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Copy Before Submitting Web Forms

Filling in Web forms (like the one used to submit this tip) can be a bit of a gamble - you put in your pearls of wisdom, perhaps only to lose them all if the Web page flakes out or the browser crashes. Instead of losing all your text, "save" it by pressing Command-A to select all and then Command-C to copy the selected text to the clipboard. Do this periodically as you type and before you click Submit, and you may "save" yourself from a lot of frustration. It takes just a second to do, and the first time you need to rely on it to paste back in lost text, you'll feel smart.

Submitted by
Larry Leveen



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

NetPresenz 4.1 Released and Discussed

NetPresenz 4.1 Released and Discussed -- Peter Lewis of Stairways Software has released version 4.1 of NetPresenz , a popular Web, FTP, and Gopher server. The main area of improvement centers on increased stability under heavy load conditions, but the Web server now includes enhanced CGI support, CGI authentication, and server-side includes for creating dynamic Web pages. You still can't beat NetPresenz's price at $10, and 4.1 is a free upgrade for users who registered after 01-Jan-96. Users who registered prior to that date can upgrade for $5.


Stairways also announced two new mailing lists for discussing NetPresenz and Anarchie. To subscribe, send email to either <> or <>. Since the lists use same kind of on/off addresses we established for managing subscriptions to TidBITS, no commands are necessary. You can also sign up via a Web form for these and other lists that Stairways runs. [ACE]



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