
This topic was created by becca
[Mon 3 May, 1:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm planning on travelling in Tanzania between late July and
mid August, and am looking for a travelling partner. I'm
23, have travelled quite a lot before, and am looking for
someone who is equally independent, and willing to explore.
Anyone out there??!!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 22:07]

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  1. I'll be there Added by: Globetrotter (packs1@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Becca
    I will be going through around the same time after being in
    Kenya, I plan on Kili, Zanzibar what ever inbetween.
    Let me know your plans
    I'm a experienced world traveler , Male , Alaskan, on a
    round the world trip.

  2. ...... a little later Added by: Charly (wzbpfk@rzb-wien.raiffeisen.at)
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 20:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Becca and Globey,
    I ┤ll be around there, too - - but a little later: leaving
    Austria mid August, then going for the Kili, the
    Ngorongoro, the Serengeti and Zanzibar (or maybe one of the
    smaller islands for diving).
    Unfortunately my time will be limited to just three weeks
    (still better than nothing...), one of you interested to
    join(eg for climbing Kili, diving in African waters ..)?
    I┤m also an experienced traveller, male and Austrian.
    Cheers Charly

  3. ...... a little later Added by: Charly (wzbpfk@rzb-wien.raiffeisen.at)
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 20:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Becca and Globey,
    I ┤ll be around there, too - - but a little later: leaving
    Austria mid August, then going for the Kili, the
    Ngorongoro, the Serengeti and Zanzibar (or maybe one of the
    smaller islands for diving).
    Unfortunately my time will be limited to just three weeks
    (still better than nothing...), one of you interested to
    join(eg for climbing Kili, diving in African waters ..)?
    I┤m also an experienced traveller, male and Austrian.
    Cheers Charly

  4. Another one. Added by: Cian (cianos@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey folks.
    I will be in Kenya in Mid June, and touring around (no
    definite plans) until Mid August. I am 24 well travelled,
    Irish/Canadian. My flights will be in and out of Nairobi.
    Any comments :)

  5. A Couple of Danes Added by: Tonny (emborgtm@it.com.pl)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are a couple of Danes having the same idea. Kili, geti, Zanzi etc. We have unfortunately only 2 week, most likely in the beginning of September. We are 2 males in the early thirties, both stationed in Warsaw, easy going, open minded and well traveled. We are both stationed in Warsaw for the time being. Drop us a line if you┤ll be in Tanza in the same period.

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