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Track Changes Dates Reset on Save As in Word 2008

If you regularly use the Save As feature to create new drafts while working in Word 2008, you might notice that with Track Changes enabled, previously time-stamped comments and edits have their times reset to the Save As date and time. Work around this by sticking with your original file, but using Save As (or just File > Duplicate in the Finder) to make backup copies.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Mac OS X 10.4.8 Fixes Numerous Issues

The autumn harvest from Apple's programmers came in last week, as Apple updated almost their entire software product line. Although each major application saw revisions, most Mac users will be interested in Mac OS X 10.4.8, a bug-fix update that spans several areas of the operating system. Notable changes include security enhancements, improved connections using the Apple USB Modem, support for the EAP-FAST protocol to improve wireless network authentication security, better compatibility with third-party USB hubs, better performance on some broadband networks, and improved camera RAW supportShow full article

iTunes 7.0.1, iLife '06, iWork '06 Updated

Apple has released a maintenance update for iTunes 7 that deals with a variety of issues in the initial release. According to Apple, iTunes 7.0.1 "addresses stability and performance issues with Cover Flow, CD importing, iPod syncing, and more." Windows users were apparently hit harder with iTunes 7.0, so we hope this release solves those issues as wellShow full article

Aperture 1.5 Faces Latest Lightroom Beta at Photokina

At last week's Photokina photographic conference in Cologne, Germany, Apple unveiled Aperture 1.5, a significant update to its professional photo-management toolShow full article

Apple Updates Pro Applications, Final Cut Pro, and Logic

Apple's high-end video and audio applications got a boost this week with a pair of updates. The Pro Applications Update 2006-02 fixes some unspecified problems with the underlying frameworks and shared components of Final Cut Studio 5.1, Final Cut Pro 5.1, Motion 2.1, Soundtrack Pro 1.1, DVD Studio Pro 4.1, LiveType 2.1, Compressor 2.1, Apple Qmaster 2.1, and Final Cut Express HD 3.5Show full article

StuffIt Goes to 11

Smith Micro Software, which purchased Allume Systems (previously known as Aladdin Systems) last year, has released StuffIt Deluxe 11, the latest version of the compression program that has been a part of the Macintosh landscape since 1986Show full article

Microsoft Releases Messenger for Mac 6.0

Instant messaging from Microsoft received a significant Mac-centric upgrade last week with the release of Messenger for Mac 6.0. The latest version is a universal binary, offers Spotlight searching of transcripts, and interoperates with Yahoo's Messenger serviceShow full article

Tracking Your Friends via iChat

Let's say you desperately need to chat with a friend in another time zone as soon as he's awake or at work. Leaving voice mail or email is fine, but what if your friend doesn't think to check voicemail or read email first thing? Assuming he uses iChat sufficiently to log in automatically, you may be able to rely on a little-known feature of iChat: single-use, per-person alerts. Select your friend's name in your Buddy List, choose Buddies > Get Info (Command-I), and in the Info window, choose Actions from the Show pop-up menu at the topShow full article

Using MySQL on a Mac

For many Macintosh users, the relational database is first and last encountered through recent versions of FileMaker Pro. While Windows users have long utilized Microsoft Access, there has never been an equivalent product included in the Mac version of Microsoft OfficeShow full article

Take Control News/02-Oct-06

New Ebook Helps Dreamweaver Users Get Started -- Dreamweaver may be the dream tool of the pros, but it can be a nightmare for newcomers and casual Web designersShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/02-Oct-06

Bluetooth and Mighty Mouse on Mac Pro -- Kirk McElhearn shares his tale of woe getting the add-on Bluetooth module working in his Mac Pro. (7 messages) Any good deals on .Mac renewals? This is the time of year when early adopters signed up for Apple's .Mac service at its introduction, which means it's time to renewShow full article

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