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Undelete an iPhone Voicemail Message

There's no Command-Z in the Phone app, but you may be able to retrieve a deleted voicemail message: Open the Voicemail screen in the Phone app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Deleted Messages. To restore a listed message, tap it and then click Undelete.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 3 in series

Microsoft is Jobs #1

Life is never dull in the computer industry, and last week Apple and Microsoft made sure that the few who weren't paying attention sat up and took noticeShow full article

Article 2 of 3 in series

Boston Macworld: Less Flash, Less Trash, More Questions

As I sat in my Boston hotel room on the first night of Macworld Expo, the local public television station was running "Triumph of the Nerds," a somewhat silly documentary about the history of the personal computer industry. When asked by the interviewer about Apple's historical arch-rival, Steve Jobs replied, "Microsoft has no taste, and I don't mean that in a small way; I mean it in a big way." With Jobs's surprise keynote announcement of a broad deal with the software giant, his sentiment seems to have changed to, "Microsoft may have no taste, but it's got cash and clout." (See Adam's article in this issue for more on the Apple-Microsoft deal.) A Bombshell Keynote in Plain Brown Wrapping -- After enduring the celebrity-heavy, effects-laden, razzle-dazzle keynote of Gil Amelio's Macworld keynote last January, I was surprised by the lack of flash in Jobs's performanceShow full article

Article 3 of 3 in series

Macworld Boston '97 Superlatives

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Macworld Expo is looking for items, products, and events that draw attention for unusual reasons. My search this year was rewarded with several that were out of the ordinary. Most Creative Use of a Pickle -- David Pogue, hawking his book, The Weird Wide Web, made a pickle glow and flash using a contraption he made from a wood frame, two nails to skewer the pickle, and a power cord from an old lampShow full article

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