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Keyboard Shortcuts in Stacks

You aren't limited to using the mouse or trackpad to select items within a stack. Once you've clicked a stack to open it, you can type a letter to jump to the first file starting with that letter, or press either the Tab or arrow keys to move among the stack's contents. Press Return to open the selected item.

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iMovie HD 6 Free for iLife '08 Owners

People who've rushed out to buy iLife '08 or a new iMac are discovering that the new iMovie '08 is completely different from previous versions. As I noted yesterday (see "A Few Important iMovie '08 Notes," 2007-08-08), iMovie '08 is missing several features (such as themes or DVD chapter markers) that you may be accustomed to.

The good news is: if you're upgrading to iLife '08, your previous version of iMovie HD 6 remains intact, giving you the option of editing video with either application. But if you've just purchased a new iMac that comes with iLife '08 pre-installed, you didn't have that option until today.

Apple has now made iMovie HD 6 available free for owners of iMovie '08. The installer checks to see if iLife '08 is installed, so it's not a gift to owners of earlier versions of iMovie. iMovie HD 6 is a 154.6 MB download.


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