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Enter Dashboard, Expose, or Spaces Temporarily

Hold down F9, F10, F11, or F12 (or whatever you've set for the Expose and Spaces keyboard shortcuts) for a few seconds, and then release the key to enter and leave the appropriate mode without having to press the key again. This is particularly useful for Dashboard, in which you can check the contents of a widget and then return to your work with only a single key press.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

PCalc Adds! (A New Version, That Is)

PCalc Adds! (A New Version, That Is) -- PCalc is a calculator utility by James Thomson (who also writes DragThing, my favorite launcher). Developing a calculator is something of a thankless task, because users feel that arithmetic is something computers should just know how to do, and because a free calculator utility is always included by default. PCalc, however, has had remarkable staying power; it's been around for a long time, and has usually been the calculator that Apple strives to emulate with each successive version of its calculator. The Tiger version of Apple's calculator threatened to catch up at last, adding reverse Polish notation and hexadecimal/binary mode. Now PCalc strikes back with version 3, adding extensible unit conversions and user functions, plus a superior interface (you can do just about everything without the mouse, plus it looks really slick with all three drawers showing - RPN stack, Unicode, and paper tape). PCalc requires Tiger 10.4.2 (and includes a calculator Dashboard widget); it costs $20 and is a free upgrade for current PCalc users. [MAN]



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