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Easy Fetch Upload

If you want to upload an open file (e.g. in Photoshop or BBEdit) to a remote server via the Fetch FTP client, you can use drag-and drop without switching to the Finder. Just drag the small document icon in the window title bar to a Fetch window. If the icon won't drag, make sure the file is saved.

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 3 in series

Macintosh Internet File Format Primer

Last week's article in TidBITS-444 about the need for developers to support MacBinary III brought in a lot of email from people confused about various Macintosh file formats that appear on the InternetShow full article

Article 2 of 3 in series

Email Attachment Formats Explained

Okay, we may have confused a few people with last week's quiz, where we asked "What's the best encoding to use when sending a file to a Windows user via email?" I'll get to the correct answer shortly, but first let me explain the confusion. Terminology -- As I explained in "Macintosh Internet File Format Primer," in TidBITS-445, there are usually two actions that take place for Macintosh files to be transferred via email: binary packaging and transfer encodingShow full article

Article 3 of 3 in series

Email Attachments: Who Does What

The hubbub we caused with last week's "Email Attachment Format Explained" article is only just subsiding - indication, I think, that this topic creates strong feelingsShow full article

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