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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/20-Oct-08

Tales of Customer Service in the PDF World -- Adam's article about how two companies responded to bug reports brings up the question of whether fast turnaround for bugs actually impedes a product's development. (3 messages)

TidBITS Outage Causes Editors Outrage -- Would log monitoring have helped prevent the TidBITS outage last week? Readers discuss working with servers. (5 messages)

Peering Inside a Mobile Phone Network -- Readers react to Rich Mogull's article about the inner workings of mobile phone systems, including explaining the mystery of disappearing SMS text messages. (6 messages)

Windows Eudora replacement that's not Outlook? Readers wonder which email programs can replace Eudora under Windows. (6 messages)

iWeb blogs -- What's involved in setting up a blog using iWeb, and can it be hosted somewhere other than via MobileMe? (4 messages)

Using sudo from normal user accounts -- Gaining administrator privileges in Terminal is not straightforward when you're running in a standard user account under Mac OS X. (1 message)

On the Way Out: FireWire and Matte Screens? Readers chime in on the glossy-only screens in the new MacBook Pro and MacBook models, as well as the lack of FireWire on the MacBook. (7 messages)

MacBook Pro Repair Program Addresses Nvidia Flaws -- Readers' experiences with retail Apple stores versus dealing with Apple over the phone vary widely. (2 messages)


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