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View Extra Battery Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-click the Battery icon in the menu bar to show the battery's current condition - Normal is good. Other messages might read Replace Soon, Replace Now, Check Battery, or Service Battery. Choosing the message opens a Mac Help document with more information.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Macworld SF 2007 Event Updates

Macworld Expo is always a hectic time for us, what with oodles of appearances and signings, and sometimes we can't nail them down entirely before our last issue of the year. This year was no exception, so here are some updates and reminders. (For the full lineup, see "Macworld SF 2007 Events," 2006-12-18.)

  • Wednesday, January 10th: At 2:00 PM, I'll be at the MacTech booth (#N3320) to show off the snazzy new TidBITS Archive CD that you can buy there for a show special of $29.95, sign CDs, and generally reminisce about events from yesteryear that the CD makes easy to find. Remember RAM Doubler? How about DiskDoubler? At 2:15 PM, Glenn Fleishman will be answering questions about 3G cellular technology and Wi-Fi at Macworld's booth stage (#408) as a follow-up to their technology trends issue.
  • Thursday, January 11th: If you don't already have dinner plans, be sure to sign up for what is actually the 22nd annual Netter's Dinner, or depending on your perspective, the 12th Annual Last Netter's Dinner. It's at 6 PM; meet at the top of the escalators leading down to South Hall and be prepared for a brisk and geek-intensive walk. Alas, the indefatigable Jon Pugh will be incommunicado, so I'm in charge once again (insert evil laugh here). Freebies are always welcome for me to award to particularly good answers in the raise-your-hands survey.
  • Friday, January 12th: I'll be talking with Shawn King at 2:00 PM, though not on the Macworld magazine stage as previously noted, but at the Taste of the Conference stage.

And finally, Ilene Hoffman's Hess Events List has filled out nicely, so if you're not sure what to do, be sure to check it out.


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