Favourite "Lonely Planet" host

This topic was created by Tim
[Fri 24 July, 18:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Who is your choice for best host on the Lonely Planet travel show? I choose Ian Wright.

[There are 97 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 7:03]

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  1. Favourite Lonely Planet Host Added by: Tim too
    [Timestamp: Sun 26 July, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No way it is Justine BY FAR!
    She has that sense of adventure; she'll
    try anything, such as the snake's
    blood cocktail in Vietnam, she even
    rode an ostrich, took a train in India
    with a floor full of cockroaches. She is
    a trouper. She does all of this with a
    subtle sense of humour, yet she
    doesn't try to be funny.
    Justine conveys a sense of compassion
    and warmth. Her on camera presence
    and narriation is right on the money

  2. Justine Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 July, 7:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree, Justine is way cool!

  3. hey tim too Added by: dj from to
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 July, 9:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey tim too ; everyone who goes to india rides a train with cockroaches. this is nothing special just SOP for india. Ostrich riding...shit my father tried that, actually i guess that was an emu, but semantics...so sport i think its time for u to go out and see the world...life is not a spectator sport.
    P.S. I reiterate my support for ian.

  4. Justine Added by: Trav
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 July, 12:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine wins, hands down.

  5. arrogant Canadian Added by: Kyley
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 July, 17:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has anyone else noticed that it's always a Canadian who makes smart assed comments on these message boards. I'm refferring to DJ from TO. I saw another of his(her) smart assed remarks somewhere else, and their e-mail address ended in .ca, which I know is Canadian. Whats the matter DJ, Sesame street not on today?

  6. Wow! You really think we're arrogant? Added by: Erika
    [Timestamp: Wed 29 July, 9:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just about died when I read Kyley's posting about
    Canadians being arrogant! This is possibly the greatest
    compliment that anyone could possibly pay us! Normally the
    only descriptive words used for Canadians are things like
    nice, normal, accommodating, agreeable, etc. It's nice to
    know that some people think we've got some teeth after all!
    Oh - and as for the best host - I enjoy Justine, but
    watching Ian just makes my day! He has such a great attitude
    and he's so entertaining....I'd travel with him any day!
    (Anybody know if he's single????)

  7. ian Added by: judy
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 August, 2:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitely ian wright. But I know I would make an even
    better host...

  8. Justine vs. Ian Added by: Marcus (mcastr@ricochet.net)
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 August, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Personally I prefer Justine, because she has done all
    the trips I did as a kid (and loved!) and that I want to do
    still as an adult (and will love!). Ian runs a very close
    second though, he is also a good host.

  9. Ian RULES Lonely Planet Added by: Ed (ehth555@gte.net)
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 August, 10:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian Wright is just too much! Informing, entertaining and
    just more exciting and fun to watch. I hope to see much
    more of him in future editions.

  10. Ian is the best Added by: martin
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 August, 14:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian Wright is just THE BEST by far!
    he does everything with a smile on his face (and that's too
    much for Justine)the only place she likes is her backyard
    (and no by night please!).
    Ian is always more exiting and makes the show just right he
    always actually "talks" to the people he met and makes them
    talk too and that's a thing Justine never really lears to.

  11. Kylee take a Prozac Added by: DJ from TO
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...arrogant, thats classic! Smartass..well ok I can conceed that...so sorry to ruin your stereotypes about those of us from the great white north. I am amazed that people have nothing better to do with their time. So Kylee I offer you this, not all Americans are loud and arrogant, not all canadians have a flag on their backpacks, not all Aussies are lager louts, not all brits are pretentious poms...you get my drift...lighten up..take the bun out of your butt. i reiterate my support for ian..stil think Justine needs to lighten up....hey maybe thats why she's your favorite host?!! Cheers...DJ (male if your curious)

  12. Ian wins hands down Added by: Kate (soninuna@ozemail.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 August, 17:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I dont seem to enjoy the show quite so much when Ian isnt hosting it. He definately makes it! Go Ian!! (kinda cute too dont you think?)

  13. Comment Added by: James Fell
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 August, 2:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's only certain Canadiens who are assholes.

  14. RIDE ON IAN! Added by: ERICA
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 August, 12:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian all the way. never before has someone made me laugh so hard. he's sarcastic and to the point. tells it as it is...what more do you want.
    Erica (CANUCK)

  15. Hey James learn how to spell... Added by: DJ from TO
    [Timestamp: Thu 27 August, 4:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... its Canadians not Canadiens. Astro-physics was your major right? Just curious...dj>

  16. Oh, Baby! Added by: Fraxel
    [Timestamp: Thu 27 August, 12:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is a jerk! Justine is hot, hot, hot,
    hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. My cajoles
    heat up just listening to her voice.
    That woman has it all: great body,
    pretty face, wonderful speech, great
    mind, great wit, etc., etc., etc. Yes,
    Ian is a total jerk-off!

  17. HANDS DOWN Added by: jimmy (POSTAVENUE@worldnet.att.net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 27 August, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    justine has it all

  18. everyones arguin' Added by: Tam from Van (paybox@home.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 28 August, 18:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyones arguing about bloudy Canadians and thier smart
    ass remarks,well let me tell ya not only are we smart asses
    but we're opinionated, bold, adventurus suckers too.So to
    all you tight asses out there who have to much time to kill
    picking apart other people take a long look in the mirror
    and remind yourself thats its all bullshit and mind poo.It
    is all about being good to others and good karma.AS FOR THE

  19. let's go Added by: cwest (colleen.west@mail,state,ky,us)
    [Timestamp: Fri 28 August, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian wright the one and only traveler on this planet!

  20. ian, í SI SE╤OR! Added by: judith (jfuentes15@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 29 August, 13:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to accept Justine has great mind and presence in the screen, but when you travel you┤re not looking only an intelligent host, I think most people prefer a funny travelmate .
    Justine is a good travelmate to me ( if I have to go to a congress or bussines) but definetly Ian and are the best if you want enjoy a travel. (Anybody knows if he is single???)
    ..And please, don┤t argue.

  21. yeah! Added by: TAM FROM VAN
    [Timestamp: Sat 29 August, 17:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    heythat the way judith, does anybody know uf ian is single?
    And if he is...

  22. Two thumbs up for Ian . . . Added by: Le petit prince
    [Timestamp: Mon 31 August, 7:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Only recently have i had the opportunity to view "The
    Lonely Planet", and part of its charm is the host, Ian
    Wright. His humor, verve, and try-anything-once spirit,
    along with the cinematography and editing make this a truly
    exciting and wonderful travel-log experience.
    Justine, on the other hand, lacks the vim, vigor, and
    approachability which Ian so readily displays.
    Unfortunately, her presence translates into a less than
    ideal TV-hour (ho-hum, to use the term of art).
    Consequently, i would cast my lot with the Brit and can the

  23. 100% Ian Added by: Heather
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Sept, 15:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love the show but its even better when Ian is doing it.
    He's funny, trys anything and you gotta love him! But why
    haven't any of them come to Canada yet?

  24. Ian & Justine Added by: Paul (pzawetz@sydports.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Sept, 12:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think Ian because he has great sense of humor, but any way what a great series.

  25. The Wright Stuff Added by: esther
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Sept, 17:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I look forward having my lunch with Ian almost every
    afternoon....(lonely planet showing 12pm to 1pm)
    he is an angel with 2 horns....
    witty,down to earth and he says the funniest things;)
    Honestly,I think he is the BEST !!!!

  26. the champ! Added by: juanted
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Sept, 1:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    IAN... i'd travel to the moon with that guy!!!

  27. Justine Added by: Ed Kim (ssookim@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Sept, 6:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gotta be Justine. Ian's good, too. But Justine is so amazingly aware of her surroundings and has such meaningful ways of commenting on them. Plus, she's a hottie, too.

  28. Enough! Added by: Macolyte
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Sept, 19:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sorry to intrude.
    Seems I've walked in way too late on this party, but Tim is right. Case closed. Go home everybody.
    Ian Wright is the best travel dude on this planet, lonely or crowded or whatever. Won't miss his show for love or money.
    As for this newbie that goes by the name of JUANTED, where the fuck are your manners?
    Do the right thing.

    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 14:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well it seems the boys usually favor the girl, and the girls
    usually favor the boy over the girl. Especially if shes
    attractive and intelligent. I like both they are equally
    entertaining and informative whatever the mood I'm in. But
    of course if you asked me which one I'd like to go traveling
    with I'd choose Ian.He's male,he's halarious,and he's
    absolutely adoreable. So, I say Ian. He's the man.
    By the way there are two ways to spell "canadian".That way
    or the French Canadien way.Don't like it?Deal with it, we're
    multi-cultural,and that's not going to change.Where are the
    manners today' and the taste? You may express your point of
    view with the same if not better results without using
    prfanity,thankyou.Remember, I'm an arrogant Canadian.

  30. Marry me.... Added by: brattgirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Sept, 13:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ......Ian Wright. Please Reply.

  31. GO Ian Added by: Ross
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Sept, 10:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian all the way. Very do-able.

  32. From New Orleans Added by: Cliff (Boisboy@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Sept, 14:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is interesting but seems to be a little tentative in anything she does, Ian does it all especially the more daredevil stuff that makes Lonely Planet a little more exiting. He's also got a sense of humor. Mr, Daddo doesn't do a shabby job either. Justine is much more pleasing to the eye but Ian is funny.

  33. Travel fun personified! Added by: Dimples
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Sept, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When Ian isn't hosting...I don't even bother to watch.

  34. Grow up! Added by: Typhootea
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Sept, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This page is supposed to be about Lonely Planet, NOT the
    insecurities of the Canadian people! How boring is it to
    read the petty arguing about spelling, and the profile of
    the average Canadian? There must be a page where these
    narrow minded writers can vent their frustrations. Let's
    stick to the theme here!

  35. IAN, IAN, IAN!!!!! Added by: Kristen (khofland@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 16:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gotta go with Ian. It's also very visible, like someone
    already said, that it's a guy/girl thing, but besides that,
    Ian is just invigorating. It got to me when Justine's
    final shot after an AMAZING trip (sorry, can't remember
    exactly where), sat in her tub at home going on about not
    missing her tub for the world. Hello, if you don't want the
    job, all of us will take it.
    I was introduced recently to LP when Ian was hosting and
    LOVE it. (my lunch buddy as well 2-3pm). I can even get my
    super uncultured friends watching a whole hour of the
    outdoor life network when he's on.
    I don't want to put J down, but you have to admit that when
    she tries new stuff, her face always gives this air of
    'oi..I can't believe I'm doing this.' Whereas, Ian's full
    speed ahead and full of everything everybody has already
    talked about and always makes me come back for more--that
    is if my backpack's taking a break.
    (By the way, could J obsessor's possibly be enjoying the
    breasts falling out of every tank top she wears?)

  36. I say Ian Added by: Guipo (srguipo@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 2:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The two hosts I like the most are Ian and Justine, but if I
    had to chose it would definitely be Ian. Justine was cool
    at the beginning, but then she turned kind of lame. I also
    loved Nicki Gross, but only saw her once. Ian is the man.

  37. IAN, do you have a boyfriend? Added by: jon (defgo@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 6:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must admit, the more i watched the shows you hosted, the more you grew on me. Your wit and humor are great. If you're ever in the states again drop me an email, i'd love to meet up with you and have some laughs.

  38. Ian Ian Ian Added by: Siobhan (181ap@email.msn.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 Oct, 4:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First off, Ian wins this bloody feud by being entertaining, clever, and interesting. Secondly, you Canadians should be ashamed of yourselves; get off your ego driven maple leaf toting high horse and accept that our nation is as much of a mess and our people as annoying as the rest of the western hemisphere. I can't believe you irked me enough to respond to your garbage.

  39. from MΘxico. Added by: Xochitl
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 Oct, 8:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    when I discovered that Ian was only some kilometers of mY house ( Baja California) I wanted die. AGHH.
    Because he is a box of cuttiest; expose painter, his work with discapacitated ( it is rigth write?) KIDS, sense of humor.. and the best work in the word.. but, well , ni llorar es bueno ( no even cry is good).
    BY the way, I like canadians (is it true that they have 5 womens for a male?, oh, poor boys ( or poor girls?).
    Besos a todos ( kisses to everyone).

  40. IAN, WILL YOU MARRY ME? Added by: The Agent (aagent86@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 Oct, 6:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Umm.....Ian is the best. He has the best accent, sense of humour, and shoulder blades. Thankx, Bye.
    The Agent Called Me.

  41. Mr. Lonely Planet is IAN Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 Oct, 19:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is everything a person should be. He magnetizes
    viewers in ways that can only be called "magical." He
    makes me want to visit all those wonderful places he's been
    to. IAN, I ADORE YOU!!! Continue the good work with under-
    privileged children. YOU'RE AN ANGEL.

  42. IAN WRIGHT IS MY MR. RIGHT Added by: Mrs. Wright
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 Oct, 12:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Roses are red, violets are blue.
    Ian is really really coo.
    I like to watch him every day,
    I am sad when he is away.
    I love his boxers very much,
    I would like to be with him and touch...
    Ian, darf ich Deinen Kleinbus fahren?
    Future Mrs. Wright:)

  43. IAN ALL THE WAY Added by: Peter T.
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What's all this crap with Ian vs. Justine? We all know that Ian is number one. The best their was the best their ever will be and that's the truth baby so SUCK IT.

  44. SUCK IT Added by: A MAN
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 2:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    suck it, suck it, suck.

  45. Nice you all Added by: Janet
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 Oct, 1:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Most correspondents are okey but I choose Justine Shapiro
    and Andrew Daddo because of their openmindedness.

  46. Ian the best Added by: some lady
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian won two CABLE ACE awards for Lonely Planet as BEST
    MAGAZINE host. Go, go, go, Ian!!!

  47. ian is cool Added by: michelle (glowants@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 Oct, 9:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian seems like the best travel companion one could
    have,he's funny and adventurous, like someone you would
    feel lucky to know.

  48. Anybody like IAN Added by: Richel (richelcp@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 13:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Because of Ian Wright, I want to go to India and Turkey.
    I hate cockcroaches and all but he made it seem so fun.
    Aside from that, he's got a lot of good cultural
    insights which he brings into the show. They actually
    need not sound so serious like how others do it. He
    makes it funny so audience remembers.
    Hey, is there anybody out there like or close to an Ian
    Wright. I'd love to travel with you!!! Let me know. Just
    e-mail me.
    Just so you know, I live in the Philippines. I would love
    to travel the whole country soon. At least, Before I leave
    for the states to study.

  49. A Question... Added by: Jorge (j986532@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    By the way, anyone knows Justine┤s email?

  50. No Contest Added by: wyvern (wyvern@pinoyonline.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 Oct, 4:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian wright absolutely.
    lonely planet is about travelling and travellers. and ian
    is just that-- the perfect traveller. the way i see
    justine is that she's really more of a tourist than a
    traveller. ever notice how most of her shows are done with
    a lot of voice-overs? she seems to rely too much on "post
    production" to string her segments unlike ian who's always
    involved and actively interacting with his environment which
    is how a real traveller should be like.
    btw, if there's anyone out there who can give me website
    info on ian wright, i'd really appreciate it. tx.
    oh, also, there's this ian wright illustration i happened
    upon at http://www.cyberspike.com/clarke/illust.html
    i don't know if it's the same ian wright, but go check it
    out anyway. it's pretty interesting.

  51. Novus Leviticus Added by: GODhimself (ovalroom.heaven)
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 1:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wouldn't have a clue who or what Ian is.
    Nor about any Lonely Planet Show
    (Planet: lonely? I didn't create it that way, did I?
    But I will send a bulletin to the pope with my Will:
    that this said Ian should at once be President of the Planet
    while continuing his travels. Should marry Justine maybe.
    Would be good for the human race (that went wrong by
    satrting to wear clothes and settling down)
    Bless you, bunch of sinners.

  52. Que hombre!!!!! Added by: Jen (jdavidson@sympatico.ca)
    [Timestamp: Mon 2 Nov, 5:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My God, Ian is the BEST.....He's so funny, and yet when he
    becomes serious.....ohhhh, that face just melts my heart!
    He was so adorable singing - or rather TRYING to sing -
    Guantanamera in Cuba with the locals! Justine seems like a
    really nice person, too, though. By the way, I'm
    Canadian....and I must say that, when you're a traveler, you
    come back to your country feeling a great sense of
    patriotism - depending on where you went, I suppose....so
    would all you GRINGOS cut us a little slack? Eh????
    C'mon.....:) There is a difference between arrogance and
    just plain being proud of your heritage.

  53. my vote...ian Added by: lp nut
    [Timestamp: Wed 4 Nov, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is a stud.

  54. issues Added by: caro
    [Timestamp: Wed 4 Nov, 15:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Siobhan,
    Sounds like you've got some serious issues with Canada. We
    never said we're perfect, but we're not all assholes either.
    I for one am not a maple leaf loving, flag waving patriot,
    but I do think that this is a pretty good country as
    countries go. Let go of some of that anger.
    By the way Ian rules all the way!!!

  55. WHAT ABOUT ME! Added by: Age (adriandee@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 7 Nov, 1:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's pretty cool to find out so many people watch the show
    and have so many diverse opinions about it ( or at least
    it's hosts ). The reason I ask "WHAT ABOUT ME!" is because
    I really would like to host that show or a show similar to
    it. I'm a 28 year old American woman who recently began
    acting in New York but has her heart set on traveling and
    learning more about the world and other cultures. I
    graduated with degrees in history and political science and
    want to incorporate them into my career. SOLUTION: Host a
    travel show! Whatcha think?! All comments are welcome!
    Positive and Negative! I'll take them all on! THANX!!!!!

  56. IAN IS THE BEST! Added by: Michelle (mlbasco@pacific.net.ph)
    [Timestamp: Fri 13 Nov, 14:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian Wright is definitely the best! He does everything with
    enthusiasm, and it is his enthusiasm which makes all the
    difference. He truly inspires me to be more adventurous.

  57. Taiwan Added by: TC (tc.lin@eracom.com.tw)
    [Timestamp: Sat 14 Nov, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If anyone knows how to get in touch with the Lonely Planet
    TV show, please pass this on: I am a cameraman for the TVBS
    network in Taipei, Taiwan. I am originally from the States
    but emigrated here over ten years ago. I love the show, and
    would be happy to help out in any way if and when you do
    Taiwan(or have you already done it? I haven't seen it if
    you have), be it translating, camerawork, equipment or just
    a general guide....please email me.
    ...oh, and my vote goes to Ian...

  58. IAN for Prime Minister Added by: Dug
    [Timestamp: Fri 20 Nov, 16:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is the best person on television. He's hilarious and trys anything. GO IAN GO. Make lots more episodes with him in their. Ian should come do some episodes in Canada.
    Wright on Ian. Does he have an E-mail?

  59. IAN I LOVE YOUUU!!!!! Added by: SABRI (sabri_9@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 28 Nov, 19:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I LOVE YOU IAN!!!!!!!!
    SEGUI ASI!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. A new mission... Added by: Out Of It
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Dec, 4:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sold; I've gotta see this show yer all talkin' about. I
    was under the impression that Road Rules and The Real World
    were at the terminus of the big station's creativity. Of
    course if I get addicted or inspired to take up the road,
    again, I'll thank you all later.

  61. i LOVE Ian Added by: Lil
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 7:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian owns Lonely Planet. I like Justine, but no one can
    compete with Ian. He's funny, adorable, smart and most of
    all sexy. Too bad ladies he's mine!

  62. More Ian? Added by: Lil
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 8:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anyone know where I can get more info on Ian?

  63. Even My Mother Likes Ian Added by: Vann
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 6:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is just amazing...second only to Will Smith. I wonder what LP would be like hosted by Will.

  64. She's taken... Added by: someone (madden16@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 15:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I hate to burst youre bubble boys but I'm pretty sure that
    Justine is either engaged or married. I noticed on the
    Paris episode that her lefthand ring finger had a gold band
    on it. Sorry.

  65. IAN!!!!! Added by: Nico :)
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 5:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is the best host--he's so cute and he makes the show
    more fun.

  66. Too bad, Lil, ladies Added by: Tommy (folktommy@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 4:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Pretty sure Ian's not interested in your team. If he's
    taken, it's likely by a husky Bulgarian wrestler, or
    somesuch, if you get my drift.

  67. Ian, Ian, Ole Ole Ole!!!!!! Added by: Dimitris
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 6:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian! He's simply the best!

  68. Justine┤s HomePage Added by: Jose Antonio (jose_antonio98@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 10:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know I think Ian and Justine are the best hosts. But
    Justine is the most tender, beautiful and interesting woman
    I┤ve ever seen, heard or even read about (and I read a lot
    , believe me). Doesn┤t any body know if she has her own
    home page? By the way, I remember seeing her trying out
    some magical stuff for getting someone in love wiht you and
    she said one name: Carlos (It happened in an african
    country as I recall).

  69. mmmmmmmm! Added by: petra
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 3:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    god!you all are crazy!but ian's still the best

  70. Ian... batting for the other team?? Added by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 15:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For the love of god...please do not even utter those words. Every woman who watches lonely planet would be devistated (including me and l'm26)! I love that boy.
    I cannot believe what he will eat though!! That bug in Australia was the most disguisting thing I have ever seen!
    See, with Justine she would eat anything because she would not want to offend her host...but Ian voluntarily goes into a restaurant and orders sheep brains! Justine would never do that.

  71. He's the famous guy! Added by: Me
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 12:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have got to realize it's the best show due to Ian....

  72. a new ian show Added by: Scotch Pup (tartanpup@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    although I'd love to see Ian travel the entire globe,
    here's hoping he's back home resting..

  73. IAN IS THE COOLEST Added by: CG
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 10:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    IAN RULES! that's all I can say. I too won't even watch if
    he's not hosting. I hope they make many more episodes with
    him (no offense to Justine fans, I just have a major crush
    on Ian- like it seems all the other woman do who have
    written here.) I agree that it seems like the males like
    Justine and the females like Ian (that cuttie!). I wonder
    if the Lonley Planet people had that in mind when they got
    those two for the job ie-something for the gals something
    for the boys. I don't think he's gay and I'm pretty good
    at figuring that stuff. I don't think he is married
    though, it seems like his love for travel is too great to
    let him settle down anytime soon. I too am interested in
    more info on him. A website, a fan page, something.

  74. ONE WORD.......... Added by: onewinner
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 1:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    (OK ...That's five words but I just wanted to get my message
    One Winner to another

  75. They're all good!!!! Added by: Jr.
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The is no way to pick a best host especially since they are all great at what they do in their own way. Being a male I would have to go with (I hope the spelling is right!) SIPTHA (Philippines), not for hosting but because she is an intelligent and beautiful woman. It would be a pleasure to spend a day with her.

  76. Justine's an Idiot!!!!!!! Added by: Keith
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 0:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Remeber when she was in Southwestern USA - couldn't clean
    the toilet in the hostel - fucking American whiner!!! Poor
    Justine - Ian is the best. She thought she was in a cheap
    little hotel in India..
    She thinks she is the only cultured American maybe she

  77. Ian rules! Added by: aiteal (iitmari.j@pp.inet.fi)
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know if this discussion has ended long ago, but I'd
    like to add a vote for Ian, he's the best!
    Not that I don't like Justine too, she's cool.
    Annyway... anyone know where I can find a picture of him?
    I'd like to have one on my home page.

  78. Ian wins by a nose Added by: Jeff
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 7:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I enjoy every program host although I confess Ian is my
    favorite. Ever since the first program I watched with him
    hosting I enjoyed his every witty remark. Especially when
    he confessed to having "none of it" while speaking of the
    feeling of accomplishment while sitting on the peak of
    Kilamanjaro. The irony, humanity, honesty, and comedy of
    that moment made his position as favorite unassailable, for
    me anyway. Anybody else with a favorite show moment?

  79. Ian Rocks!!! Added by: koolaidkate
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 19:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I believe Ian is the best host. He is so clever and funny!
    He is someone I would love to travel with. He makes
    everything so real and he's willing to try anything. I
    think Justine is a good host as well, but I think she
    whines too much. I usually don't watch the show if Ian
    isn't hosting. Ian is on my list of people that I'd love to
    meet someday. If I do meet him, I think I'd buy him a
    Harley or something, he's just that cool! So, Ian wins my
    vote as well:)

  80. Newbie from Canada Added by: Ron (mladidy@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 8:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian wins hands down. I've only been watching this show
    for about a month, but already I'm addicted. How long has
    this controversy over favourite hosts been going on? Until
    a week ago I thought Ian was the only host. Suddenly this
    woman Justine pops into the picture. I can only assume that
    she is Ian's predeccessor or sometime cohost when Ian is
    sick. She is a woman, and a cutie, two of my favourite
    features in the opposite sex. But she seems a little too
    cautious, serious, and inhibited, and lacking the
    self-deprecating and sarcastic humour of Ian. Also Ian
    seems much more open to the people and experiences.
    Remember when he went cliff jumping? An earlier post by
    Wyvern back in October I think describes the differences
    between said hosts to a tee. I've been reading some
    accounts from other viewers that Ian plays for the other
    team. I'd have to agree with that,(sorry ladies). But
    sexual preferences aside, I would have to say that he makes
    a more entertaining host than Justine.
    Who is Andrew Daddo, and Siptha? How long has this show
    been on the air? How long have said hosts been HOSTING?
    Why do I type so slow? If you can answer one or all of
    these questions, please drop me a line.

  81. A Tie Added by: janey
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 6:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK, it's a tie. Justine has the maturity and compassion;
    Ian has the wackiness and comedic timing.

  82. Ian Wright Rules!! Added by: Highlander
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 19:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have had Cable TV for about 5 months now, and have been
    an avid watcher of Lonely Planet for nearly all that time.
    I find that Ian adds a real spark to the program, and has
    integrated his own personality (Which I love!) into each
    episode....he's a real character :)

  83. The short... Added by: HUNEYCHILD
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 March, 6:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    little oz. I can't Remember his name but everytime
    he's on the tele he always knows the best places
    to drink. I think the first show Isaw he was singing
    with some locals on a guitare drinking some powerful
    stuff. Anyway his cute and knows where the fun begins.

  84. HI Added by: David
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 8:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The one thing you learn from travel is clean the toilets.
    Justine probably partied with her film crew until late.
    Nobody wants to clean a toilet hung over.Still she could
    have been cooler about the situation!

  85. Ms. Shapiro Added by: LB
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 10:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I personally like both hosts, but Justine's got the better
    pajamas!!! She gets my vote. By the way, they must have the
    best job in the world as far as I'm concerned.

  86. slow down, girls Added by: caliban
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 8:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian's a wonderful treat for an hour at a time, but do you
    really think you could stand being with him for weeks on
    end? Peter Pan boys get old fast.

  87. Hmmm.... Added by: Marie
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 6:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I gotta go with the original idea - Ian ROCKS! Always seems
    to be having too much fun!
    As for Justine, seems a bit prissy sometimes...

  88. Good Night Added by: Sleepless in Hong Kong
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 15:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My vote goes to Niki. She is tough.

  89. What's With Justine??? Added by: Cindy (cyndilp@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 15:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For all of you touters of the appeal of Justine, I have one
    question? Do you not find Lonely Planet to be the most
    PRACTICAL guide around??? So then, answer this...Why does
    our little Justine parade around Turkey wearing sleeveless
    dresses cut above the knee, in particular while attending a
    wedding in a small Turkish village. PLEASE.....Lonely
    Planet guides make it quite clear that longer sleeves and
    skirts for women are a must in Turkey, especially outside of
    the major cities. And from my own experience, they're

  90. ARGH! Added by: Megan
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Am I the only one with a mad crush on Neil Gibson?

    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 4:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  92. Ian is all-wright Added by: Emma (dhinds@olypen.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 9:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I never had Hollywood crushes like all of my friends, like
    on Mr. Big-Ship-That-Sank. But I am overly taken with
    Ian! He makes T.V. worth watching. Part of his
    wonderfullness is that he is just a fantastic, great guy.
    Ian, I hope you know that I respect you and that you are
    comendable with your work with kids and all of your
    achievments. Keep up the good work with that and doing
    Lonely Planet episodes. Do they ever go to boring little
    places on the edge of no-where like my town?
    And to add to the war, Justine needs to lighten up a little.

  93. JUSTINE,why? Added by: Gustavo Puerari (gpuerari@ccard.com.br)
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian and Justine, I think you're the best hosts; I like
    that woman thatwent to Zaire, and almost reached the peak
    of that cool mountain. She is great.Does anyone knows her
    About my title: why Justine don't come to Rio w/ Ian? It
    would be just GREAT!!!!! The best hosts, here, in Rio,
    alternating the camera, time one talking, other timete
    other one. Every one would like!!!!!
    bye, Gustavo M. Puerari!!!! I admire ya Justine!!!!

  94. The girl that went to Zaire Added by: Gustavo Puerari (gpuerari@ccard.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 14:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    People, you gotta remember that woman went to Zaire and
    had the lucky of see a gorila. She is great, but I really
    don't know her name. Does anyone? e-mail me if knowsm
    Ian and Justine are the best hosts, Neil is very good.

  95. Her name... Added by: Shazzer
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That was Nikki - I think she only did that one show, but
    damn - wasn't she excellent? I have to agree with the guys
    that brought up that SW USA show that Justine did - she had
    a major thrombo, didn't she? Anyway, I've said it before -
    I don't think Ian is gay, I do think he is married though!

  96. Thanks, Shazzer Added by: G. Puerari
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 11:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanx for tell me the name of that host is Nikki, but,
    about the surname, what is it?
    I think she stoped to travel because she become afraid of
    get another big desease. Malaria (she had the "luck" of get
    that) has no cure, for now. Pure Nikki, travel and get

  97. What a error!!!!!! Added by: Carioca
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 7:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like lonely planet publications, but, when I saw that
    horrible error, oh God, I thought:how can they do an error
    like that?
    The HORRIBLE ERROR is: The country Uruguay is in the south
    of the Plata River, inside Argentina, but, it's in the
    north of the Plata River andin the south of Brazil.

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