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iCal Alerts You Can't Miss

Did you miss that tiny little iCal alert dialog? Use a more prominent Open File alarm.

First save an image, text file, sound, or movie that will really fill your screen and grab your attention.

Select an iCal event and choose Open File as the alert type. Choose your unmissable file as the one to open.

Set more alerts with more files to open for the same event if you like. You won't miss an appointment with one of these alerts!


Submitted by
Miraz Jordan



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Prune Your Time Machine Backups Selectively

Time Machine users, rejoice! Pierce T. Wetter III has released a modified version of the open-source GrandPerspective utility (see "GrandPerspective and WhatSize Identify Disk Pigs," 2007-10-12) - a version that understands the use of file and folder hard links peculiar to a Time Machine backup.

You can use this modified GrandPerspective to scan your entire Time Machine backup folder. Files that appear in more than one backup snapshot are eliminated from view, so you can easily spot large files that are either (1) one-time entries you didn't really need backed up, or (2) repeated backups of some large file that changes more frequently than you make snapshots. For example, in this screen shot, the large file selected, artsyPhotos.ivc, is unnecessarily backed up three times (it's the same as the large green file in the center and at the top-center of the picture).

You can then recover some space by entering Time Machine and expunging backups of the troublesome file, as you see me doing here. (See where the Action menu says "Delete All Backups Of...?" It deletes all copies of the file from the backups folder.)

If the presence of large unnecessary backups is diagnostic of some flaw in your backup strategy, you might also like to modify your Time Machine preferences to exclude, explicitly, the troublesome file(s).

I recovered about 10 GB of backup drive space instantly by discovering large files and folders that I had unnecessarily and inadvertently backed up.


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