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Copy Excel Selection as a Picture

Want to show someone a chunk of an Excel spreadsheet via email or iChat? You could take a screenshot, but if you want to show just a portion of the Excel window and you don't use a utility like Snapz Pro, you can do this right from within Excel 2008. Make a selection, hold down the Shift key, and choose Copy Picture from the Edit menu. You can select whether the selection will be rendered as though it was shown on screen or as though it was printed. Then just switch to your desired destination and paste.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Apple Updates GarageBand, iWork, and More

Apple Updates GarageBand, iWork, and More -- Apple posted a trio of updates while TidBITS was on hiatus last week. GarageBand 3.0.2, according to the company's terse announcement, "addresses issues with video handling, podcast exporting, and importing QuickTime markers. It also addresses a number of other minor issues." The update is a 32.2 MB download via Software Update or as a 30 MB stand-alone download.

< garageband302update.html>

Apple's iWork '06 updates also appear to be bug fixes. Pages 2.0.1 (a 20 MB download) sees repairs to its charting and image adjustment features, while Keynote 3.0.1 (a 39 MB download) tackles three-dimensional charts with textures; both also address other unspecified issues. Lastly, the Apple Keyboard Update 1.0 is a 12 MB download that improves reliability of the keyboard and mouse on the first Intel-based MacBook Pro, iMac, and Mac mini models. [JLC]

< pages201.html>
< keynote301.html>
< applekeyboardupdate10.html>


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