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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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Don Walker



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We'd like to welcome our latest sponsor, InfoSeek Corporation. InfoSeek is among the first companies to make commercial-quality information available on the Internet for searching via paid subscription (using authenticated Web browsers)Show full article

Easy View 2.6.1

Easy View 2.6.1 -- Akif Eyler has released version 2.6.1 of his popular text viewing and cataloging application Easy View. In addition to being the pre-eminent application for viewing many digest and text file formats (including setext, the format in which TidBITS is distributed), Akif has added full AppleScript support and recordability, background searching, and command-click URLs (using Akif's Get URL BBEdit extension). view-261.hqx Using Easy View 2.6.1 with the Get URL extension, you can command-click URLs appearing in TidBITS or other files, including ftp, http, and gopher links, as well as the standardized file references appearing in the Info-Mac digestShow full article

DreamWorks Interactive

DreamWorks Interactive -- Film and media moguls David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Steven Spielberg - cover boys of this week's Time Magazine - went on stage March 22nd with Microsoft's Bill Gates to announce the formation of a new $30 million joint company, DreamWorks InteractiveShow full article

Interior Decor

Interior Decor -- Several people chastised us for not mentioning the $10 shareware program Decor, which does much the same thing as DeskPicture (see TidBITS-268)Show full article

Dressing for Decency

Dressing for Decency -- A modified version of the Communications Decency Act of 1995, popularly known as the Exon Amendment and S.314, recently passed the Senate Commerce Committee and is attached to the telecommunications reform bill scheduled to go before the Senate as early as this week - despite Committee phone banks being so overwhelmed with calls that outside help had to be brought inShow full article

Word 6.0.1 Update

Word 6.0.1 Update -- The latest news from the Word team at Microsoft has the U.S. version of Word 6.0.1 in manufacturing. Hoping to make up for the ill-will brought on by the many problems in Word 6.0, Microsoft is making 6.0.1 available at no charge to registered Word 6 ownersShow full article

Info-Mac Mirror Lists via Email

Info-Mac Mirror Lists via Email -- Info-Mac moderator Liam Breck writes: "Next week, the Info-Mac Network will publish a new Info-Mac Archive mirror list in both text and HTML formatsShow full article

Better to Rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven

Better to Rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven -- In a story that hit everything from the New York Times to National Public Radio, SATAN creator Dan Farmer and Silicon Graphics, Inc., parted company last week, in no small part due to Dan's involvement with the SATAN network security analysis program (see TidBITS-268)Show full article

Adapt or Die - PowerBook AC Adapters

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. The original 15-watt AC power adapters shipped with the first models of PowerBook computers have damaged a number of PowerBooksShow full article

Yet More New Apple System Software

Among the system software components Apple released concurrently with the System 7.5 Update 1.0 were QuickDraw GX 1.1.1, LaserWriter version 8.2.2, the Network Software Installer "ZM" (multi-country) version 1.5, and some new PowerTalk gatewaysShow full article

Heavyweight Book Bout

About once every nine months, Adam and I buy a new bookshelf. This practice seemed reasonable at first, but as our wall space fills up, we have become more selective about the books we keepShow full article

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