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Enter Dashboard, Expose, or Spaces Temporarily

Hold down F9, F10, F11, or F12 (or whatever you've set for the Expose and Spaces keyboard shortcuts) for a few seconds, and then release the key to enter and leave the appropriate mode without having to press the key again. This is particularly useful for Dashboard, in which you can check the contents of a widget and then return to your work with only a single key press.

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Qualcomm Acknowledges Eudora Bug

Qualcomm Acknowledges Eudora Bug -- As reported by our friends at MacInTouch, Qualcomm has acknowledged that recent versions of its Eudora email software for Macintosh could incorrectly delete messages from the Inbox associated with an IMAP account.

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The company has told site license support providers that an upcoming release of Eudora, version 6.2.3, addresses the problem. Early advice to revert to Eudora 6.1 won't help, as the code that could cause that bug is in 6.1 as well. Qualcomm recommends installing the public beta of version 6.2.3, or turning on the "Show Deleted Messages" function in the mailbox options menu at the bottom right of the Mailboxes window. The rare bug only affects mailboxes accessed with the IMAP protocol. Users who use the POP3 protocol for retrieving mail will not be affected. [MHA]



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