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Quickly Mail a Link in Safari

Reading a Web page in Safari and want to send the URL to a friend via email? Simply press Command-Shift-I to open a new email message with the Web page title as the Subject line and the Web page URL in the message body.



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Not the Final Frontier

Not the Final Frontier -- Frontier, from UserLand Software, has been updated to version 4.2. A powerful, fast Mac scripting environment, Frontier 4.2 features significantly refined Web site management tools (including NewsPage for constantly-updating pages), improved macro processing, live HTML editing in Frontier's built-in outliner, support for making MCF site maps (see TidBITS-355), a useful suite of Finder scripts for webmasters and authors (delivered via Leonard Rosenthol's OSA Menu), and tight integration with WebSTAR 2.0. Frontier is still free; the curious can get a good sense of it by studying the online documentation. [MN]


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