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Toggle Dock Magnification Temporarily

Sometimes it may be handy to enable or disable Dock magnification quickly. You can toggle Dock magnification from your normal settings easily, and temporarily, by pressing Control-Shift as you mouse over the Dock.

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Overloaded With Extensions

Teng Chou Ming has released the $10 shareware Extension Overload 2.7, a stand-alone DOCMaker document that provides information about 666 extensions, 245 control panels, Easter Eggs, Macintosh error codes, and more. It's smaller than, but otherwise quite similar, to Dan Frakes's InformINIT 8.1 (see "InformINIT: Your Personal Macintosh Informant" in TidBITS 429). Although there's obviously much overlap between the two, they provide complementary information in places. Extension Overload is a 227K download.


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