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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



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BBEdit 7.0.1 Available

BBEdit 7.0.1 Available -- Hot on the heels of the release of BBEdit 7.0, Bare Bones Software has released a free update to BBEdit 7.0.1. Among other minor fixes, the patch addresses conflicts with system-wide keystrokes under Mac OS X, improves BBEdit's new CVS support, tweaks processing of HTML and XHTML files, and offers a handful of FTP enhancements. You can read complete release notes on the Bare Bones Web site. Although most of the enhancements (and the focus) of BBEdit is for use under Mac OS X, BBEdit 7 does run under Mac OS 9.2.2, so classic Mac users aren't left out of all its text-munging goodness. The BBEdit 7.0.1 update is a 9.3 MB download. [GD]

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