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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

WWDC Moves to August

WWDC Moves to August -- Apple has opened registration for the 2006 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), which is interesting primarily because the dates for this year's conference are August 7th through 11th, roughly two months later than recent instances of WWDC. Though wags have suggested that the date change was designed so WWDC didn't conflict with the World Cup in Germany (which might prevent European developers from attending), it's more likely that the date change means that the next version of Mac OS X - currently thought to be called Leopard - isn't ready for a June showing, causing Apple to move WWDC later in the year so as to be able to discuss Leopard appropriately with Macintosh developers. Of course, it's also possible that there was merely a scheduling conflict with the venue that Apple wanted, and that August was the next available date. Even if it is true that Apple is delaying WWDC for Leopard's sake, there's no telling whether or not the delay would affect Leopard's eventual ship date. [ACE]



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