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Undelete an iPhone Voicemail Message

There's no Command-Z in the Phone app, but you may be able to retrieve a deleted voicemail message: Open the Voicemail screen in the Phone app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Deleted Messages. To restore a listed message, tap it and then click Undelete.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

PowerBook Repair Extension Targets RAM Problems

PowerBook Repair Extension Targets RAM Problems -- Apple recently announced the PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5GHz) Memory Slot Repair Extension Program (yes, that's the full title). The program addresses an issue that many PowerBook G4 owners have been experiencing where the lower memory slot would stop working. PowerBook G4 models manufactured between January 2005 and April 2005 are affected (serial numbers W8503xxxxxx through W8518xxxxxx); Apple will replace the memory slot and extend the warranty covering the repairs for two years. More specific information can be found at Apple's Web page about the program. [JLC]

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