switzerland on short notice

This topic was created by jay (kooljaz31@yahoo.com)
[Fri 21 May, 3:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i m a scientist (from the usa) visiting univ. of bern for a
short period. i arrived this week, i find the town a bit
sleepy and i don't speak german, so i have not had a chance
2 make friends... i m an experienced trvlr and i plan 2 tour
the country on the weekends of may 29th and of june 5th...
anybody out there would like 2 join or, if u r local, just
b a tour-guide? i have a rented car, and no specific
plans... don't mind the drive, the hike, the whatever ...
can travel 2 and from, hi or lo .. if u r casual, likes 2
laugh, and was an explorer in your previous life (or plan 2
b 1 in your future life) drop me a line (preferably to my
email address)... will reply 2 all serious inq'rs .. j.

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 3:52]

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