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Show Hidden Files in Open/Save Dialogs in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, if you want to show otherwise hidden files in Open and Save dialog file lists, just press Command-Shift-period. Pressing it again hides the files.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Conflict Catcher Updated to 8.0.8

Conflict Catcher Updated to 8.0.8 -- Casady & Greene has released Conflict Catcher 8.0.8, adding support for Mac OS 9.1. Specifically, the new version adds Mac OS 9.1 All and Base sets, and updates the Clean Install System Merge for Mac OS 9.1. In addition, you can define a default set for use under Mac OS 9 running in Mac OS X's Classic mode. The update is free for registered users of Conflict Catcher 8 and is a 1.4 MB download. [JLC]



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