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Quickly Mail a Link in Safari

Reading a Web page in Safari and want to send the URL to a friend via email? Simply press Command-Shift-I to open a new email message with the Web page title as the Subject line and the Web page URL in the message body.



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Fetch 3.0.2 Released

Fetch 3.0.2 Released -- As companies have begun to use the Internet to deliver software directly to users, file sizes seem to have grown exponentially. And frequently, as you download these huge files, your modem connection will break, requiring you to download the whole thing again. Fetch 3.0.2 circumvents this problem by incorporating a Resume Download feature that attempts to pick up where the first connection left off, assuming the specific FTP server you're using supports it. Other improvements in this release include greater stability with Open Transport, and incorporation of Stuart Cheshire's Natural Order sorting algorithm (see TidBITS-364). [JLC]

< fetch.html>


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