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Re-Order the Fetch Shortcuts Menus

Do you use a shortcuts menu frequently in Fetch? Whether you use the Shortcuts menu bar menu or the "heart" shortcuts pop-up menu in the New Connection dialog, you can change the order of the shortcuts in the menu: Choose Shortcuts > Show Shortcuts to open the Fetch Shortcuts window. Click any column header in the window to change the sort order. The menus will show the shortcuts in the same order as the window.

Visit Fetch Softworks



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Macworld Expo SF 2003 Events

The future of the East Coast Macworld Expo trade shows was called into question by the recent dispute between Apple and IDG World Expo, and the cancelling of Macworld Expo Tokyo in 2003 added to the uncertainty. And yet, Apple released a statement saying "Apple will continue to participate in Macworld San Francisco in January" without specifying a year. So even though it sounds like Macworld Expo in San Francisco has a future, it also seems likely that the world of Macintosh trade shows will see radical changes in 2003. If you're planning on attending, make the most of this year's show.

We've heard of almost no public events this year, but Ilene Hoffman is just about to start updating the Robert Hess Memorial Events List for this show, so it's worth checking the list before the show for parties to attend.


TidBITS Events -- A number of TidBITS staff members, including myself, Jeff Carlson, Matt Neuburg, and Mark Anbinder, will be at the show and speaking on a variety of topics. We certainly hope to see the regulars, and if it's your first time at Macworld Expo, be sure to stop by and say hello, since we have a few of the coveted TidBITS t-shirts to hand out to Macworld first-timers.

  • On Tuesday, January 7th at 3 PM, Glenn Fleishman and I will be talking about troubleshooting wireless networks at the Aladdin booth (#1407). Bring your questions!

  • On Wednesday, January 8th, I'll be chatting with user group members about Apple's show announcements and more from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the User Group Lounge, which is room 250/262 (West Mezzanine in the South Hall of Moscone, one level above the show floor). After that, from 1:15 PM to 2:30 PM, I'll be giving a Macworld Users conference session entitled "Getting Started with iPhoto" in room 301. I plan to do an overview of iPhoto with tips and tricks. From 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM in Room 120, Matt Neuburg will be delivering a Macworld Pro conference session entitled "Taking Control of Mac OS X." Matt always puts on a great show, so if you've been wondering about how to automate applications like FileMaker Pro, Eudora, and Microsoft Word in Mac OS X using tools like QuicKeys, BBEdit, Script Debugger, REALbasic, and Cocoa, don't miss him.

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  • On Thursday, January 9th from 12:30 to 1:15 PM, Bob LeVitus, Ted Landau, and I ("The Mad Dogcows") will be taking on Shawn King, Chris Breen, and Andy Ihnatko (the "X.F.L. Team") in the MacBraniac Challenge Macintosh trivia contest, hosted by David Pogue. We're already in the lead on the basis of having a better name, but be sure to come to the keynote hall to find out which team can pull more useless Macintosh trivia from their brains. From 2:00 to 3:00 PM I'll be at the Peachpit booth to talk about iPhoto, and from 5:00 to 6:00 PM I'll be back at the Peachpit booth with Glenn Fleishman to turn you on to all the latest and greatest happenings in the world of wireless networking.

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  • On Friday, January 10th at noon, come listen to Jeff Carlson and a panel of authors at the Peachpit booth talk about digital video and how to get the most out of that digital camcorder you received for Christmas.

Netter's Dinner -- Sure, it may be formulaic, but it's a formula we like. For the 17th straight year, the annual Netter's Dinner will take place Thursday, January 9th at the Hunan at Sansome and Broadway, where the hot and spicy Chinese food (vegetarian dishes are included too) costs $18. You must register by 07-Jan-02 via Kagi - use the link below. As has happened the last few years, the booming voice and Hawaiian shirt of our fearless organizer, Jon Pugh, will once again be absent, so I'll be moderating the boisterous raise-your-hands survey. Help me avoid sounding unprepared on stage by sending me suggestions for questions, and when you're yelling suggestions from the audience, yell loudly!

< nettersdinner.html>

As in previous years, meet at the top of the escalators on the south side of Moscone at 6:00 PM and be prepared for a brisk, sometimes damp walk that snarls traffic throughout downtown San Francisco. I may show up a few minutes after 6:00 PM, but we'll leave no later than 6:30 PM for the restaurant.


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