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Viewing Wi-Fi Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, hold down the Option key before clicking the AirPort menu. Doing so reveals additional technical details including which standards, speeds, and frequencies you're using to connect, as well as what's in use by other networks. With the Option key held down and with a network already joined, the AirPort menu reveals seven pieces of information: the PHY Mode, the MAC (Media Access Control) address, the channel and band in use, the security method that's in use, the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) measurement, the transmit rate, and the MCS Index. In Leopard, some, but not all, of these details are revealed by Option-clicking the AirPort menu.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Network Security Podcast on Leopard

I was a guest this week on the Network Security Podcast, speaking with Rich Mogull, a frequent TidBITS contributor. We spoke about the early concerns with the security model and certain parts of the way it works in Leopard. Specifically, we focused on stuff that's hidden from most users (library randomization, application signing, and sandboxing); the new firewall and how it really, truly sucks; and concerns about Back to My Mac, a great feature that raises a lot of questions about risks of exposure.

We talked for an hour, and in some cases barely scratched the surface. Rich has a list of further reading at his site.


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