AUS Visa, Scuba, Olympics, British Lions

This topic was created by TKONTOUR (TONY_KNIGHT_UK@YAHOO.COM)
[Sat 22 May, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Be interested to know if anyone has stayed in Aus for
longer than their visa allowed? If so, what happens when
you leave? Are subsequent attempts to get a visa turned
down. Any tips on how to leave without the authorities
recognising that your visa has expired / extending your
visa ?
As part of my RTW trip, I hope to have an extended stay in
Australia; planning to dive my way around the coast (G.B
Reef and Ningaloo in particular - can't wait to dive with a
whale shark), take in the Sydney Olympics and support the
British Lions while on tour, both in Aus and NZ.
Recommendations for dive sites that should not be missed
would be appreciated.
Guess I'm kind of in to sport, diving, drinking and
snowboarding, not necessarily in that order. Am 31, feel
more like 21.. the rot has go to stop.. Have been
considering a RTW trip for a couple of years now; to the
point that family, friends and work colleagues are starting
doubt my resolve.
I had wondered before, why people post these sort of msgs
but starting one myself I think it's because it makes it
feel more real.
My itinary (starting Oct 99) will look something like:
- Tour British Isles throughout the Rugby World Cup
- Dec. 99 So early but indecision already à Can't decide
whether to go to S. Africa for the test series or do a
season boarding somewhere (Alps / US / Canada) and then
after that whether to travel around Europe for 3 months or
back to UK to work for 3 months
- June 2000. Over to Holland and Belgium for Euro2000
*Then start the RTW trip, July 2000
-Sibearian Express Way to Beijing (The wall, Xian, Yangtze
-Work may way down SE Asia (Malaysia, Phillipines,
Thailand, Vietnam etc,) and Indonesia.
-Aus for Olympics (Oct 2000), Diving and Lions Tour (May
2001) - on a 3 month visa!?
-NZ continued Lions Tour, boarding in Queenstown (c. July,
think that's the right season)
-Up through the Pacific Isles
-Central America, Peru, Bolivia (Lake Titticaca, Machu
Pitchu etc.)
-Then on to Belize, buy a beach hut and cook Xmas dinner on
the beach and consider coming back to UK
I have friends that have assured me they will meet me for
the different sporting events but they are not prepared to
give up jobsà their loss I guess. . I'd always thought that
I would prefer to start the trip with someone I know but
now I'm not so sure - it's almost as if getting to know
strangers while travelling is what it's all about.
Would be interested to hear though from anyone planning to
do any of the above ?

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 9:18]

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