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Open Links from Apple Mail in the Background

If an email message in Mail includes a Web link which you'd prefer to check out after you've read all your mail, and you don't want to hunt for the link later, Command-click the link in the message to open a browser window in the background. Mail remains the foreground application, and the browser window can wait till you're ready.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardetto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Connectix Ships Virtual PC with Linux

Connectix Ships Virtual PC with Linux -- Connectix has shipped a version of its Virtual PC Pentium emulation product bundled with a pre-installed copy of Red Hat Linux. Running Linux within Virtual PC removes some of the performance advantages of running versions of Linux compiled for the Mac's native CPU (such as LinuxPPC and Yellow Dog Linux), but makes up for it with increased installation simplicity and compatibility with more software that's compiled to run on Linux-based PCs rather than on Linux-based Macs. Since Virtual PC runs in a window on the Mac, switching between the Mac OS and Linux doesn't require rebooting. Virtual PC with Red Hat Linux costs $100 and sports the hefty system requirements of a PowerPC G3 or G4 running at 350 MHz or faster, 1.1 GB of disk space, Mac OS 8.6 or later, and 96 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended). [ACE]

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