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Stop Eye Strain in Excel 2008

You can make text bigger in Excel by zooming to a larger percentage with the Zoom control in the toolbar, or by selecting the cells containing too-small text, choosing Format > Cells (Command-1), and then setting options in the Font pane. You can also increase the default font size for new sheets by modifying the Size field (next to the Standard Font field) in the General pane of Excel's preferences.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Jul-03

TidBITS Ice Cream Social 2003 -- If you'll be in New York City on Tuesday, 15-Jul-03, and want to meet me and other TidBITS readers, come by the TidBITS Ice Cream Social at 8 PM at the Paramount Hotel. Details below. (1 message)


Reselling an iPod -- Want to resell your iPod and buy a new one? Read this for information on how to wipe the old one clean first. (2 messages)


Moving virtual memory swap files -- The discussions of optimizing hard disks morphed into a question of whether or not you can improve performance by moving Mac OS X's virtual memory swap files to another disk or partition. (17 messages)


iBook battery problems -- Recent versions of Mac OS X 10.2.x have seemingly caused and resolved problems with iBook batteries, so this thread is worth a read if you're having battery problems of any sort. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions have helped Adam resurrect his blueberry iBook's battery. (10 messages)


Software Update operations -- Two facts of note: Software Update can operate fully only when an admin user is logged in, and there's a command line version that's also available. (4 messages)


More on color management -- Readers chime in with additional details on Keith Cooper's article on color management. (4 messages)


iTunes Music Store exclusive CD -- Apple scores an exclusive CD for the iTunes Music Store - the soundtrack to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Of course, if you want to buy a physical CD, there's still an option for that too. (2 messages)


Reading TidBITS on the Palm -- Lots of different methods of reading issues of TidBITS on Palm OS handhelds, including a four-year-old conversion service from Dave Charlesworth. (7 messages)



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