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Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

Visit Mobile Safari Tips and Tricks

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 4 in series

Macworld Expo SF 2006: Exuding Confidence

It's instructive, I think, to mark the resurgence of Apple Computer by what happens at the annual Macworld Expo in San Francisco, both in terms of Apple's keynote announcements and the mood on the show floorShow full article

Article 2 of 4 in series

Intel-Based iMac and MacBook Pro Ship Earlier than Expected

With his usual panache, Steve Jobs announced the new Intel-based Macs at Macworld Expo last week, bringing Intel CEO Paul Otellini on stage in a chip-fabrication "bunny" suit and airing an ad about "setting the Intel chip free" after being "trapped inside PCs performing dull little tasks." With the announcement, Apple anointed the Intel Core Duo processor as the processor of choice, installing it in the familiar looking iMac and in a new laptop dubbed the MacBook ProShow full article

Article 3 of 4 in series

iLife '06 and iWork '06 Released

While most of the attention at Macworld was focused on the new Intel-powered iMac and MacBook Pro laptop, Apple's software releases were fairly extensiveShow full article

Article 4 of 4 in series

Macworld Expo 2006 Superlatives

It's time once again for our annual look at the best, the worst, and the weirdest products from Macworld Expo. With over 361 booths, it's entirely possible we've missed some cool things, so please feel free to send your suggestions in to TidBITS Talk as well. Put Your Photos in the Loop -- With the help (and financial support) of long-time Macintosh evangelist Guy Kawasaki, FilmLoop enthusiastically showed off a new Internet-based "photocasting" product, which looks like a handy way to share easily updated streams of photos within a group such as a family, sports team, or clubShow full article

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