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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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Don Walker



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Free BBEdit Lite Updated to 6.1

Free BBEdit Lite Updated to 6.1 -- Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit Lite 6.1, the latest version of its free text editing application. BBEdit Lite 6.1 is carbonized for Mac OS X (but supports older system software back to System 7.5.5) and builds in support for Navigation Services and the Appearance Manager, plus playing movies and translating image formats using QuickTime. Version 6.1 also rolls in better pattern matching (grep) search-and-replace syntax and improved searching across multiple files. BBEdit Lite is a 4.3 MB download and requires a PowerPC-based Mac; registered users of BBEdit Lite are eligible for discounted upgrades to the commercial version of BBEdit. [GD]

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