This topic was created by Jennifer
[Wed 26 May, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello travelfolks
I am already in Mexico since one year (academic exchange
program/ internship) and will set of to a vacaction to south
Mexico/ guatemala in june/ beginning julio and I am looking
for a companion, women or decent men, mid 20th, who like to
hook on for the Guatemala bit, from 12 june to approx. 5 of
juli (in that range). I like to visit Tikal (since I┤will
enter the country from Palenque side)and head for Antigua/
Copan etc to make the loop to Christobal de las casas,
Mexico. There will be thousands out there I guess, but maybe
somebody wants to write beforehand,
saludos, Jennifer

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 8:37]

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  1. Central America, this summer... Added by: Wiley (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hello there...i'm off to mexico and central
    america next week for anywhere between a month
    and three months...i'll be starting across the
    texas border in nuevo laredo and head wherever i
    end up. i'm not really on a tight schedule...if
    i like a place, i'll stay there for a while, if
    not, i'll move on (usually on chicken buses or
    whatever is the cheapest form of transport). i
    hate planning trips and prefer to do it
    spontaneously. the only things that are a must
    for me are teotihuacan and tikal. email me back
    if you're interested.

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