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Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

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Word Macro Security Fix Available

Word Macro Security Fix Available -- Microsoft has posted the Microsoft Word for Macintosh Security Update: Macro Vulnerability, a long title for a simple and important fix. In Word 98 and Word 2001, malicious code can be embedded as a macro in Rich Text Format (RTF) files, which would not be recognized by Word's internal macro-checking mechanism. The update prevents macros from opening without a security warning. The problem only affects Word 98 and Word 2001, not the other components of Microsoft Office. The update is a 361K download. [JLC]

< office2001/wordmacro.asp>


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