Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Adding Links in Snow Leopard's Mail

Apple Mail in Snow Leopard now has a Command-key shortcut for adding a link to an email.

If you use plain-text email, this will not be helpful at all, but if you send styled email, it's a nice shortcut for adding URLs to your email messages. Simply select the word(s) you want to make into a link, press Command-K, and enter the URL to build into the link.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

TidBITS Events at Macworld SF 2009

The New Year's champagne will still be bubbling in our bellies when we depart for our annual trip to Macworld Expo in San Francisco (05-Jan-09 to 09-Jan-09). Here's our current schedule, and please do come by and say hello!

Note that once again Macworld Expo takes place in both the new Moscone West and the old Moscone South, so plan for some walking time between the two and pay attention to booth numbers. If there are any changes or additions, or if we learn about more room numbers, we'll update this article on our Web site, so check back there for the latest right before the show.

Tuesday, January 6th -- Most of our attention on Tuesday will be focused on the keynote, but Joe will be tearing himself away several times.

  • 12:00 PM: Joe Kissell will be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the Smith Micro booth (#1235).
  • 2:00 PM: Same talk, different location. Joe will again be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the VMware booth (#2202).

Wednesday, January 7th -- We have a slew of presentations on Wednesday.

  • 11:00 AM: Jeff Carlson will be giving a Users Conference session in Room 2014, West Hall. The session is titled, "Regain Features of iMovie HD in iMovie '08."
  • 11:30 AM: Take Control author Scott Knaster will be cribbing from his "Take Control of Switching to the Mac" ebook to discuss the top seven things every Mac user should know at the Mac Learning Center in the North Hall.
  • 12:00 PM: Joe Kissell will be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the Smith Micro booth (#1235).
  • 1:00 PM: Glenn Fleishman will present a 75-minute Users Conference session on getting Back to My Mac working in Room 2001, West Hall.
  • 1:00 PM: Joe will next be sharing the basics of maintaining a Mac at the Mac Learning Center in the North Hall, based on his "Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac" ebook.
  • 1:30 PM: Jeff Carlson will be doing a presentation at the Peachpit booth (#812), likely covering iMovie, the Apple TV, Photoshop Elements, or whatever comes up in discussion. [This appearance was originally scheduled for Thursday at 11:00 AM, but has been changed.]
  • 2:00 PM: Joe will again be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the VMware booth (#2202).
  • 3:00 PM: Joe, if he can still speak, will be presenting a Users Conference session entitled "The Complete Guide to Backing Up Your Mac" in Room 2014, West Hall.
  • 4:00 PM: Adam will be giving a talk on iPhoto - perhaps iPhoto '09? - at the Peachpit booth (#812).

Thursday, January 8th -- Things settle down a bit on Thursday, with fewer talks throughout the day.

  • 11:30 AM: Scott Knaster will again be cribbing from his "Take Control of Switching to the Mac" ebook to discuss the top seven things every Mac user should know at the Mac Learning Center in the North Hall.
  • 12:00 PM: Joe Kissell will be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the Smith Micro booth (#1235).
  • 1:00 PM: Joe will again be talking about about Mac maintenance based on "Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac" at the Mac Learning Center.
  • 2:00 PM: Joe will switch gears and chat with people about... VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the VMware booth (#2202). You saw that coming, didn't you?
  • 2:00 PM: Tonya and Adam will make their traditional joint appearance at the User Group Lounge to discuss Apple's keynote announcements and what they've seen on the show floor.
  • 6:00 PM: Many of us will be meeting at the top of the South Hall escalators in preparation for the annual Netter's Dinner. At 6:30, we'll all parade to the Hunan at Sansome and Broadway, where the hot and spicy Chinese dinner (vegetarian dishes are available) costs $20. You must register in advance by Tuesday, January 6th, via Kagi; the link has all the details. Jon Pugh is back to host this year, and it promises to be another great night of food and conversation.

Friday, January 9th -- As part of the Macworld Pulse program, Adam will be giving a talk on how technology is not - and should not be - value-neutral. We're not yet certain of the location, and the time hasn't been set for this talk yet, but it should be sometime on Friday morning. Since Friday is also Tristan's 10th birthday, we're planning to bring him to the show for the morning and then cut out a bit early in the afternoon.

  • 12:00 PM: Joe Kissell will be discussing VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the Smith Micro booth (#1235).
  • 2:00 PM: If you've missed him so far, Joe will be giving his final talk about VMware Fusion and his "Take Control of VMware Fusion 2" ebook at the VMware booth (#2202).

Even More -- Looking for more to do? First, check out the Macworld Show Highlights, and then be sure to skim through all the events in Ilene Hoffman's annual Hess Memorial Macworld Expo Events List, now updated for 2009.


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