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Open Multiple Items from Stacks

Want to open multiple items from a stack in the Dock? Hold down the Option key while clicking them to keep the stack visible while the documents open.

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Apple Releases Security Update 2003-08-14

Apple Releases Security Update 2003-08-14 -- Apple has released Security Update 2003-08-14 for Mac OS X, a 1.1 MB download available via Software Update. The release corrects an off-by-one programming error in a FreeBSD networking function which could potentially be exploited to give a remote user root-level access to a Mac OS X system. The problem was originally found in the wu-ftpd FTP server, and impacts FreeBSD Unix and other FreeBSD-derived operating systems, including Solaris and some flavors of Linux. As of this writing, Apple has not provided any substantive information about the update; however, there are no known instances of this potential problem having been exploited under Mac OS X or any other operating system. [GD]

< security_updates.html>
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