please get in touch.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:37].

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  33. Zimbabwe
    Created by: Adrian (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 18:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can anyone advise me of an appropriate budget for backpacker, or slightly more comfortable, travel in Zimbabwe for 2 weeks, or longer if things are affordable, in June for meals,food,accommodation and transport and fairly basic tours? Any recommendations on "must see"s or things to avoid?My main motivation is to see wildlife.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:11].

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  34. european hichhiking
    Created by: stewart varner (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 18:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    been teaching english in poland for a year and want to spend the summer with some friends in england. the school were they teach pays for their bus ride while i am left with a fist full of zloty which is laughably unchangable in the west. thus i need a cheap way to get from western poland to london or their abouts. any bright ideas on hichhiking or anything would be welcome. i am frighteningly poor at speaking anything besides english but i can certainly try. thanks in advance.
    stewart varner

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 22:33].

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  35. AUS Visa, Scuba, Olympics, British Lions
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Be interested to know if anyone has stayed in Aus for
    longer than their visa allowed? If so, what happens when
    you leave? Are subsequent attempts to get a visa turned
    down. Any tips on how to leave without the authorities
    recognising that your visa has expired / extending your
    visa ?
    As part of my RTW trip, I hope to have an extended stay in
    Australia; planning to dive my way around the coast (G.B
    Reef and Ningaloo in particular - can't wait to dive with a
    whale shark), take in the Sydney Olympics and support the
    British Lions while on tour, both in Aus and NZ.
    Recommendations for dive sites that should not be missed
    would be appreciated.
    Guess I'm kind of in to sport, diving, drinking and
    snowboarding, not necessarily in that order. Am 31, feel
    more like 21.. the rot has go to stop.. Have been
    considering a RTW trip for a couple of years now; to the
    point that family, friends and work colleagues are starting
    doubt my resolve.
    I had wondered before, why people post these sort of msgs
    but starting one myself I think it's because it makes it
    feel more real.
    My itinary (starting Oct 99) will look something like:
    - Tour British Isles throughout the Rugby World Cup
    - Dec. 99 So early but indecision already à Can't decide
    whether to go to S. Africa for the test series or do a
    season boarding somewhere (Alps / US / Canada) and then
    after that whether to travel around Europe for 3 months or
    back to UK to work for 3 months
    - June 2000. Over to Holland and Belgium for Euro2000
    *Then start the RTW trip, July 2000
    -Sibearian Express Way to Beijing (The wall, Xian, Yangtze
    -Work may way down SE Asia (Malaysia, Phillipines,
    Thailand, Vietnam etc,) and Indonesia.
    -Aus for Olympics (Oct 2000), Diving and Lions Tour (May
    2001) - on a 3 month visa!?
    -NZ continued Lions Tour, boarding in Queenstown (c. July,
    think that's the right season)
    -Up through the Pacific Isles
    -Central America, Peru, Bolivia (Lake Titticaca, Machu
    Pitchu etc.)
    -Then on to Belize, buy a beach hut and cook Xmas dinner on
    the beach and consider coming back to UK
    I have friends that have assured me they will meet me for
    the different sporting events but they are not prepared to
    give up jobsà their loss I guess. . I'd always thought that
    I would prefer to start the trip with someone I know but
    now I'm not so sure - it's almost as if getting to know
    strangers while travelling is what it's all about.
    Would be interested to hear though from anyone planning to
    do any of the above ?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 9:18].

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    Created by: Gregg (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone interested in the above e-mail me.
    I'm a twenty year old male hopping off to Peru at the end
    of June for two and a half months. Anyone what to hook up.
    No set plans but working on a budget like all of you.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 8:29].

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  37. South America
    Created by: Anna (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am seriously considering a break in my career and spend 3
    to 6 months travelling around South America. I am thinking
    about starting in October 1999.
    I have been on a 2 weeks vacation to Brazil and believe
    that this country deserves much more than that. I also
    would like to visit Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Chile,
    Ecuador and Venezuela where my abilities to speak Spanish
    should be helpful.
    I am looking for someone who would be interested in joining
    me, at least on the part of the trip.
    I am a 28 years old female and, even though what I have
    written might sound rather formal, believe me I am quite
    Want to find out more?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 8:19].

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    Created by: JOYCE (XJR1200@CWCOM.UK)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 4:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Planning a trip from the UK to Australia by motorbike,
    departure and route still flexible, would like to hear from
    other bikers interested in joining me, male or female,
    mechanical aptitude a plus. Also would be interested in
    talking to any Oz bikers interested in spending 6 months
    touring their country. Ride free.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 5:22].

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  39. Delhi-Amsterdam by Motorbike: who joins
    Created by: Johan (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am 34 y/o living and working in Amsterdam (though
    Antwerp is my hometown) and plan to drive my bike - Honda
    500 XL - from Delhi to Amsterdam this summer: from say Jul
    10th till end August. Have spent approx 8 months biking in
    almost the whole of India between jan-aug 98. Looking for
    other experienced biker(s) male or female to share the
    experience with. If you have any mechanical knowledge so
    much the better: mine is limited. Have lost my NOC and
    Exchange Receipt -yep, I bought the Honda in Puna- so the
    Indo-Pakistani border formalities might take a few hours.
    Budget is not limited although I do not plan to visit a
    single '5stardeluxe' place. A good meal, washed down by a
    few chilled beers and a hot shower every two or three days
    can do miracles to the weary traveler.
    In addition, all usefull info welcomed.
    Thanks for replying, Johan.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 20:16].

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  40. Yes, the river knows
    Created by: Andries (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello I'm a (nearly) 25 yrs old Dutch boy planning to go to
    the Indian Himalayas this september for some trekking and
    relaxing. I wanna do the Padum-Lamayuru-trek and after a
    chill in Manali one in Uttarakhand (to the source of the
    Ganges). I'm intrested in all the extremes nature and
    culture has got to offer esp. music, (zen)Buddhism and
    From the mountains and monasteries I'll be going south to
    the forrests and caves...No real schedule...Take it as it
    comes...No hurry or worries but low-budget. This means
    being completely self-sufficient at some stages
    (tent,cooker) and avoiding the crowds.
    I also intend to go to parts of southeast-Asia to hopefully
    end up maybe like a year later (?) in northwest-Australia.
    So are you adventerous, intelligent, with a sense of
    humour, in short: good companion, to enjoy peace and quiet
    as well as party ?
    Of course, a spiritual&sexy girl/woman who wants to cross
    my path along the way would be perfect, but others may also
    respond notably for some treks or info 'bout them.
    I'm tall (1.93m), slim and handsome (blond curls, blue
    eyes) and have travelled before in Europe, Australia and
    the Middle-East.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 20:08].

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  41. Travel Partners!
    Created by: Texas Traveller
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have a question for all the folks who are seeking travel
    partners and who have experiance in actually posting here
    and having gone on a trip?
    What was your experience with the other person(s)?
    How do you know if this person who you go on the trip with
    is not some sort of a psycho? Does one meet each other to
    see if they can size the other one up ???
    Anyway just wondering how people go on a trip to distant
    places with people who basically they know nothing about...
    Almost like picking up a hitchhiker ??

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:34].

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  42. switzerland on short notice
    Created by: jay (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 3:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i m a scientist (from the usa) visiting univ. of bern for a
    short period. i arrived this week, i find the town a bit
    sleepy and i don't speak german, so i have not had a chance
    2 make friends... i m an experienced trvlr and i plan 2 tour
    the country on the weekends of may 29th and of june 5th...
    anybody out there would like 2 join or, if u r local, just
    b a tour-guide? i have a rented car, and no specific
    plans... don't mind the drive, the hike, the whatever ...
    can travel 2 and from, hi or lo .. if u r casual, likes 2
    laugh, and was an explorer in your previous life (or plan 2
    b 1 in your future life) drop me a line (preferably to my
    email address)... will reply 2 all serious inq'rs .. j.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 3:52].

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  43. Millenium! Help!!
    Created by: Simon (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey all,
    anyone got any plans for the millenium? All of my friends are planning to go to the local pub, but I would prefer to do something a little bit more exciting!
    I am a 22 yr old Irish guy, who is University educated, easy going, and has lived and worked in Africa and the UK.
    If anyone would like a possible travel companion to work out a millenium journey, or if you already have worked one out and would like more people, drop me a line. I'm open to all suggestions, although I'm thinking it would be great to backpack for sometime in advance (months?), with the aim to arrive at some exciting/unusual/adventurous location in time for the new year. Time is ticking!!!
    -I'm into Scuba diving, white water rafting, off-roading etc, and I have a private pilots licence, but I'm keen to try something new and different. E-mail me with ideas please!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:10].

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  44. North-West Russia
    Created by: Dina (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    During a summer I spend some week-ends visiting places in
    Nord-West Russia, like Vyborg, Novgorod, small towns near
    St.Petersburg etc. I like if my friends come with me. Would
    you like to join us if you will be in St.Petersburg at this

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 21:55].

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  45. Canada-Ontario Backpacking
    Created by: Giambattista (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi world!! I'm a 29 year old italian male, easy going. I'm
    planning to travel to Canada - Ontario at the end of June
    1999 for 3 weeks. At the moment I am traveling alone but I
    wouldn't mind sharing this adventure with other travelers.
    We are going backpacking and sleeping in farms, hostels or
    campings (a low budget thing!). If you are easy going and
    want to join just contact me! I will also appreciate any
    useful information about Ontario. Also if you have a spot to
    offer there let me know! Ciao :-

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 2:20].

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  46. travelling in northern tibet
    Created by: matthew (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i want to go to northern tibet and i heard that if i want to
    go to such a remote place that i would need to rent a
    4-wheel truck - that is if i don't want to spend half a year
    to get to this remote area - i was wondering if anyone is
    interested in going to this place and willing to share the
    costs with me. or if any information about travelling in
    this area would be greatly appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:21].

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    Created by: duncan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 19:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Im trying to get to India overland from Turkey. At the moment im traveling alone, I have not done big travel like this before and im wondering can I do this, if so how, roughly how long it will take and around how much cash will I need for it.
    Whats the best way to hook up with people in turkey who might be doing the same, should i wait in istanbul, meet them and get all visas there or go to the last Turkey border town with a visa and wait there.Or should I apply for it here in Ireland.
    When you get a visa does it have definite dates on it or does it start from when you enter.
    If i leave Iran for a week to go to a cousin in Dubai does this count on Iranian Visa time or is it stop started

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 19:34].

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  48. Boats to and from India
    Created by: Duncan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 19:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    could someone please give me info on big passenger boats that travel to India, whats their company name, where do they travel from and to, Is there some from the red sea or the suez canal. Could people give me links to finding this info. Does anybody have info on getting a job on a boat from Suez canal to Bombay or Cohin

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 22:58].

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  49. Laos and Vietnam
    Created by: Melissa (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I'm a 24 year old Aussie girl whose planning to go to
    Laos and Vietnam for five weeks over July and August. I
    wouldn't mind a bit of company along the way, so if you're
    going to be in that part of the world, send me a line,

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 15:51].

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  50. western eurpope in spring of 2000
    Created by: Sarah (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 13:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm 22 yr old female from Ontario Canada. I recently
    graduate from university and I'm planning on working and
    saving money until april of 2000 when I'll head over to
    europe for 3 or 4 months. I'll be staying in hostels and
    trying to conserve cash but spend enough to have a super
    time. I'm looking for a person or several people to travel
    with for safety reasons as well as social reasons. Looking
    for male or female(s) in their 20's with similar plans.
    Email me if you're interested or know of other search sites.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 3:45].

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  51. Guat.,Honduras+Costa Rica in June
    Created by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here I go againàBeen periodically reposting this. Keep
    getting responses from interested travelers plus some neat
    tips on places to see. Bob is flying to San Jose, Costa
    Rica(using a Central American air pass) on June 14th for 2
    months traveling in Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala (and
    open to other suggestions). I have traveled in Latin America
    off and on for over 23 years. My first masterÆs program was
    in Latin American Studies so IÆm pretty well versed in
    knowledge of the area. IÆm fair to middlÆn in Spanish. I
    lived in Lima, Peru(Senderos and all) and Quito,
    Ecuador(Hotel Gran Casino...if you know what that means you
    are definitely my kind of folk) in the 80Æs. I travel just
    about as cheap as possible. IÆve had lots of experience doing
    that. Lonely Planet guides tend to be my Bible(though they
    have got a bit too cautious latelyàmust be the lawyers). Not
    into mountain climbing or killer treks but IÆm hard to tear
    away from an Indian market (really good at bargainingàbe it a
    blanket or a couple of tomatoes). Pretty knowledgeable about
    textiles. Will stop by just about any ruins...and usually
    know something about them-know more than my share about the
    Maya. Museums are great and I actually read the exhibit
    signs. Last couple of summers have been spent traveling
    through Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia
    with some interesting people leaving a trail of Dead tapes
    behind us. Go to*
    mr.k_computer_class/mr.k_ex_adv/mr.k_ex_adv_title.htm for
    photos. Summer of Æ96 I was in Guatemala and Mexico. IÆm
    planning to meet up with some of the survivors of my previous
    adventures for various legs of the trip. (4 or 5 of us at
    this point-with another being twisted) Still looking for
    other good folk to join our little band of merry pranksters.
    We could watch each otherÆs backs and luggage. If nothing
    else, maybe we could meet up somewhere for a beer and swap
    stories. My itinerary is pretty open. I go where the
    spirit(usually cheap rum) takes me. By day its beaches,
    museums, jungles and Mayan ruins. By night letÆs see what
    commandments and Old Testament admonishments we can break.
    Looking at doing 3 weeks in Costa Rica..beaches, cloud
    forests and active volcanoes(any virgins want to come
    along?)àfly next to Honduras for a week or so..Bay
    Islandsàdefinitely Copan..then on to Guat for a monthà
    Quiriqua, Tikal, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango and
    some of the more interesting mountain villages(Momostenango,
    San Francisco El Alto, Nebaj). Let's hear your ideas. IÆm
    open to suggestionsàthe journey is often more important than
    the destination. IÆm easy going (donÆt smoke tobacco..
    well..maybe a cigar in Honduras, do drink and will eat just
    about anything) and hopefully you are too. Fellow Dead Heads
    (working on my play list) and teachers(we can always bitch
    about our students) are particularly welcome. The idea is to
    just have fun, learn and acquire memories for the rest of our
    lives. Times getting shorter so letÆs get planning. Even if
    you canÆt make it and would like to just exchange info,
    thatÆs cool too.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 12:30].

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  52. India in Sept/Oct
    Created by: Gregg
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Planning a trip to southern/coastal India. I like to explore
    the culture, arts, music, foods etc...of the places I visit.
    I also enjoy lazing on the beach to take it all in!
    Interested in joining me? Leave a post here and I'll check

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:57].

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  53. Rave Europe
    Created by: Ailsa (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey what's the best place to find information about the
    biggest and bestest raves across Europe this summer?
    I'm a 21 yo Aussie chick into drum and bass, trance,
    techno, anything your region does best
    who's hitting Roskilde, then Love Parade, then....
    ...after that, who knows?
    contact me at email address, cause I'll be on the road from
    tomorrow, kicking off in Scandinavia

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:17].

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  54. Laos Anyone?
    Created by: Russell (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    G'Day there,
    I'll be heading to Laos on about the 23rd of June.
    I'll be heading out from Bangkok, into Vientiane - Luang Prabang - Plain of Jars type stuff.
    Following that I'd like to head to Phenom Pehn - Ankor Wat etc.
    It's my first time there so if anyone is just back & has any advice or wants to go, drop me a line.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:01].

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    Created by: Tamam F. koudeih (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 21 years old man.I'd like to make work with companies
    so i can be a tour leader just in Jordan
    If you come to Jordan I have all the
    information you need about Jordan,
    places to visit,Prices,Places to stay,Rental Cars,Places
    toeat .............etc.
    I do tours around Jordan for all budgets, whatever is
    whether you go on my tour or you don't you can
    getabsolutely FREE INFORMATION
    I'll be very happy to tell all he information you need for
    free and I'll try to do my best.
    you can find me in Amman at the Bdeiwi Hotel the hotel is
    very clean, quiet and cheap just 8 JD for a Double
    Room.Free hot showers.
    BDEIWI HOTELKhayyam St. Down Town Amman-JORDANTel.
    or you can e-mail me:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:43].

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  56. mekiko
    Created by: beth and lauren (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Two blonde brits off to Mexico on 19th June. we have a
    blank sheet so any info would be good. Anyone heading that
    way, look us up!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:26].

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  57. turkey
    Created by: marrio (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 2:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    im looking for some inforamation about journey to west

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 19:43].

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  58. NYC
    Created by: Emma (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone interested in meeting up with 21 year old English
    student in NYC between 8 Aug - 12 Aug 99.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:45].

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  59. Barcelona and Andalucian Digs
    Created by: Alex (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey folks.
    Per chance anyone of you folks going to be packing through
    the Barcelona or Andaluica area ohh say July 10 ? Yep, 24
    year old rookie packer who is looking to learn the ropes
    and meet some cool dudes and dudettes on the road. I'm not
    particurlarly comfortable with the idea of just arriving
    somewhere with no plan. Ideas ? Advice ? Suggestions ?
    Muchos gracias folks ! See ya on the road.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 5:58].

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  60. Where to get a root
    Created by: Rather Not
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 20:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Quite basic really. Where are the cheapest, safest and
    cleanest places in the World to root oneself silly for 2
    weeks? Phillippines? Thailand? Amsterdam? In
    anticipation, thanks to the flame throwers, your comments
    have been noted.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:06].

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  61. Travel friend for central & South Americ
    Created by: Julie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 19:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 22 year old university educated female from the NW of
    the UK and have a gap year starting in July before I start
    a job in the real world in September 2000. As I have the
    fantastic opportunity of this free time I thought I'd grab
    a rucksack and head for central and south America. I'm
    quite prepeared to go it alone, even though it is nerve-
    racking. However, if there is anyone out there who is
    planning or fancies such a trip then I'd love to hear from
    you. I'm planning on leaving in October and heading for
    South America - Bolivia, Peru, Equador, maybe Brazil and
    then up to Belize and Costa Rica before a quick stint in
    Cuba and then flying home in time to head off to London for
    the next 2 years. Obviously a sense of adventure is
    required and the knowledge that the trip won't all be 5*
    hotels, but the main thing is a fantastic sense of humour.
    Sound like you, then get in touch!!!
    Alternatively, if you've been and can recommend place to
    stay/place to visit/things to do or any advice at all, then
    please mail me.
    Love to hear from you all

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 8:52].

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  62. Travel friend for central & South Americ
    Created by: Julie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 19:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 22 year old university educated female from the NW of
    the UK and have a gap year starting in July before I start
    a job in the real world in September 2000. As I have the
    fantastic opportunity of this free time I thought I'd grab
    a rucksack and head for central and south America. I'm
    quite prepeared to go it alone, even though it is nerve-
    racking. However, if there is anyone out there who is
    planning or fancies such a trip then I'd love to hear from
    you. I'm planning on leaving in October and heading for
    South America - Bolivia, Peru, Equador, maybe Brazil and
    then up to Belize and Costa Rica before a quick stint in
    Cuba and then flying home in time to head off to London for
    the next 2 years. Obviously a sense of adventure is
    required and the knowledge that the trip won't all be 5*
    hotels, but the main thing is a fantastic sense of humour.
    Sound like you, then get in touch!!!
    Alternatively, if you've been and can recommend place to
    stay/place to visit/things to do or any advice at all, then
    please mail me.
    Love to hear from you all

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 19:36].

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    Created by: jane175 (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    HI, I am a 24 year old female and my friend and I wanted to
    go to Ixtapa, Mexico this weekend around the 21st to the
    24th. We know this is last minute, but thought it would be a
    fun weekend get-away!! We would love for any age fun-loving
    person to join us. Please e-mail if interested. We have found
    a nice hotel to stay at, so would have to find own

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 14:51].

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  64. Ethnobotany
    Created by: chris (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i have recently recieved a fellowship to study ethnobotany
    in south america for the upcoming year, beginning in august
    '99. i have previously travelled to ecuador and have made a
    few contacts there and in bolivia. i was wondering if
    anyone out there has any good recommendations for places for
    me to visit or people to talk with. i am very interested in
    indigenous natural resource management as well as the uses
    of plants for medicinal, spiritual, and practical purposes
    such as clothing, housing, crafts..etc. i would appreciate
    any input.. thanks-chris

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 12:43].

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  65. Co Driver/Navigator North America
    Created by: Sod (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a 30 year old Australian Male travelling through the
    US on my way to the Cricket World Cup in the UK. Its my
    intention to spend a week or so driving from New York up to
    Canada and back ... flexible on where I go really. Would
    like some company during the trip, needless to say a
    navigator / co driver would be benefitial given I need to
    learn this driving on the other side of the road thing.
    Will be in New York from 4 Jun 99. Get back to me if your

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 11:17].

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  66. Hawaii anyone?
    Created by: Michelle
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Planning a trip to Hawaii in the next couple of weeks.
    Would like a companion. Anyone interested?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 9:16].

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  67. Millenium! Help!
    Created by: Simon (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    anyone got any plans for the millenium? All of my friends are planning to go to the local pub, but I would prefer to do something a little bit more exciting!
    I am a 22 yr old Irish guy, who is University educated, easy going, and has lived and worked in Africa and the UK.
    If anyone would like a possible travel companion to work out a millenium journey, or if you already have worked one out and would like more people, drop me a line. I'm open to all suggestions, although I'm thinking it would be great to backpack for sometime in advance (months?), with the aim to arrive at some exciting/unusual/adventurous location in time for the new year. Time is ticking!!!
    -I'm into Scuba diving, white water rafting, off-roading etc, and I have a private pilots licence, but I'm keen to try something new and different.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 7:14].

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  68. somewheres-EURO ....JUNE/JULY
    Created by: --Tb-- (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Intelligent, eccentric 22 yr old male- will be using 2
    month eurail pass starting early june (no itinerary)-
    Looking to meet travel companions/ contacts; I created a
    site to help- (has personal info, plans ect)
    Everyone have a good summer; hope to meet you in

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 5:51].

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  69. North-Italy from 13 july
    Created by: Jeroen (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm looking for a travel-companion for in North-Italy and
    places to stay (for free if is possible). I'll walk/climb
    mountains in the Italian Alps, one must be at least 3000
    metres high, I'll vissit Milan and track near Lago di Garda.
    Most of the night I hope to sleep in my tent at campings,
    but if it's possible wild-camping.
    Of course you want to know something about myself: I'm 25,
    male student in The Netherlands, spontanish, positive
    minded, ambitious and very sportive (I've blue eyes, blond
    hair and 1,81 metres tall).
    My companion must aged between 22 and 28, preferable a
    female, witch has the same character and is also sportive.
    My vacation will be low-budget and may take 6 weeks from 13
    I'm looking forward to your reply.
    Greetings from Jeroen

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 5:32].

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    Created by: ANDREW (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    22 y/o male from Southern Ontario, Canada. Recently quit long-term go-nowhere job in favour of travelling and potentially relocating in UK/Europe. I'm not crazy, I've just decided not to put things off any longer. Been to UK before and would ideally like to get back there after some travel in Europe. Looking for a fun, intelligent and preferably female travel companion to share this trip with. Don't settle for a something if you know or even just think there's something better. I'm working and saving $$$ till fall '99 and then hitting the road. Would like to set out or meet up with this ideal travel partner. Sound good? Email me...

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 4:13].

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    Created by: BRUCE (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am looking for a job in amsterdam while I am there....
    Anyone have any idea where I could look for a job...

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 1:54].

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    Created by: BRUCE (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello all from Ontario Canada... Just curious to see if
    anyone is leaving to fly into amsterdam on the 15th of
    June... I am flying out of toronto and curious if anyone
    wants to meet up.... Or is anyone going to be in amsterdam

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:19].

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    Created by: rohan (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 15:44].

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  74. Travelling Indonesia
    Created by: Ian (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hiya Folks,
    I lived in Bandung in West Java for a year during '95-'96,
    and now I'm getting the chance to go back for a couple of
    months from about the middle of July.
    I'm 22 and going to be travelling alone through Java, Bali,
    Lombok and to the Gili Islands (and then back again) and
    just thought I'd drop a line to see if anyone wants to meet
    up while I'm across there.
    Resonable language skills, and know a lot of the places I
    want to see again.
    Say hello if you're interested.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 21:56].

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  75. big trip
    Created by: kjm (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    im going on the adventure of a life time. starting off in
    thailand around june july.staying there untill ive seen it all then heading to middle east( syria jordan yes) then
    maybee egypt tunisia turkey greece. then maybee
    eastern europe. then the west then either south america
    or africa. im a 29 year old pom whos been living in
    australia for 15 years and decided to have a good look
    at our wonderfull hoping it will take at least
    12 months. so ill be trying to do it fairly cheaply but
    not so cheap that i dont eat or things like easy to
    get along with love history mainly want to go
    to lots of ruins castles tombs as well as seeing as many
    of natures wonders as i can. you get the there
    anyone out there whos got the legs the passion and
    the money.i figure theres got to be someone out there
    who thinks traveling and seeing the world is more
    important than saving for a deposit for a house or a
    new big screen t.v if so let me know

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 20:58].

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  76. I've never stopped dancing yet...
    Created by: Teresa (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "Come and take a trip with me to a land where love is free,
    follow me into the light everythings gonna be alright, shut
    the door and take my hand I will show you a promised
    Ever wanted to sit in Hyde Park & let the day just go along?
    Or stand in Covent Garden, busking whilst singing a song?
    Maybe you prefer to drink beer & watch a Spurs game?
    Or go to the Church & put yourself to shame?
    Whatever your liking to create a jovial time...drop me a
    line - I'm sure we'll get along just fine!!
    Hey funky travellers....I'm a Sydney girl (21yrs)who moves
    to the UK in 3 weeks time. Drop me a line at the above
    email if you are going to be in the vicinity of London and
    want a bud to go sightseeing with or just to sit at the pub
    and watch the Aussies in the World Cup Cricket and Rugby!!
    If not have a happy chappy time travelling and the trip of a
    lifetime! =)

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 0:04].

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  77. IRAN (Persia)
    Created by: Johnny (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 19:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am planning (visas permitting) to be in Iran from 28th
    June for 2wks. A budget traveller with the aim of going
    to...Tehran - Esfahan - Yazd - Kerman - Bam - Shiraz -
    Persepolis - Kashan - Tehran. Anyone interested ???

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:02].

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  78. NEW (free) Yahoo CLUB!!
    Created by: Into_the_early_morning_light (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have started a club at yahoo to enable people worldwide
    to meet others who are interested in the global Dance Music
    party and club scene; exchange views, info and hopefully
    enable people to meet up for the best parties and events all
    over the world (I'm going travelling myself in June, and I
    was looking for a method for getting in touch with
    likeminded people while on the move).
    As well as a message board, there are links to other sites
    (this is one of them), photo albums, contact lists and a
    chat room. Its a yahoo site so it's totally free; any
    questions, please email me.
    The URL is:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 11:36].

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    Created by: Flynners (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 9:17].

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  80. Circumcised Male Seeks Love
    Created by: Mister Universe (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK, I just don't understand why I can't get a date. I'm
    grossly unattractive, unemployed, impotent, repulsive,
    pathetic, arrogant, narcoleptic, hygiene disregarding,
    genital scratching guy with a bad attitude, bad breath and
    an IQ of 70. Some of my hobbies include snoring, passing
    gas in public (specially elevators and stairs), fine
    dining at Taco Bell, and urinating on toilet seats (at home
    and in public). I desire an angry, control freak type
    woman that posseses similar virtues to mine for a long
    mutually demeaning relationship. In addition, she must be
    moody, manipulative, materialistic and tantrum throwing.
    Anyone interested?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 14:08].

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  81. virgin traveler
    Created by: keith m (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    im an easy going 31 year old male,no hang ups or really bad
    habbits.going off to see the world or of much of it as i can.
    im going for at least twelve months,longer if the money holds looking for males/females to either start or meet up
    with on the way.going in late june early july.i want to go
    to thailand first but dont really mind where i go i want to see
    it all anyway.must be easy going as i will try anything at least
    once.drop me a line if you fit the bill.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 8:32].

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  82. Anyone going to Costa Rica
    Created by: ED (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 7:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looking for individuals who are going to Costa Rica and want to do some hiking and adventure. Just looking for people who are open minded and like to have fun. Will be there for one week, June 25 - July 4. Get back soon!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 7:40].

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    Created by: VC (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    2 Aussie girls are planning a van trip around Europe for
    Summer 1999, departing at the end of June. We are looking
    for 2 or 3 other like minded, easy going, independent
    travellers to split costs, we want to do this as cheaply as
    possible. Please contact me on my email account, if you
    are interested or want to swap stories.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 14:11].

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  84. Summer in Australia
    Created by: Liz (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My friend and I are planning to travel Australia and
    the summer.
    We intend to stay and work there for a few month.
    We're both 21,and we love the country.
    Can anyone recomand us on a farm/a small town where workers
    are needed. A legal job of course.
    thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 13:33].

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  85. Roadtrip?
    Created by: MJ
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all!
    I am writing from Ontario, Canada and was wondering if
    anyone has gone on a bus trip? Eg. Contiki
    I am thinking about taking one out west (to Vancouver) see and
    Has anyone been on one of these? Is it worth it?
    Has anyone taken a trip or carpooled with strangers?
    Thanks in advance,

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 2:04].

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  86. Want to Meet Others in Thailand in June
    Created by: Albarro (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Subject: Want To Meet Me in Thailand in June?
    I'll be in Thailand June 8-22, with a possible excursion to
    Angkor Wat. This is my second trip to Thailand. I would
    like to meet up with others who will be there the same time
    as I. I am a frequent traveler, budget-type, who likes to
    see the sights, talk, hang out and have an interesting and
    fun time. If you will be in Thailand the same time as I,
    please e-mail me and I will provide you with personal
    details and we can see if we want to hook up. During my
    last trip to Thailand some six months ago, I met up with
    six fellow travelers whom I met via the internet and it
    was great fun. It worked out great and I would like to do
    it again.
    Albarro, USA
    Please e-mail reply to:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 1:27].

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  87. malaysia/thailand/padi certificate
    Created by: judy (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 21:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi, i'm going to be travelling round thailand and malaysia for the next two and a half months alone, budget, active, culture, fun, young (19), r u in the neighbourhood? might be looking for some one to get my PADI with or to go walking with or sithseeing, whatever, nothing fixed;
    tell me something interesting!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 17:21].

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  88. India Oct 99
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Seeking fun travelmate/s to travel with to India. Male or
    Female travellers are OK as long as you have a good sense of
    humor and carry a backpack.Age no bar.
    My plan is to fly out of Hong kong and spend a few weeks in
    Thailand before flying into Mumbai or Delhi. After that
    point I am willing you consider options. I spent a year in
    India back in 89-90 and have been visiting once every few
    years on short trips. I am fairly familiar with the place
    and my pathethic Hindi is good enough to get me around and
    not get ripped off.
    I am willing to move my dates / destinations around
    depending on the people I am with. I am totally sick and
    tired of working my butt off at the moment and need a long
    I am 30, Male so feel free to email me if you want to
    discuss further.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 19:55].

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    Created by: mango (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looking for travel companions to travel around Australia
    possibly anytime from late June onwards for short
    trips around. I'm 24 yo Asian female who enjoys clubbing, a
    few drinks here and there and just hanging out. Willing to
    explore Australia, treking, I'm currently based
    Down Under. Any takers?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 3:14].

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    Created by: CARREN
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 18:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have just broken up from my boyfriend and am going on a
    trip of Malaysia,Thailand and Singapore and then India.Is it
    all right to have sex with Asian men?Are they good.Do they
    use condoms?I want honest advice please.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:30].

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    Created by: CATHERINE
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are looking for a travelling companion i can
    recommend one.We had a great time together.He is from India
    but in Malaysia till September.So leave a message here if

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 3:08].

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    Created by: anna b
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cuenca... what do you think? Have you lived/worked/visited this city? I'll be moving there and I'd like some honest opinions. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 6:38].

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  93. Travel Companion needed
    Created by: Jodi (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 7:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am planning a trip to Italy leaving the end of Dec. for 2 weeks. I want to see as much I can, so I will be traveling via rail throughout the country. looking for easy-going companions to join me.
    any takers??

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 7:53].

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  94. mature travel
    Created by: penelope135 (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 6:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for answering my post. For those who said post
    again and add an e mail see above. I have replied to those
    who followed my post - hope to hear from you again. MAture
    travel is my line . . .I want to go somewhere after the
    summer - open to suggestions - share everything - have
    travelled lots already. Am in my fifties, non smoker, like
    casual travel, not too keen on very uncivilised places -
    been there, done that - am aware of hassles and dont seek
    them out! Like downunder,or Europe or western Canada.If you
    know about Asia would travel with you too. Am British by
    birth. Canadian by adoption. Educated - up to a point -
    still learning! Write. Read. Have two grown kids who are
    away and doing well.Want to make the most of the rest of my
    century . . .Live in Victoria BC.
    Keen on simple living but not to extremes of discomfort . .
    Adventurous, creative, like people but not in droves.Write
    . . .!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 19:19].

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  95. Companions for Thailand
    Created by: Dirk (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We're Christine and Dirk, two thirty-something bachelors
    from Molenbeek, Belgium. Who wants to join us for an app. 3
    week trip to Thailand (round oct/nov). We're planning to
    use public transport and cheap hotels to see as much of
    Thailand and the Thais as we can see. An open mind and some
    sense of initiative are bonuses.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 3:55].

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  96. Anybody Else Out There in My Position?
    Created by: Ellen
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm female, fit, and 50. Five feet tall, 102 pounds, long
    curly hair. Financially independent through my own effort
    and success. And I've got a wanderlust burning in me.
    Went overland England -> SE Asia for a year in my early
    twenties, but have been limited to three-week trips since
    then due to career. Now I'm free.
    Looking for companion(s) interested in celebrating life and
    exploring SE Asia, French Polynesia, the Pacific region, or
    ?? Would prefer a male as I've been hassled alot (small
    women are always targets). Can afford expensive hotels but
    have a better time in remote locations where there are no
    expensive hotels.
    Anyone else out there in my position?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:50].

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  97. Anyone in the Caribbean?
    Created by: Jeff (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 1:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, would like to talk to someone living in the
    Caribbean. Drop me a note if you can... JEFF

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 1:58].

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    Created by: A (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 1:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am joining the Peace Corps*. I have a Masters of Teaching ESOL. I am also an accomplished beekeeper. I have two choices:
    1) Go somewhere and teach English, and teach teachers methods of teaching English
    2) Go somewhere and develop an apiary, and teach people how to cultivate bees and bee products for themselves.
    The former will be interesting, and allow me to further develop my profession, but the latter will force me to learn a new language (the nature of #1 will keep me from learning the language of the country to the extent that I would in #2) and be equally interesting. But they are both completely different.
    #1 will probably be in a former Soviet Republic, and #2 more than likely in Latin America or Africa.
    Any thoughts, opinions, ideas?
    *The Peace Corps is an organization that places qualified volunteers in positions in developing countries, at the request of those countries, to enable people to better provide for themselves.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 18:40].

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  99. J'burg-The Cape via Kruger-Car rental
    Created by: Jay (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 0:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be in J'burg on Aug. 29 and would like to rent a car
    to go to Kruger. and then to Cape Town. I only have 12
    days to get to Cape Town. Let me know.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 0:11].

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  100. anyone? anywhere?
    Created by: exam-tired (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 23:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    any ideas?
    i'm a 21 year old student from england looking for someone
    to go somewhere with this summer when exams are done
    (beginning of june - mid-september). not fussed where
    (africa? anywhere) but am kind of fussy who with - i'm
    supposed to be going to thailand and malaysia but am kind of
    diillusioned with my travelling companions. looking for
    someone young and intelligent with a wide range of
    interesting and foolish conversation who's not into getting
    pissed every night but is up for a good party. preferably
    male. too demanding? if not drop me an email - can't kep
    checking this as i have to revise!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 20:24].

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  101. Scandinavia by campervan (RV)
    Created by: David (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 19:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A couple of years ago I decided that working till
    retirement, when you don't have to, and when you have no
    dependants was a bad idea. So I planned to travel again
    instead. I bought a small (but beautiful) campervan (RV),
    recruited my replacement at work and become a very part-time
    "IT consultant". Unfortunately my long term plans with the
    person I was going to travel with didn't work out.
    I now find myself ready to go and no one to go with. My
    plans (all very flexible at the moment) are to spend two
    months touring Scandinavia (particularly the wild bits) then
    return to central Europe for the total eclipse then Greece,
    Italy, Portugal, who knows.
    I am male, based in the UK, well travelled (overland in
    Africa and Asia) intelligent and independent. I am looking
    for a non-smoking female travelling companion for any or all
    of my trip this summer and autumn. I would expect to pay for
    everything related to the campervan and split the day to day
    costs. Although I would expect to use the campervan most of
    the time there are some cites where it makes more sense to
    stay in a hotel for a few days (Venice for example).
    It would be good if you were happy driving a campervan and
    wonderful if you were very decisive on exactly where to go
    when you had read the guide books! Enthusiasm and a spirit
    of adventure will be needed. For more information try:

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 10:27].

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    Created by: JOYDEEP (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 15:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If anybody happens to pass through Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
    till September they can stay meet me or stay with me.I love
    company male or female.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:35].

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  103. Northern India in August
    Created by: Dawn (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 9:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there,
    Last time I posted I messed up my email address, so here goes again...
    I am a 29 year old Canadian women who is departing to travel through Northern India at the beginning of August. I am interested in hooking up with a like minded traveller for all or part of the journey. Email me if you would like to discuss the possibility further.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 0:43].

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  104. travelling to Budapest
    Created by: Katalin (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 9:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If anyone is coming to Budapest between July 15-August 25,
    I'll be living here and anxious to meet people my age to
    hang out with and see the sights! I'm a 21 year old
    Canadian, will be working downtown BP for that time. Drop
    me a line if you want to meet up!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 9:13].

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  105. new location for traveler hangout
    Created by: mark (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 2:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the Washington DC Traveler's Circle (tc) has moved! this
    is a free weekly travel storytelling gathering--a cool place
    to meet other travelers, potential travel partners. we now
    meet in the Washington Intl. Hostel, 1009 11th Street, just
    north of K Street, 3 blocks north of Metro Center.
    Wednesdays, 6:30-10:30pm (show up/leave whenever).

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 2:23].

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  106. New Zealand South Island
    Created by: STEP (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 23:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any one going to New Zealand aspecialy South Island? I'm in
    Auckland at the moment and will be leaving in 3-4 weeks by
    old but relayable car. I'm 23 Czechoslovakian/New Zealander.
    Have no set plans, so if any one wants a ride somewhere
    along the way give us a yel.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 23:13].

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  107. Europe in late summer
    Created by: ath77 (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 20:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    IÆm a young guy who is looking for a female travel
    companion. IÆm easy going, honest, cheerful have a good
    sense of humour but IÆm a little shy so I want to broaden
    my horizons by trying out new experiences, cultures. I
    live in the UK so would like to travel to mainland Europe,
    properly towards the end of the summer. IÆm looking for a
    female who is easy going, fun to be with, I donÆt care
    about age or race. Time is running out so please reply to
    my e-mail address.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 20:53].

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  108. Hello
    Created by: BEM (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 16:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm bored. Somebody talk to me.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 9:28].

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  109. singapore and bali(kuta)
    Created by: danny
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 5:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is anyone going to be travelling between these two places
    between the 28th july and 3rd september. i'am travelling
    solo for the first time and would like to meet up with
    others to share the experience, and a few beers. i've got no
    definite plans after singapore as long as where i go has got
    sun(lots of sun), beaches and bars.....danny

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:23].

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    Created by: Ed (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Two of us( two males) are going to Costa Rica June 24 - July 4, 1999. We would like to know if there is anybody out there who will be going out there during this time period so we can meet up if possible. We are not familiar with the area and this would be our first time there. If you would like to join us get back to us quick. We are trying to spend the bare minimum out there and get the most four our money.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 3:17].

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  111. Poland
    Created by: Akash (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi ,
    I am an Indian ,27 , male will be in Poland (Warsaw) for
    the next two months. I would be interested in travelling
    around Poland or maybe a few countries around Poland ,
    on a low budget .
    Feel free to write in if you wish to join in .
    P.S. I cannot speak Polish !

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 3:15].

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  112. Overland to TIMBUKTU
    Created by: Andy (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear all,
    Im planning a couple of trips from mainland Europe, across
    the Sahara to West Africa and Timbucktu this winter, one
    either side of the millenium.
    Im looking for people that are interested in joining me. You
    can find out more details on this web site;
    Have a look and get in touch if you are interested.
    Happy teavels,

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 2:40].

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  113. nevermind the west
    Created by: ~~~ (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there! Hoping to be in Eastern Canada this summer
    starting with Newfoundland around mid July. Anyone planning
    to be in any of Atlantic provinces any time soon?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 0:05].

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  114. Montreal or any place else in CANADA
    Created by: Fit to go anywhere (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 20:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    30 yr female dying to get out of NJ & see a non-US part of
    the world. especially fascinated w/canada, namely montreal.
    have travel before but it's time to do it again. currently
    living in central jersey working but willing to forego that
    for new experience & real friendships. male or female
    companion welcome. i'm the type who prefers to walk almost
    everywhere & curious & fascinated by many things. have done
    scuba diving, travelled to thailand, been to montreal (10
    yrs ago only for 3 days) need to get out into the real world
    again instead of living under fluorescent light. anyone who
    shares my feelings out there?

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:59].

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  115. Valley of flowers
    Created by: Footloose (@fancyfree)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 17:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Im Indian, female, 40, and active. Love walking in the hills
    and travelling low bugdet. Love the mountains and have done
    a lot of Himachal. Anyone out there who would like to join
    up on a trip to the Valley of flowers in the Garwhal Himals
    this August? It is pretty with himalayan pastures and if a
    few people go together it makes it very cheap. No common
    bathrooms though! Anyone, preferably female around 30 -40
    would like to do a two week trip. Have to be an independent
    type. Anyone in Bombay or Pune?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:54].

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  116. January 2000
    Created by: Corrie (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 15:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey everyone:
    I'm an 18 yr old Canadian chick who is planning to travel
    in January of 2000...I'd really like to go to Britain to
    work and/or see the sights. Problem is all my friends are
    in school and I'd like to not be all alone in a foreign
    country. So, I'm searching for someone (male or female),
    around my age, who is mature, responsible and decent and
    would like to get to know the world outside of their front
    door. I'm up for some fun and adventure and basically a
    life changing experience so if you are too...drop me a

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:55].

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  117. NEPAL- Sept-Nov 1999
    Created by: bruce (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am going to be in nepal from sept 13 to nov 19. in this
    time i plan to do the jiri-goyko ri trek and then the
    annapurna circuit. i dont plan on using porters or guides
    because of the cost. i hope to stay at tea houses and
    travel light.
    anyone in nepal at the same time and planning to do the same
    treks let me know. also if you have been to nepal recently
    and can offer any advice, it would be much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 19:32].

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  118. Thailand
    Created by: Rob (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 11:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm thinking of taking off to Thailand and maybe even
    somehow get down to Singapore.
    I'm from Vancouver, B.C, Canada. and if everything happens
    to work out I should wandering around the area in June '99
    for a couple of weeks.
    Of course I haven't planned a thing - it's a last minute
    Please drop me an e-mail if you have some helpful
    information or we might even run in to each other.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:42].

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  119. India in Aug '99
    Created by: Dawn (dawnsmyth)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 10:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there,
    I am 29 year old woman travelling through Northern India in August of this
    year. I'm interested in finding a laid back travel companion/s for part
    or all of the journey.
    Email me if interested in discussing the possibilities.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 19:06].

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  120. Central/South America
    Created by: Cindy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 5:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just wondering if there is anyone travelling to Central/South America in the New Year. I am planning to go solo starting in Peru and working up to Belize, (skipping out Colombia). I would love to hear any suggestions as I book. Thanks!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 9:49].

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  121. RTW
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well-travelled unattached British guy, 28, seeks like-minded female companion for (another!) RTW trip: KKH, India/Nepal, Y2K celebrations in the Andamans, SE Asia, island-hopping in the Philippines, little-visited Indonesian destinations, PNG, Queensland, Oceania, Central & South America. Leaving December 1999. Duration flexible (one year or more). Drop me a line if you're interested and I can go into more detail :-)

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 23:42].

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  122. mature travel
    Created by: penelope (penelope135)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 2:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ANyone out there in their fifties who wants to travel for
    an extended period sometime after this summer? Perhaps
    downunder or somewhere else warm. Useful if you live near
    BC Canada so we could get acquainted first. Wouldn't mind
    going exploring BC this summer too. SHare all expenses. If
    you have a van/travelling home that would help.Like hostels
    too. I'm active, non smoking, had a professional career but
    had enough.Kids gone. Carpe Diem.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 5:33].

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  123. HELLO!!
    Created by: Lush (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 18:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be travelling solo through Thailand & Vietnam for
    five weeks, starting September this year.
    Is anybody out there in TT interested in meeting up for a
    few days or allowing me to tag along with their group for a
    little while?
    I am not an axe whielding manic or anything. So no need to
    be scared. Whats that mother?...OK..?
    Bye for now!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 22:50].

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  124. china-nepal-india
    Created by: nom (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    evening all
    chilled aussie girl planning on doing the 'solo-trip' for
    3-6 months later this year.
    depending on embassy bombings and other fun war games, the
    plan is as follows....
    around august 20 to beijing - 2 months in china
    via lhasa to kathmandu by mid-octoberish - 6ish weeks
    down to india decemberish - i have until march, so until $
    runs out/i have had enough/uni begins, whichever comes
    first! :)
    anyone interested (especially in beginning together in
    china) let me know. :)

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 23:16].

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  125. Wild time in CAIRNS & BALI
    Created by: GLIDER (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 0:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey ppl out there,
    I am thinking of backpacking to Cairns for a few weeks in
    July then down to Bali for some epic waves. Anyone heading
    the same direction wanna hook up and have a real wacky time?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 21:52].

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  126. Maiden voyage...
    Created by: Anna (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 22:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm 26, an Ancient History graduate looking to visit all
    those sites we got lectured on and some more, and hoping to
    spend some time bargain-hunting and relaxing. I plan to
    leave end of this year or beginning of next year; plans are
    uncertain at the moment thanks to an idiot who wrote off my
    car for me. I want to visit China to see the Yantze river
    valley before the Great Dam completely floods it, re-visit
    Italy and Thailand, and stop off in Greece, Egypt and
    possibly Malaysia. I'm hoping for some company; relaxed,
    cheerful, does'nt mind being dragged round ruins, does'nt
    have to get drunk or do drugs to have a good time, and few
    hang-ups. (nobody's perfect!)If there's anybody who wants to
    join me for all or part of the trip, I'd be pleased to hear
    from you.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 18:23].

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  127. Bali and Bangkok
    Created by: Sarah (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 17:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello everyone.
    I'm an English 23 year old on her way back to Britain after
    12 months in Oz. I've got a quick 3 day visit to Bali and a
    whopping 5 days in Bangkok. (ex 29th May to June 1st in
    Bali, then Bangkok 1st- 5th june)
    I'm on my own and haven't got a clue what to do in such a
    short space of time. Anyone want to get together and hang
    out/check it out or does anyone else have a quick stay
    around the same time and want to get together????
    Drop me a e mail and I'll be in touch

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 18:25].

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  128. going to Guatemala ?
    Created by: jo (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm going to have a career break and get myself to Guatemala
    in oct/nov 1999. Unfortunately the N.H.S. will only release
    me for a short while, (no I'm not a patient just an
    overworked doctor!!) so I have to learn Spanish really fast
    (in Antigua?) and get in some culture and hiking . Possibly
    a little diving in Belize too. I wish I had more time, and
    obviously I wish my late 20's/early 30's friends weren't
    being so productive in terms of careers and such so
    that they could come with me.
    Any tips on the above are welcome. If you're going too and
    fancy some company, I'm fairly well organised, a fast
    learner, open-minded and very safe, let me know. No
    lonelyhearts please you'll only get hurt(!) ....British
    sense of humour a bonus!

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 9:07].

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    Created by: DAVID (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I arrive in Dublin on May 24, will spend 4-6 weeks in
    Ireland, before moving on to Italy, Greek Islands, Turkey,
    Egypt and Israel.
    Any easy going, outdoor types (who love a pint) interested
    in meeting up?
    I'm planning to be travelling for at least 6
    months.....hopefully more like a year.....or more.
    I'm a 29 year old male from me soon!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 13:06].

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  130. Anyone up for Mexico and Guatemala!!!!
    Created by: Stef (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 23yo post-grad student travelling to Mexico and/or
    Guatemala. I speak English, Dutch and FRench, I live in
    Brussels, Belgium, but I'm originally from Glasgow,
    Scotland. I'll be leaving on 16/6 for Mexico City. That's
    as far as my planning goes, "hey I've got my Lonely Planet
    with me, absolutely nothing can go wrong, can it???".
    Anyway I'll be backpacking by myself, all alone that is,
    and I was wandering if anyone would like to join me on my
    adventures. I'm a tad uneasy about this seeing it's the
    first time on my own. So if there's anyone out there who's
    interested please do mail me (no sad sick Θ"3(#$^∙╡α!!!'s

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:30].

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  131. Thailand
    Created by: Samui_girl (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Arriving BKK June1.. staying day or two and then . heading for Koh Samui by train to Surat Thani and ferry to KS. Anyone else doing similar and like to catch up along the way? Am Australian, mid forties..but not over the hill yet . Would like to meet up with other travelers, share a laugh and a beer ( or a Mekong Whiskey, if you're game!) I am spending around two months in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam . First time there but have traveled before. Budget trip, basic accommodation etc. Just want to experience the culture, meet other travelers and have a b....... good time. Email me if you have similar plans... or even if you just want to hang s.....on me as do many people on TT! I"m game.. I'll post my email address...........Samui_girl

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 20:01].

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  132. Africa in July
    Created by: Flynners (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 9:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am starting my rtw 31/5 and after spending 27 days on a truck safari the plan is to arrive at Vic Falls approx 18 July..I am flying out of capetown at the end of Augus and would love to meet up with people to share all or part of the journey from Vic falls to Capetown. I am irish,female,30 great sence of humour and very easy going....Also I am trying to decide to go to Oz via India or South America in if you have any helpful suggestions please feel free to share them....lastly to all those people out there who take email addresses from this site and send rubbish to my address...please dont its a pain in the A**

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 6:17].

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  133. Italy in July
    Created by: Dana (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 4:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone says Italy is the most amazing place on Earth and
    I'm dying to find out for myself.
    I'm planning a full tour of Italy for the month of July,
    starting in Milan (because that's the only direct flight I
    can get) and going south, ending with a couple days on the
    beaches of Greece. Plan is to hit all the big spots (Rome,
    Florence, etc) and some of the smaller ones (biking from
    Florence to Siena, Umbria Jazz Festival, hiking in Sicily)
    Looking for some fun, active, travelling companions to
    share laughs, awesome Italian food and to make it a little
    I'm a 28 years old, American female, pretty well-travelled
    through Europe (living in E.Europe for the past 2 years)
    and planning on budget pensions/hotels but trying to avoid
    the college dorm hostels full of 19-year olds. (No offense!
    19 was a great year but I don't want to re-live it)
    Love to hear from you if you're thinking of a similar trip!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 7:50].

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    Created by: BRUCE (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 4:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone planning to attend either one of these parades?
    Should be a good time.... If you are mail me and maybe we
    can hook up

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 2:56].

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  135. Australia Jul-Sep 99
    Created by: Nina (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 20:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Prior to embarking upon a 40 sentence as an IT consultant,
    I'd like to explore Oz for a couple of months.
    I've previously lived in Germany for a year and travelled
    N.E. America.
    I'm looking for female or group company. Lonely hearts stay
    away !

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 19:25].

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  136. Mt Kinabalu
    Created by: July (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 19:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi! i m looking for 1 or 2 (male or felmale) companions to
    Mt Kinabalu at East Malaysia this early july. Anybody who
    are interested pls send me a mail. BTW i m 27 year old
    female, who love to travel, friendly and cheerful. byeee. :)

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 14:59].

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  137. Tanzania
    Created by: John (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Planning on a visit to Kenya and Tanzania anytime.
    Preferably not the rainy season like Jan. and Nov. All
    activities are enjoyable, anyone else considering to go?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:33].

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  138. "Have Desire/Will Travel"
    Created by: Tom (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A 44 y.o. Seattleite here, looking for a travelling
    companion for fall-winter '99 or possibly summer 2000.
    Whereto? Uh, dunno. I'm game for all sorts of
    places--Kilimanjaro & S. Africa, for instance. Karakorum
    Highway/China (next year), S. America. I'm open, if you've
    got somewhere in mind. Can go from 1-3 mos. or more. It's
    important that you be "mature", first of all (at least 25),
    stable (moderately), tolerant, etc. I certainly won't hold
    it against you if you are female, either, though this is
    hardly a requirement. Do you speak any other tongues?
    Just some opening details, please--I'll surely respond.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:57].

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  139. Looking or traveling companion
    Created by: Rob (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 11:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey All!
    Looks like I'm having my "mid life crisis" a little early.
    I'm 34 (35 next month) and am in the middle of packing in a
    unfulfilling career of 12 years to pursue other interests...
    I just don't know what "they" are yet. What I'm looking for
    is someone who wants to travel S.E. Asia, possibly Australia
    and New Zealand, from mid August 99 to April 2000.
    Looking for interesting suggestions for New Years!
    If your interested in living life on the edge, full of new
    experiences and fun, email me with your suggestions.
    See-ya...... Rob

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 15:35].

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  140. World Trek...
    Created by: John (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 2:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello! I am a recent college grad (23y/o) about to embark on
    the most excellent of journeys, and I'm looking for someone
    to come with! Beginning late-August('99) in Ireland, and
    ending approximately 10 months later in New Zealand. I will
    be chasing an "endless summer," of temperatures between
    60-80 degrees(F). If you are interested in my route based
    on month,country,and temperature, and would like to join
    me....please write.
    Look forward to hearing from you -

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 2:32].

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  141. other sites
    Created by: aaron
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are there any other sites, like this one, where you can post
    request for travel advice and companions for travel in i'am a "novice" solo traveller who is desporate
    for advice regarding my first trip as a single traveller in
    july and august...any comments will be much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 8:41].

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  142. Greece, Nepal, Paris, Ireland
    Created by: Rohan (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 22:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok Ok we go then.... I am a genuine (just single)
    27 Yr old Australian AND fun guy getting ready to
    travel...just looking for travel companions or anyone who
    can aid me in my plight for info. I am looking to do LOTS
    of photography...and am just putting together an
    itinerary...covering India, Nepal, Egypt, Greece (Can't
    wait!), Europe (Including France and England, Sweden),
    Ireland and finally Canada (hopefully to work during the
    winter as I am a Snowboarder*smile*)...SO..anyone looking
    to travel or exchange information pls EMAIL ME!!! Maybe i
    can find a great travel companion out there!?!?!? For that
    matter if there are any single girls looking for a
    trustworthy male travel companion drop me a line! I am
    looking to find ALL the interesting (and off the beaten
    track) places for exploring and photography maybe I can
    find someone to share all the hilarious and you-had-to-be-
    there experiences with!!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 2:50].

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  143. Kuala lumpur & Thailand
    Created by: RP (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 20:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi everyone! I am looking for travel companion for Maleysia
    and Singapore from 22nd of June 99 onwards, for about 10
    days. I will also be travelling to Bankok in October so if
    you are too, e-mail me!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 15:11].

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  144. Has She Gone?
    Created by: Lonely Guy
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 17:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I posted here a few weeks ago, just after my girlfriend of
    4 years had left me. Things have progressed a bit since
    Now its like this.
    One minute she wants my baby the next she wants me dead.
    Then we have a perfectly expensive meal and an
    amiable evening, the next morning she wants me dead.
    Next I phone her up and mutter desperate things to her, so
    she wants me dead. Okay so I keep going and leave a few
    messages on her mobile, like I love you and can't live
    without you and will top myself unless I can have just a
    simple cup of coffee with you type of stuff, which she
    indulges in but nonetheless wants me dead.
    This is my question. How do you stop yourself thinking
    about someone each and every minute of the day?

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 9:40].

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  145. Adventure boy seeks adventure girl
    Created by: Lyle
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 6:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Waiting to see the world but haven't met the right travel companion? Look no more! I am a 37yo self employed explorer acqauinted with over 30 countries and anxious to see more of them and others. If you are a 20-40yo woman, spontanious, reliable, and easy-going with time and some green energy for a great 3+ week getaway then we should exchange ideas. Perhaps Scandanavia this summer, or Turkey/Greece this fall, or NZ/Australia this winter.....endless possibilties. Minneapolis based.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 0:18].

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  146. Best place in
    Created by: The World
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 5:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the world? Not talking about countries here. Just places.
    Anyone better than Macchu Picchu?

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 9:17].

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  147. Tanzania
    Created by: becca
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 1:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm planning on travelling in Tanzania between late July and
    mid August, and am looking for a travelling partner. I'm
    23, have travelled quite a lot before, and am looking for
    someone who is equally independent, and willing to explore.
    Anyone out there??!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 22:07].

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  148. Greece and Turkey
    Created by: Amy
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 3:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be spending 3 or 4 weeks starting the end of june in
    Greece and Istanbul/western Turkey. I am a 27 year old grad
    student and am traveling alone--I am looking for a
    (preferably female) travel companion who might be going in
    that direction for company and to share expenses. If you
    plan on being in Greece in late may/June or Turkey in
    mid-june, drop me a line!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 8:13].

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  149. India in October/Nov.
    Created by: sarah
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 9:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi! I am looking for a possible travel companion or just
    someone to meet in India this October and November. It's my
    first trip there, and want it to be fun and safe and not my
    last! I am 25 and have travelled around the U.S. and one
    trip to France. I plan to fly into Delhi and then go by
    train north to Simla and the other hill towns-Dehra Dun,
    Dharamsala, etc. then south to Amritsar, Bikaner,
    Jaisalmer, Udaipur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Agra. I figure it
    will take about 2 months. It's not set in stone, and I'd
    like to take my time and not rush. I'd like to talk to any
    women who have had travel experience in India who may be
    headed there this fall. I'll check back here next week-I
    don't have an e-mail account, but will be happy to contact
    you by e-mail or phone. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 15:39].

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  150. Whats your dream???
    Created by: Travel anywhere with a real woman
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 7:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok here it goes, I just inherited a small fortune and am looking for some quality women to travel with. I have been on the go since May '90 living a free life (except for a breif two year professional suit wearing stint) of resort living and off season travel to exotic places.I am 32 5'11" and 155lbs shoulder length brown hair and in great shape, ready for any adventure you can dream up. So the lady with the best dream gets her dream. You, are smart and cunning. You have a witty sence of humor and probably some funny laugh. You are a happy person and secure in your self. Your not running from life, but rather you know exactly what you want from it. It doesn't matter if your hair is blonde or if your eyes are blue just that your heart is red and full of warm sweet blood. Maby I am a dreamer but I know your out there. Come into my dreams and find me special one.
    yo te amo

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 22:41].

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    Created by: Preserved anonymity (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I┤m an ugly jerk nobody wants to travel with. I┤m close-
    minded and don┤t get any joke. I┤ve been in many countries
    but the locals always threw me out labeling me as "persona
    non grata". I┤m so dumb I used to think backpacker was the
    nickname of some football team and the closest I┤ve been to
    a girl was wearing a mask, and, even so, she did run away
    in panic. It is said she was next seen in the nearbys of
    Jerusalem asking God "why her?".
    I┤m into going anywhere, though anywhere certainly wouldn┤t
    let me in. This is probably stupid, but I was thinking if
    maybe there it is any other dumb traveler interested on
    carrying with me. And, by the way, helping me out with my
    no-fun attitude that┤s hurting me so much., bye.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 5:53].

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  152. Hello everyone.
    Created by: BEM (
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 10:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello all.
    A friend showed me this website and I thought I would give
    it a shot and try to add a posting. I thought it would be a
    good way to meet more people. Especially people that travel.
    I was going to add one in the ôChose your own topicö
    section but there seems to be a war going on there. And I
    tried the ôWoman Travellersö section but it seemed to be
    filled mostly with, uhà ôstimulatedö guys. I even tried
    going to ôGay&Lesbianö but I was out of touch with the
    homosexual culture.
    Well, let me tell you about myself:
    My I go by the name of BEM online. I live in Canada. My
    background is Iranian, Irish, French, Scottish and Metis. I
    have been around the world to some nice places. I have been
    to London, Paris, Wien or Vienna, Frankfurt, Tehran, Doha,
    and Paris.
    In my opinion, I thought Paris was pretty interesting. IÆm
    can speak French so I had no trouble getting by. The people
    were really friendly. The stores were in old fashioned
    buildings and were pretty inside. I saw the Louvre and I
    spent about a day looking inside. I still think it was
    worth it.
    I would love to go back and visit Paris again. Even live
    there. I like the people there. Especially the way they
    dress. The majority of really nice. IÆm a little
    uncomfortable with the ôopen affectionö Though. It seem
    IÆm the one embarrased while I think they should be. But,
    the other thing I about it is that everybody seems really
    comfortable with who they are and how they look.
    Okay enough about me, my question to everybody is:
    What is the prettiest place you have ever travelled too?

    [Posts on this topic: 20. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:51].

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  153. Fear of Toilets
    Created by: mobilekiwi (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 22:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe someone could help me.
    I want to go travelling but my fear for unflushable toilets
    is holding me back.
    Is it true that some toilets just consist of a big dirty
    and smelly hole with nowhere to sit and nowhere to wash
    your hands. Is it also true that instead of toilet paper,
    they make you use unpurified water that hasn't even been
    I couldn't even imagine using a toilet without a can of air
    Also, how much do toilets in Europe and Australia cost
    cost? Do the toilet attendants normally give change in US
    Is there anything that one could do at home to already get
    used to the what's coming up - or going down for that

    [Posts on this topic: 39. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 6:04].

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  154. Travelling everywhere with a Gentleman
    Created by: Miki (
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 7:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a young attractive girl wanting to make a RTW-trip or
    another travelling for a longer time or frquent travels.
    Open for any suggestions.
    I'm 22 years old, speak fluently English, Spanish and German
    in addition some poor French and Portugies. I'm very
    sportive, have long blonde hair and blue-grey eyes, good
    figure, 1.70m high, 50kg. Want to meet the very Gentleman,
    making my wishes true. I love good conversation and a good

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 22:29].

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  155. Need a Man!
    Created by: Jillian (
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 16:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am going to Borneo/Kalimantan in March. The guy I was to travel with has pulled out of the journey. I preffer to travel with men. Safer. Single women are never left alone when you are off the main tourist routes. I am 28 and blonde. Well travelled. Doctor by proffesion.
    I am seeking someone who is fit and willing to go into the jungle for a week or two. An IQ in the triple figures would be delightful.

    I am a liberated female who carries her own condoms. Nothing really frightens me. I am into climbing and trekking. Hobbies are kick boxing, judo and triathlons.

    E-mail me. Time is running out.

    [Posts on this topic: 30. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 5:37].

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  156. Gotta love Ian
    Created by: Beth
    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 10:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just wanted to say that Ian Wright is my favorite
    traveller on this show, and I think he is really, really,
    really cute!! He is just so adorable and funny, something
    we American girls don't find often! I love you Ian!

    [Posts on this topic: 33. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 2:49].

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  157. Travel companions wanted
    Created by: Al (
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Sept, 12:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    On or around the 15 of October I'll be heading down the
    shops to buy a carton of milk, and perhaps a sausage roll
    dependending on change.
    Im looking for a female travel companion, 7 - 53, to join
    me and also to keep an eye on the dog while I'm in the shop.
    Any advice from somebody who's done something similar, or
    on travel costs I might expect, would also be appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 103. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 1:59].

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    Created by: Globetrotter (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 August, 13:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just a question for all you road weary traveling vagabonds
    out there. Where do you plan to spend the end of the
    century? I am going on a RTW trip starting in March of 99
    and I already have my spot picked out for the big one, but I
    would love to hear all your wild places. WE'll only see it
    once! See you out there and maybe you'll find my spot!

    [Posts on this topic: 106. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:16].

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  159. Favourite "Lonely Planet" host
    Created by: Tim
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 July, 18:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Who is your choice for best host on the Lonely Planet travel show? I choose Ian Wright.

    [Posts on this topic: 97. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 7:03].

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  160. UTOPIA! kind of long but pls. read me
    Created by: Matthew (
    [Timestamp: Sun 12 April, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okie so I don't totally believe in utopia persay,
    because of the people will be people and ego overrides logic
    But I've been there. A month on a mountain top. By myself.
    Noone got angry noonegot scared noone was sad. Just pure
    love and happiness
    I guess that place was Utopia, right? But also, noone was
    Life is much more interesting with other people.
    It also wasn't the place that was utopian just the way of
    I am a peaceful person. Very much in control of my head.
    Trying to destroy my sense of self
    Obviously I'm not 'there' yet, I haven't found that 'it'
    that everyone is looking for.
    In truth I don't believe in 'there' and 'it' but somehow I'm
    working towards a direction
    and maybe i'm just not willing to call it 'it'. but it
    could be the very same thing
    I've found a way of existence that works for me : a balance
    of respect and understanding with desire to live a free life
    What all this boils down to is respect for everyone and
    Respect for their desires as well as your own.
    Anyways I can't talk about values anymore because this message is getting too long
    The point of this post is this:
    I conceived an idea years ago. That of the communistic
    You've probly all thought of it before too.
    If you haven't yet here it is:
    To buy land in an undeveloped area, slightly away from fast
    paced culture
    but not so far as to alienate ourselves as some sort of
    elitist group
    To build a small community/society.
    The land will be paid for ahead of time, obviously there
    will be taxes to
    the government of whichever country we choose.
    We can farm and/or trade crafts even some of us can work in
    nearby places
    We all have skills of some sort, right?
    So there will be a beautiful place, with beautiful people,
    and a beautiful social structure.
    I brought the idea to a friend in college and he wanted to
    have nothing to do with it.
    He was too busy getting a degree and headed for the life in
    an office.
    So I left town and began to travel. Upon return he had
    So wonderfully.
    He came to me and said "let's do it"
    and our minds came together with a passion
    Now we are building our lives towards this glorious future
    This friend and I have all the skills and knowledge that we
    need to do this together
    excepting politics and farming. We will be devoting some
    time to learning farming techniques
    (We are vegetarians{vegan}, but accept all other people's
    beliefs totally. )
    BUT are still scared about getting involved with politics.
    I hope to find a way around it but if not we shall get help.
    We are already skilled in carpentry/construction and
    have studied many other subjects in schools such as WPI, MIT
    and Harvard University
    from computer science to microelectronics to biochemistry to
    A.I. to psychology.......
    and more importantly we have been studying life through
    immersion, from every social strata.
    We are slightly anti-authoritarian but also slightly
    understand the need for government.
    Methinks we belong to the political values of Libertarians
    At least approximately. Probly as approximately as I am
    taoist. Which is about 70%
    (can you accept that of me?)
    We are looking for a network of friends.
    People from any and everywhere.
    free thinking, open minded people who want to be a part of this lifestyle
    or people who have creative criticism about it
    could you tell me where the plan fails, so that we can fix
    could you tell me what you like about it
    I need opinions
    We have over a dozen already who will be a part of it
    upon the stipulation that I organize and set up everything
    ahead of time
    I cannot limit the amount of people. I have no right to but
    if there are many then I shall need help. much help
    This is not an easy way out of life. This will be working
    and putting effort into building the kind of life we each
    want to live and avoiding as much of the modern hipocrisy as
    we can.
    If you are interested or just have comments then email me
    THIS IS A TEMPORARY ADDRESS so if you are interested in
    long term correspondence please include a mailing address
    and i guess, obviously i'll receive your email address.
    I need to hear from you.
    our children are the keys to sociocultural evolution
    we are the smiths that forge those keys.
    Thank you for reading
    and very much thank you if you will be responding.
    All my love to all of you

    [Posts on this topic: 90. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:06].

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