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Expose Shortcut for Arrange All Windows

In Expose in Snow Leopard, with all windows visible, press F9 (or the Expose key [F3] on recent Mac laptops), then press Command-1 to arrange the windows by name or press Command-2 to arrange them by application.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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GramCop Filters Poorly Written Email

GramCop Filters Poorly Written Email -- Tired of reading email that's rife with spelling and grammatical mistakes? Concerned that the rise of quick email and instant messaging has caused writing skills to deteriorate to the point of incomprehensibility? Thanks to a new service from the people who brought you SpamCop, you can restrict incoming mail to those messages that the senders care enough about to have checked spelling and basic grammar. Luckily, tools exist to ease the burden on those whose spelling and grammar skills aren't sufficient to get past GramCop's weighted checks. Many email programs, including Eudora, Microsoft Outlook Express and Entourage, and Apple's Mail under Mac OS X, include spell-checking capabilities, and third-party solutions such as Casady & Greene's Spell Catcher and Grammarian exist for those who prefer other email programs. Although grammar checking tools have long been derided for their inaccuracy, GramCop supplements the automatic tools with moonlighting 7th grade English teachers whose efforts should help improve GramCop's accuracy (and also help support our nation's educators).


GramCop costs $30 per year for individuals; discount pricing is available, as are site licenses if you want GramCop to filter poorly composed email for an entire domain. A separate $10 per year service includes detailed explanations of the spelling and grammatical errors in the bounces that are returned to the original senders; GramCop expects this to be popular with people for whom English is a secondary language and who wish to improve their writing skills. [ACE]


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